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IanM: I'm confused, I see Wasteland 2 is gone, but what's the status of Door Kickers? Birdiesoft tracker says it was up at teatime? but IamSinistar's list says it's still to come?
It was a glitch. It popped up for a couple of seconds, but it hasn't officially come up. It should still show up again.
wizardofid: You will be waiting for a while still....:(
Maybe. Never know... It could be next. Or some other time.
At this point I'm just waiting to grab Two Worlds 2 for someone since Gex is dead and gone.

Though I guess I'd like the chance to get a crit on Tie Fighter, even though I own it physically.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by BobbyTastic
MsParanoid: May I please have Little Big Adventure if no-one else has asked yet?
Geralt_of_Rivia: Wait, you got lucky!

Rievier just PMed me that he mixed up LBA 1 and 2 and he already has the game. I'll PM you the code right away!
Oh wow, that's great! Thanks very much!
IanM: I'm confused, I see Wasteland 2 is gone, but what's the status of Door Kickers? Birdiesoft tracker says it was up at teatime? but IamSinistar's list says it's still to come?
It appeared briefly (along with AoW3) during GOG's Double Fresh test. It didn't "count", but could still be bought if one were quick.
huN73R: Critted again, 9th time! Triple Hatrick party, who wants I have no mouth and I must scream?
Incredible! whatever good luck charm you are using I would like to know about it as well so I can keep it handy for the next insomnia promo. ;)
trentonlf: Does Vangers peek your interest?
huN73R: *pique
Hah! I almost made that post myself. =D
Spelling pedants of the world, UNITE!
New Seasoned: Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition (-75%) [300]
I've learned about crits only today. All that time I was sure "crit" means "the exact game I wanted is on sale!". Trololo! Though I'm relaxed. Got everything I wanted from that sale.
Pond86: Damn you mean I missed Indy? :(
budejovice: You did, unfortunately. The last round was up for a while with 1200 copies. (2400 total in this sale.)
Did it only come around twice?
huN73R: *pique
HunchBluntley: Hah! I almost made that post myself. =D
Spelling pedants of the world, UNITE!
It would have been so much funnier if only you had written UNTIE!
paladin181: New Seasoned: Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition (-75%) [300]
two inquisition at the same time =)
paladin181: I'm only waiting on Legend of Grimrock II. :P
ajensen: That's the only one I'm still considering too! Hopefully soon...

Well maybe Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms too. Depends my mood when it comes again...
Hope you decide quickly it just appeared :)
Back from my "galettes bretonnes" homemade, did I miss much? Because I trust no list now, lol
Sweet, replenished my Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition key stock.