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In any event, here's my list so far. Hopefully it will be helpful to someone.

[long list]

No Spiders
Spiderman (ironically enough)
Bwahaha, this made my day.

It never occured to me, that Fallout 3 and some others don't have spiders, but I can't remember seeing those there indeed. Probably because of arachnophobic devs and/or audience.
For the Myst up on sale, there were some posts under the game reviews that stated the game was not compatible with Windows 7 64-bit. Has there been any word on Windows 8.1 compatibility?

Even on sale, I hate to pick it up and discover it won't run.

jamahann: Did The Witcher 2 come up over night? I'm hoping for it today.
iscagog: Been on for last 5 or 6 hours, and haven't seen it recently
Thanks, man. At least I know I've got a (slight) chance.
Let's give Tarnicus 4 more rep, so it's a round number.
skeletonbow: That only works for people that believe in the existence of luck, for which I am not included. ;) It's all science and math for me. ;)

If you take 25 people at random and put them in a room together, there is a higher than 50% chance that two people will share the same birthday - a single day out of the year. (This is known as the Birthday Paradox) To the mind this seems highly improbable, much like a previous example I gave of having a lottery ticket with consecutive numbers on it. But the math is rock solid on this despite what our individual emotions and beliefs might be. It's all random chance.
Tarnicus: I love statistics, especially probability and was unaware of this! I love that your post is #13733, and that 33 is my lucky synchronistic number :)
zenwan: Callling MissFable.....

Nexus is up - 400 copies so I hope you get it. I'll wait awhile, and if you're not around when it gets down below 100, I'll buy it for you.
MissFable: Morning everybody. Looks like I woke up just in time!
Tarnicus: Proof of magic! :)
<big grin>
I'm known for my psychic powers, magic indeed. :-)
I'm focusing them on sending out a call for Nox to appear before I go tonight, and on the crit fairy honouring me with her presence.
focusfocusfocusfocus.... :-D
Klumpen0815: Is there any fantasy game in any genre that doesn't have giant spiders?
Even sci-fi usually has some sort of spiders.
IAmSinistar: Spiders are to fantasy games what dogs are to horror games. Though those tend to have spiders as well.
Dogs are the reason why I had to abort the Penumbra collection right at the beginning....
They fit into horror settings indeed.
aspower: And I just got a Crit on Dreamfalls, which apparently no one wants. I hadn't played the first two, so now I have to buy those as well.
toxicTom: If you're even remotely into point and click adventures, you can't go wrong.
Wouldn't say so (regarding Chapters) because it does not have much puzzles which is one of the main part of most point and clicks. It's a great game, though.
high rated
toxicTom: Let's give Tarnicus 4 more rep, so it's a round number.
You'll banish me to the underworld if that happens! Noooo...
toxicTom: Let's give Tarnicus 4 more rep, so it's a round number.
You sir are an evil genius
Post edited March 06, 2015 by wizardofid
LiefLayer: I find myself with a credit of € 1.50. I do not know whether to spend it right away or not. In which game you would spend them (even more expensive than € 1.50). Only a condition, must present a version for mac, or looking on google "the name of the game + mac wrapper", portingteam or paulthetall, must have the game wrapper.
I'd probably spend it on Banished.
high rated
Gift key for Myst secured for GetComposted

In any event, here's my list so far. Hopefully it will be helpful to someone.

[long list]

No Spiders
Spiderman (ironically enough)
Klumpen0815: Bwahaha, this made my day.

It never occured to me, that Fallout 3 and some others don't have spiders, but I can't remember seeing those there indeed. Probably because of arachnophobic devs and/or audience.
But there are radscorpions. Nasty as well:)
Tarnicus: I thought dogs got fleas, not spiders?
That's what makes it horror.

Klumpen0815: Dogs are the reason why I had to abort the Penumbra collection right at the beginning....
They fit into horror settings indeed.
Quite so. Penumbra, Resident Evil, Silent Hill - dogs just make disturbing enemies.

Seasoned: Myst Masterpiece Edition (-65%) [150]

Yes, I'm running a little behind this morning. Haven't had coffee yet.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by IAmSinistar
IAmSinistar: Quite so. Penumbra, Resident Evil, Silent Hill - dogs just make disturbing enemies.
In the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games too. And those aren't even "horror" games.
trentonlf: Gift key for Myst secured for GetComposted
Super Husky to the rescue!