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Dalthnock: Tell me you're joking. Please.
j0ekerr: No he's serious, if he''d been joking he'd have said something like:

"Dreamfall, Nox and Jack Keane walk into a bar..."
Actually I'm a she but thanks ;)
xenocidic: I think I've got to draw a line under this sale... Gabriel Knight will have to be the one that got away, I'm already over $100 when you count the HOTAS joystick I had to buy to play X-Wing and Tie Fighter! =)

Did anyone miss Seven Cities? Was able to prove the 'critical hits' are an actual thing.
I could use that one!
Crol3993: Dreamfall is gone
Dalthnock: Tell me you're joking. Please.
Sorry, Dalthnock, it's true. Dreamfall was actually holding up the line for a loooong time this morning. Perhaps you'll get lucky and find someone who bought a gift key just to move things along. I considered it but the price was a bit too high for that...

Sorry for your luck!
IAmSinistar: All of you lamenting missing out on Dreamfall - WHERE WERE YOU WHEN IT WASN'T SELLING?!?!?

HypersomniacLive: Getting some zzzzzzzzzzz...?
But it was up for like 48 hours! *

* possible exaggeration
IAmSinistar: All of you lamenting missing out on Dreamfall - WHERE WERE YOU WHEN IT WASN'T SELLING?!?!?

Hmmm...most likely asleep. Or hallucinating from 5 days straight without sle-WHY DOES MY ARM LOOK LIKE FALCOR FROM NEVERENDING STORY?!
skymt: No lie, the first night of the sale I woke up in the early morning from a nightmare and thought "I think I'll check GOG before I get back to sleep." Two Worlds 2 was on, so I bought it. Insomnia sale indeed.
During the last Insomnia Promo, I was new to the site. Since every deal was something I didn't have, I really didn't want to miss anything. When it was time for bed, I would drink a tall glass of water in order to ensure that I would have to get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom thus giving me a chance to check the sale before morning. ^_^;
Greetings to all, and especially to the bleary eyed insomniacs...

I see the Seasoned list is winding down, but the Fresh list has still a long run,
and some choice games worth waiting for... :)
IAmSinistar: All of you lamenting missing out on Dreamfall - WHERE WERE YOU WHEN IT WASN'T SELLING?!?!?

Sleeping... sorry about that... you can't see it, but I have a sheepish, embarrassed grin on my face right now.
high rated
IAmSinistar: But it was up for like 48 hours! *

* possible exaggeration
Some people need more sleep than others!
xenocidic: I think I've got to draw a line under this sale... Gabriel Knight will have to be the one that got away, I'm already over $100 when you count the HOTAS joystick I had to buy to play X-Wing and Tie Fighter! =)

Did anyone miss Seven Cities? Was able to prove the 'critical hits' are an actual thing.
ALH: I could use that one!
You've got it! Enjoy.
Dear Sir You Are Being Hunted:

Please sell more copies and stop being on the front page, because I'm increasingly worried that I might buy you. Thanks.

Love, Linus
Dalthnock: Sleeping... sorry about that... you can't see it, but I have a sheepish, embarrassed grin on my face right now.
Insomnia. It's right there in the sale name. Honestly, you people. ;)
Dalthnock: Tell me you're joking. Please.
ajensen: Sorry, Dalthnock, it's true. Dreamfall was actually holding up the line for a loooong time this morning. Perhaps you'll get lucky and find someone who bought a gift key just to move things along. I considered it but the price was a bit too high for that...

Sorry for your luck!
Actually, that's a good idea. Guys, if someone has a gift key, I can buy you something roughly the same price & trade you for it.
Can anyone snag me two worlds be forever in your debt, literally lol. I think that's the only game left that i want. And wouldn't want to pay retail price for. Just PM me if you will...I'll try and check gog as much as a i can today but work is a little hectic.
Tarnicus: You're looking pretty good to me right now :D
Screw lightning bolt, I'm picking beer goggles as my main spell.