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Dajjer: Anyone ever play Among the Sleep with a VR headset? It was a big deal when the game was designed but I have not heard anything since.
I have not done so yet, but I intend to soon. I don't personally have a Rift, but my best friend has one and I will be trying it out the next time I go to his house. Keep in mind that it was originally built around the DK1 version of the headset, so it takes a bit of tweaking to get it to work with the DK2. The devs said they were going to patch in DK2 compatibility a few months ago, but there has been no updates on the subject in quite a while.
Tekkaman-James: Just in case anyone was curious, Among the Sleep is compatible with the Oculus Rift VR headset. In fact, so is Q.U.B.E.: Director's Cut, which is also part of this sale. Ether One, which is currently having a silent 50% off sale of its own, is also compatible. You can see my GOGmix about them, here! ^_^
I really, really, REALLY want to get a VR headset, but I got burned in the past with the VFX-1 (which I still have in my closet) and my only concern with current VR technology is that (maybe due to my ignorance) it doesn't seem like there is any standardization and it is still an "exploratory" area which now has a couple big players in the arena.

I'm trying to be cautious and wait to see who ends up on top (kind of like VHS vs. BetaMax or DVD-HD vs. Blu-Ray). :-)
Manse: Yikes, relax, it's an 11 year old game...
The_Blog: Well you just gave away the whole story twist of the game. And it is my favourite game so I am bound to be a bit thin-skinned when it comes to Spellforce ;)
The only reason ANYONE knows that I gave away the plot twist is because you brought it to everyone's attention that I had spoiled it...way to go.
Coelocanth: NOoooooooooooooo!

Shot through the heart, and you're to blame. You gave my backlog.... more game!
Wooo, I think is my my favorite gift-bomb acceptance of all time. hahaha
Shendue: At least they are not bats. I hate bats. Almost every single friggin videogame has them and they are always the most annoying enemies.
Most annoying enemies in Zelda? Bats. God of war? Bats. Castlevania? You guessed, bats.
I really hate those stupid bats.
I've come to hate zombie dogs with a passion.

Bloody undead dogs in Dark Souls. They just... won't... stay STILL.
And then there's the two dogs at the capra demon boss fight.

high rated
Tekkaman-James: Going to attempt to catch up on the thread a tiny bit, but I at least wanted everyone to know that I am here. Just waiting on that last appearance of Blocks That Matter and I will, essentially, be all set.
Tarnicus: I keep misreading that as Bollocks That Matter and thinking "Of course they do!"
I'll always misread that title thanks to tinyE:
MeganSC: Evening everyone :)

I sent you a question via PM, see under the account tab if you are unfamiliar with the site :)
j0ekerr: And then there's the two dogs at the capra demon boss fight.
That fight was really frustrating.
Oh my gosh, I just noticed the front page. "Fresh" and "Fresh Too" hahaha
Tarnicus: I keep misreading that as Bollocks That Matter and thinking "Of course they do!"
budejovice: I'll always misread that title thanks to tinyE:
Strangely I always associate tinyE with that game title too :)
Dajjer: Anyone ever play Among the Sleep with a VR headset? It was a big deal when the game was designed but I have not heard anything since.
And I would also like to know, does it require you to be on all fours to get a more realistic experience? :P
Is Among the Sleep atmospheric scary or cheap jumpscare scary? After playing System Shock 2 I absolutely loathe cheap jump scares. I'm not looking to buy it as both BG1 and BG2 are on my backlog with a ton of other games. If it is atmospheric scary though, I might consider buying it some time down the line.

Just for trentonlf: Don't gift me this. There are no hints whatsoever of me wanting this game. It's a simple question.
So the seasoned games came to last. Did "Vangers" even passed up in the last round?
high rated
MeganSC: Evening everyone :)

First post on this site having only signed up a few months ago. I've bought just a couple of games in this promo as I've been at work/asleep for the majority. The only other game I'm interested in getting my hands on is A Bird Story, seeing as I have a little store credit and would be able to get it for free.

Welcome to the forums, code for A Bird Story PMd and instructions on how to activate it :)
InaneKorruption: Just for trentonlf: Don't gift me this. There are no hints whatsoever of me wanting this game. It's a simple question.
If GOG still had - or in future decides to again implement - signature blocks, I think I'll use this.