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Tekkaman-James: Blocks That Matter
Blocks That Matter is terrific. There are a small few speed levels, which I found irksome, but the rest is excellent fun.

GOG had a puzzle bundle some time ago: Blocks that Matter, Tetrobot & Co, Qube, Mousecraft, and Clarc. Easily the best bundle I've seen here.
IAmSinistar: Thanks for all the kind words, folks! Keep on enjoying the sale, as you people are the best part of it. Have a superb weekend and, time permitting, play some of the bounty you've gain from Insomnia, the great sale series there ever was!
Enjoy the weekend and thanks for your efforts and the magical lists.
Niggles: has tie fighter been through again?? (will it?)
No, Seasoned is finished.
Niggles: has tie fighter been through again?? (will it?)
Yup.Goner.No more seasoned games left.Only fresh remaining.
BobbyTastic: Brenda Brathwaite

Wife of John Romero!
stg83: Correct, now she goes by Brenda Romero.

PM sent. :)
Thanks! Have had Wizardry 6&7 for the longest time on GOG, now I can finish the set.

Now to track down someone with Gex.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by BobbyTastic
IAmSinistar: Great job! Nice that happened for you at last. :)
stg83: Indeed, I am very glad. :D

Now on that note lets keep the spirit of Seasoned GOG titles alive so if there is anyone that missed or hasn't gotten a single freebie yet and is interested in Wizardry 8 then answer the following query:

Only answer if you want the game

Q: Who was the lead designer on Wizardry 8?
i think it was randy pitchford and peter molyneux :)
Post edited March 06, 2015 by apehater
fresh fresh too

Thanks a lot once more for the work of you and now Gragar, Pidgeot and also all the others to make this Insomnias real happenings - still want to know what sort of coffee youre on - if it can be bought legaly ;-)
Hope you will join for the final countdown even if it may be still days
ok seriously;
paladin181: Witcher 2 Enhanced edition (-85%) [600]

That seems a little... Optimistic. Doesn't everyone own the Witcher 2?
Not I, well, that is, until NOW. Woohoo! Got Witcher 2, so now my long wait is over and I can go home at the end of the day feeling good.

9 games bought: 5 Seasoned, 2 Fresh, 2 new releases (oops... ;-) $34.11 total. And not one crit hit freebie. Oh well.
LiefLayer: fresh fresh too

Although Stale and Stale too would match well considering the pace at which they are selling.
I don't want to think about the total I spent on this sale. I may cry.. and my wife may kill me.
BobbyTastic: Thanks! Have had Wizardry 6&7 for the longest time on GOG, now I can finish the set.
You're welcome, have fun. :)
evilnancyreagan: ok seriously;
That is so cool :)
Lot of code giving within last minutes, so here is another one^^

If you are interested in Little Big Adventure 2: Twinsen's Odyssey
jsut answer this question.

What is name of Twinsen's main weapon?

Only answer if you want the game