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IAmSinistar: Thanks for all the kind words, folks! Keep on enjoying the sale, as you people are the best part of it. Have a superb weekend and, time permitting, play some of the bounty you've gain from Insomnia, the great sale series there ever was!
No one actually plays the games... We just collect them. Right? Right? Why are you all looking at me like that? Is it just me then??
paladin181: Witcher 2 Enhanced edition (-85%) [600]

That seems a little... Optimistic. Doesn't everyone own the Witcher 2?
Yeah, plus today I learned that if you bought it on Steam, the key works on GoG.. Crazy.
BobbyTastic: Brenda Brathwaite

Wife of John Romero!
Really? I know she worked on Jagged Alliance and *tadush* Playboy - The Mansion.
BobbyTastic: Brenda Brathwaite

Wife of John Romero!
Correct, now she goes by Brenda Romero.

PM sent. :)
paladin181: That seems a little... Optimistic. Doesn't everyone own the Witcher 2?
Someone says that every time, and every time it sells faster than anyone anticipates. Let's hope that's still the case in spite of the large number of copies available.
Yeah...didn't GOG give Witcher 2 out free just a while back???

Kinda sucks that a great game'll probably end up keaning uber hard...
paladin181: Witcher 2 Enhanced edition (-85%) [600]

That seems a little... Optimistic. Doesn't everyone own the Witcher 2?
That's what we all said about the 2 first rounds, but it didn't prevent a total of 650 copies from flying. :P
IAmSinistar: Thanks for all the kind words, folks! Keep on enjoying the sale, as you people are the best part of it. Have a superb weekend and, time permitting, play some of the bounty you've gain from Insomnia, the great sale series there ever was!
Thank you champ! Have some well deserved sleep and see you soon!!
Ah, Geralt's ugly face will be gazing on us for a while.

Though I own one, maybe my cat doesn't. Decisions, decisions...
IAmSinistar: time permitting, play some of the bounty you've gain from Insomnia
I try! Oh, how I try! :-P
Turtlesaur: and dam, 600x witcher 2, that could take a while ... i suspect just about everyone has a copy of that one already :P
Hah! I dont have a copy of that one
high rated
Have fun, and don't do anything I wouldn't! (~_^)
opeter2: Robin Hood was gone.
The_Blog: Yeah sadly. Atelast now I have something left for the next sale ^^
I may have to disappoint you...
has tie fighter been through again?? (will it?)
Well, Witcher 2 goes in rather nice pace. I hope it will be less than an hour :)