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ericmachado70: Has anyone played Banished? If so is it any good? Also how do you remove those notification numbers next to your account tab? I have six updates to games but the number will not go away.
Micro-BIOS: Click on the updated games in your shelf, and the numbers will eventually go away.
It worked! Thank you, I was going mad just looking at the number and feeling helpless.
budejovice: Wow! And you're braving Insomnia? Lucky little gamer in the making. :) (Congrats!)
I check in during the work day, and before bed. My immense backlog keeps me from being too disappointed when I miss a game.

And thank you. :)
I already asked this once, but here goes again. How many games does GOG have or had that contain Nox in the title?


Any more?
Hmm.... thinking I'll pass on Banished this time, the price is steep and I have Nox to wait for, also the remaining 2 Journeyman games in the weekend sale. I'm sure it will come up again at a cheaper price.
Trying to convince myself of that.

mmmmmm the mm key on my keyboard is loose and keeps juping off, it's very frustrating.
ryantmaurer: Looks like Black Mirror 2 isn't a very popular title.

it is a differnt 3d as far as i can see havent played it yet
it looks from the vids i did saw as if BM 1 is click and the person walk to it and interacts
but 2 looks like sims walking complete with those funny stiff hands... they dont sem to know what they do with the hands, so maybe they can make them put the hands in their pockets if a bm 3 should come out that way the funny way of holding the arms like an action figure isnt that obvious.

Thats one reason why the former 2d pixelsbased graphics were better cause i never saw a "where do i leave my hands hanging " while a charact was idle in the game.
moonshineshadow: At least we got a glimpse of a freebie :D
INFERNO.COP: Not vouching for this but try this but you have to do it quick since you get a sort of ticket when you press the buy now button, it doesn't just disappear if you navigate away. Anyway go to your history and check out the page you got a hit from. It should end in some sort of code. If you're lucky you can keep going from there.
Thanks! I'll try.
IAmSinistar: Man, Atlas GOGbear is on a rampage today.
He is? Haven't seen him in days.
Klumpen0815: I've just made Albion run without DoxBox under Linux in FullHD with this fine package, yay!
No such thing for Windows available, sorry.
Sweet! Now I just have to find my disc again. I know it's in a folder *somewhere*...
evilnancyreagan: Whew, that's a lot of Banisheds

Dumb thing is, I nabbed it just before insomnia started.
GhostwriterDoF: Not so much dumb, as a lack of strategic planning...
we've all had an experience like that. :)
Well, I still got a better deal on it but, that doesn't help move the fresh lane along :P

(I didn't even see it on GOG when I looked)
Klumpen0815: To Nox?

Changing my avatar took 2.5 days.
the_voivod: As close as, anyways. They replied within the hour to say the first choice been taken, but nothing since. Perhaps they're swamped with promo woes.
Whenever you reply to them concerning an open ticket it goes to the end of the line again. One of the blues said this somewhere not so long ago. So patience is in order.
IAmSinistar: If you did, you were probably playing it.
:D :D
Dalthnock: Hey, that would be cool. Why don't they have the complete Sierra catalogue, anyway?

Lazy bastards!
Micro-BIOS: I'll go for a complete Apple ][ catalog.
Well, if we're asking, how about the complete Amiga and/or ZX Spectrum?
high rated
IAmSinistar: Man, Atlas GOGbear is on a rampage today.
HypersomniacLive: He is? Haven't seen him in days.
I just saw him for the first time in days...
Played a bit of alan wake, very, very happy with the buy, and just started with Nox, more than happy, with nox,......a must buy if you don't have it yet !!!!
Dalthnock: I already asked this once, but here goes again. How many games does GOG have or had that contain Nox in the title?


Any more?
There's Aquanox 1 and Aquanox 2.