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is real myst different from myst? which one is better?
I posted this in the other hang out thread, but wow do I hope nobody in here was camped out, fingers crossed looking for something last night! The tracker seems to imply "Fresh" turning into "Slog" for hours on end.
IAmSinistar: Quite so. Penumbra, Resident Evil, Silent Hill - dogs just make disturbing enemies.
real.geizterfahr: In the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games too. And those aren't even "horror" games.
True. Though they do have their unsettling moments.
IAmSinistar: That's what makes it horror.

Quite so. Penumbra, Resident Evil, Silent Hill - dogs just make disturbing enemies.
Maybe because of the revealment of the beast in "man's best friend"?
LiefLayer: I find myself with a credit of € 1.50. I do not know whether to spend it right away or not. In which game you would spend them (even more expensive than € 1.50). Only a condition, must present a version for mac, or looking on google "the name of the game + mac wrapper", portingteam or paulthetall, must have the game wrapper.
skeletonbow: I'd probably spend it on Banished.
I'll keep that in mind.
Look for more tips on all genres.
Going to attempt to catch up on the thread a tiny bit, but I at least wanted everyone to know that I am here. Just waiting on that last appearance of Blocks That Matter and I will, essentially, be all set.
aah is it just me or is the season pass a bit slow?
I have 40 minutes before hitting work again and this is what I get?
this is how you reward loyalty? honour? benevolence? virtue? chanting runes and mantras?
my jokes are getting worse by the minute :p
Got a crit on Robin Hood -- anyone wanting it?
zenwan: <big grin>
I'm known for my psychic powers, magic indeed. :-)
I'm focusing them on sending out a call for Nox to appear before I go tonight, and on the crit fairy honouring me with her presence.
focusfocusfocusfocus.... :-D
Mine aren't too shabby either, however they work better with the natural world than with the crit fairy. She's using me as a proxy to gift others rather than add anything new to my collection, which is fine by me as I have done very well with this sale, and a few crit fairy "helpers" such as ToxicTom, foxworks, opticq, and trentonlf have passed on gifts to me (I hope I didn't forget anyone!) :)
IAmSinistar: Quite so. Penumbra, Resident Evil, Silent Hill - dogs just make disturbing enemies.
At least they are not bats. I hate bats. Almost every single friggin videogame has them and they are always the most annoying enemies.
Most annoying enemies in Zelda? Bats. God of war? Bats. Castlevania? You guessed, bats.
I really hate those stupid bats.
I'm interested in Myst, but a few reviews state that it doesn't work with Windows 7. Is this true? If so, I can't play it...
*fg* Notice the mouse pad:
toxicTom: Maybe because of the revealment of the beast in "man's best friend"?
That's definitely part of it. Plus they are much more relate-able to ourselves, being four-limbed mammalians with understandable minds. Thus when they are corrupted by evil, it is palpable. Spiders on the other hand already seem to many people to have been manufactured directly by Satan.
trentonlf: Gift key for Myst secured for GetComposted
Where can I get that special GOG-card that you seem to have? Widely accepted in any store online :P
Tarnicus: I thought dogs got fleas, not spiders?
IAmSinistar: That's what makes it horror.

Klumpen0815: Dogs are the reason why I had to abort the Penumbra collection right at the beginning....
They fit into horror settings indeed.
IAmSinistar: Quite so. Penumbra, Resident Evil, Silent Hill - dogs just make disturbing enemies.

Seasoned: Myst Masterpiece Edition (-65%) [150]

Yes, I'm running a little behind this morning. Haven't had coffee yet.
Go get coffee, you've earned it. Thanks for tracking/posting all this.