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IAmSinistar: I shouldn't have looked. Almost the entire first page of my bank statement is GOG transactions.
Console yourself with the fact that they're very small transactions.

A nice dinner is more expensive, and the warm cozy feeling it gives you only lasts for an hour or two. While these will last you MONTHS.
Kyper: Does anyone know if Spellforce has come around again? I hope I didn't miss it.
It did. Only Fresh games left now.
I got two critical hit freebies on Tuesday; Braveland Wizard and Banished... still trying to figure out how I pull off even one. [...on generic Android brower at that]
Post edited March 06, 2015 by undeadcow
mailman27: Am I using the wrong browser or something?!? Not a single crit.
kmolloy: Are you not using Netscape Navigator? Critical hit every click.
Actually you need to use Google Ultron, Nasa uses it.
Mister-Gosh: Oh by the way, I got a crit on Bard's Tale but I won't play it, so if anyone missed it...
You should!

Watch and [url=]this here.
truhlik: May I Askfor it?
Mister-Gosh: And you shall receive. PM incoming.
And got it.Thanks!
j0ekerr: A nice dinner is more expensive, and the warm cozy feeling it gives you only lasts for an hour or two. While these will last you MONTHS.
You mean ... years :)
undeadcow: Same here; I'd hate for my wif... bank to see all these game binges.
I'm actually hiding them from the bank, funnily enough. I have a hard limit set of card uses per day and Insomnia is literally the only time it's annoying.
IAmSinistar: Updated the Day Five post with the new nomenclature.
Great work as always IAmSinistar another +1 to you, haven't heard the word 'nomenclature' since my 12th grade chemistry class which I was terrible at. :)
high rated
IAmSinistar: I shouldn't have looked. Almost the entire first page of my bank statement is GOG transactions.
Celton88: LOL. I January I downloaded my AmEx year end statement and filtered by vendor. GOG showed up more often and for a larger amount than I thought.. I had to keep that little info nugget from my wife :p
Um, Celton, where are pages 4-26???
ws.kimble: Didn't do to bad I guess .. bought around 20ish games .. and the only seasoned I think I missed that I was interested in was Sudeki, Wizardry 8, and Uru: Complete Chronicles .. still soooo many fresh games to catch tho lol.

Out of all that no crits however.
Check your pm's. ;)
opeter2: Does someone have a list, how many games or what titles are left? Thanks in advance.
First post.
Kyper: Does anyone know if Spellforce has come around again? I hope I didn't miss it.
Cavalary: Seasoned list finished, so yes it did.
Well thats crap. I had the 2nd game and wanted to get the 1st. Will Gog be taking the game off their shelves after the sale?
j0ekerr: Console yourself with the fact that they're very small transactions.
Oh, I do. :)

Valentine's Day dinner alone was more than I spent in toto on this sale.
tinyE: Where were you the other day when I got told off for being too silly in here!? :P
Considering how many posts there have been in this very thread over these past few days, there's no way I could keep up with it all, not when work and studies call my attention...and especially when I've tried to keep up with what games have been or are currently on sale.

There's nothing wrong with being silly from time to time, though. It's never a bad thing to cheer people up, and even simple gestures like that can brighten someone's day. :)