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Klumpen0815: The difference was way bigger at this moment in time.
gamesfreak64: thats right, it was, but i been around for a while and in my time there was never >5 bucks difference, so i still dont get the leaving... usually it was 1 or 2 bucks at most.
Nope, I've seen differences of $5-$10 even without the ridiculous Russian discount taken into account.

One example from the UK:

It was quite extreme at the beginning of regional pricing here and would probably still be if the € hadn't dropped so badly.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by Klumpen0815
LinustheBold: Dear Sir You Are Being Hunted:

Please sell more copies and stop being on the front page, because I'm increasingly worried that I might buy you. Thanks.

Love, Linus
Sir, You Are Being Pressured
Good day, Ladies and Gents. Icy 3rd round of seasoned fun is still ongoing. And Gex and Nox still haven't made appearance.
ALH: I could use that one!
xenocidic: You've got it! Enjoy.
Thx a lot!
tokur86: Can anyone snag me two worlds be forever in your debt, literally lol. I think that's the only game left that i want. And wouldn't want to pay retail price for. Just PM me if you will...I'll try and check gog as much as a i can today but work is a little hectic.
If you'll pay me back for it, yeah, I can do that. No worries.
I just received an email from GOG inviting me to my "last shot" at the Insomnia Final Round. So, it looks like there will indeed be a Round 4 this time? Unlike the previous sale, there was no message on the third go around advertising it as the last chance...

Sorry if this was already discussed...
high rated
IAmSinistar: Insomnia. It's right there in the sale name. Honestly, you people. ;)
Some may suffer from... you know, ... Hypersomnia?

It was Keaning for a very long time...
ErekoseDM: ive been checking whilst sleeping >_<
tablet next to pillow: check.
skymt: No lie, the first night of the sale I woke up in the early morning from a nightmare and thought "I think I'll check GOG before I get back to sleep." Two Worlds 2 was on, so I bought it. Insomnia sale indeed.
Mate, I've got to sleep since I can't go to work sleep deprived but when I do sleep I do it with the tablet next to my pillow so all I do is turn on the screen, and with my monitor dimmed so I can still tell what's going on without having to get up or move.

Oh and as a side-note, if you don't have it already, might want to get the first Two Worlds as well. Personally I'm enjoying it way too much.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by INFERNO.COP
After 8+ hours away, I only missed 4 fresh items.

Most importantly, didn't miss Nox ;)
Are some people just coming around after a sale ends yelling "I missed it!" in the hopes of being gifted?
Anyone seeking to go on a Little Big Adventure?
Dalthnock: Sleeping... sorry about that... you can't see it, but I have a sheepish, embarrassed grin on my face right now.
IAmSinistar: Insomnia. It's right there in the sale name. Honestly, you people. ;)
Well, I don't have the stamina you young scallywags have, anymore.

I'm an old man. Like, REALLY old. Over 30.

I used to ride dinosaurs, back in the day.
ErekoseDM: no GOG keys no buy
tokur86: just figured i'd let people know....even though its on steam
i just saw a slight ray of hope that i could end this keanesanity, but it evaporated into a puff of steam

ErekoseDM: ive been checking whilst sleeping >_<
tablet next to pillow: check.
skymt: No lie, the first night of the sale I woke up in the early morning from a nightmare and thought "I think I'll check GOG before I get back to sleep." Two Worlds 2 was on, so I bought it. Insomnia sale indeed.
good snag ^_^
my last insomnia sale was full of terror laden moments of "did i miss it again?!"
but my ipod teleports away from me when i sleep, usually under my back or takes a floor dive.
id have to do a baseball player slide to the pc's mouse.

now i can stare at the keaning to get back to sleep, and get quick updates without the tablet making any major moves or hiding.
high rated
Wow, the slowness! Haven't been around in 14 hours. Missed little.

I hope you're all well today, catching some sleep here and there, and now fully stocked on awesome games!