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What is a 'Crit' ?
I keep hearing that people got free games during this promo...
Where does this show up? How do you get them?
Damn, was really hoping for a Crit on that one. No luck.
Fast pace :)
LiefLayer: if I understand Risen it's a sort of the witcher.... or I'm wrong?
Geralt_of_Rivia: Similar, but it's closer to Gothic.
thank you. Finally I decide to use my 1.50€ on Risen
Grargar: Seasoned deal: Star Wars: Tie Fighter Special Edition (-50%) [600]

Quick! The last LucasArts game!
I love LUCASART....but I hate Space fighting....dilemna...i will try the crit =)
the_voivod: They're seriously stringing Nox out.
Cause they know people want it.
Holy.... good morning, GOG! My husband will be happy - I just got a crit on TIE Fighter. O.O
Is Tie Fighter even playable without a joystick?
I had one critical hit on AI Fleet Command, luckily it was one I was going to buy anyways.
hurvl: I don't know what people are complaining about, if you don't want the game then simply don't click on the Buy Now button. You know that you don't have to click on that button for every game that shows up, right?
Not complaining at all I am quite content actually with what I got, most of the time the clicking was out of sheer curiosity since I wanted to see if I could ever get the critical hit page like some other folks did. :)
huN73R: Don't post them openly, MAHAYO!
Mister-Gosh: Mahayo?
Make A Human Answer YOu.

Offer the codes in the forum and send them via PM to people who reply. If you just post codes readable for all you attract people who do nothing but gobble up codes. Some even use Bots to do so faster than anyone else.

We have a saying here which literally translates to: Feed the doves, attract the rats.
Tekkaman-James: Something tells me that TIE Fighter will be the final Seasoned game with Nox just prior to that.
Tekkaman-James: Well, I guess I was wrong. :P
It's off to the flogging corner with you. Can't have you making wrong guesses around here!
ryantmaurer: Is Tie Fighter even playable without a joystick?
Comes with both versions, I think. Older version shouldn't require one.
Instead of double-listing the Fresh titles, they're just going to put up 50,000 copies of Nox.
stg83: Incredible! whatever good luck charm you are using I would like to know about it as well so I can keep it handy for the next insomnia promo. ;)
huN73R: Nothing too good about my luck, I would have been much happier with any one of these crits Door Kickers, Wastelands 2 or Shadowgate. Who wouldn't want that though? I only kept 2 of them because I didn't gift them during checkout phase, came to know later on that it has to be done to give them away.
Didn't mean to sound ungrateful, I just couldn't crit the ones I really wanted to.
If you got a free game you don't want, and forgot to get it as a gift, try contacting Support. In many cases, they'll gladly convert any such games into gift code which you can then give away. (Just make sure not to download anything from those games -- not even bonus materials -- as that will mean they're yours permanently!)