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Dalthnock: Well, I don't have the stamina you young scallywags have, anymore.

I'm an old man. Like, REALLY old. Over 30.

I used to ride dinosaurs, back in the day.
Micro-BIOS: You're old? I'm 52. And still waiting for GOG to add Mystery House to their catalog.
Hey, that would be cool. Why don't they have the complete Sierra catalogue, anyway?

Lazy bastards!
j0ekerr: Damn it, did I sleep through teen agent?
If you did, you were probably playing it.
ericmachado70: Has anyone played Banished? If so is it any good? Also how do you remove those notification numbers next to your account tab? I have six updates to games but the number will not go away.
I've played many hours so far, it's a fun little game. There is room for improvement, of course (would love to see more stats / graphs on pop. & inventory stuff). Addictive. And the graphics are nice.
ericmachado70: Has anyone played Banished? If so is it any good? Also how do you remove those notification numbers next to your account tab? I have six updates to games but the number will not go away.
yes i had it aswell...

funny thing is i got three updates for a game so i got them and they were the same at least the filenames were, cause i copied them to my disk and it said do you want to replace the game or keep both (the copy will be renamed)
For the games that i play and have updates i haven updated anything yet cause the game works good so why should i update.
I cast level 3 beer goggles on Far Cry 2 so that now it looks like COD Modern Warfare.

CODBros buy it, then scream in rage as the game kicks their ass.
Dalthnock: Well, I don't have the stamina you young scallywags have, anymore.

I'm an old man. Like, REALLY old. Over 30.

I used to ride dinosaurs, back in the day.
HypersomniacLive: You're a puppy. Wait till you get my age.
Well, with my backlog of games, I have no choice but to live to be at least TWICE your age, whatever it is.
Whew, that's a lot of Banisheds

Dumb thing is, I nabbed it just before insomnia started.
Micro-BIOS: I hope it will be Not Nox.
the_voivod: It will not be Not Nox, but Nox Nox. Well, a single Nox.
Perhaps, "TheOneWhoNox"?
MechaKong: Can anyone provide their thoughts on Banished? I'm interested in it's economic gameplay. Is it pretty fun/interesting? Does it have good replayability?
It is realistic on many levels yet very engaging. It offers good replay and pretty much requires it, since your colony will die out quite often at the start. Plus there are some great mods out there for the game which give it further life.
Micro-BIOS: You're old? I'm 52. And still waiting for GOG to add Mystery House to their catalog.
Dalthnock: Hey, that would be cool. Why don't they have the complete Sierra catalogue, anyway?

Lazy bastards!
I'll go for a complete Apple ][ catalog.
I've just made Albion run without DoxBox under Linux in FullHD with this fine package, yay!
No such thing for Windows available, sorry.
the_voivod: It will not be Not Nox, but Nox Nox.
Who's there?
Man, Atlas GOGbear is on a rampage today.
evilnancyreagan: Whew, that's a lot of Banisheds

Dumb thing is, I nabbed it just before insomnia started.
Not so much dumb, as a lack of strategic planning...
we've all had an experience like that. :)