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toxicTom: But those aren't really spider-like, with their 5 legs.
That's a bad angle, but they do have 6 legs, at least. They're like ants. Arena and Daggerfall were full of spiders, though.
IAmSinistar: I feel like the bad kid at the end of an 80's cartoon - all I needed was to learn to think of others first and the world is suddenly a better place.
... um. How many games have you gifted in thread alone?
RWarehall: So, thoughts on the new Insomnia format?

I liked it. As much as the other Insomnias had a very hardcore aspect (5 hours in the dead of night waiting for Jack Keane to end)., Having two games up at once took a lot of the toll away from Keaning games.

But it did help that GoG did a better job moderating the number of games.
Agree, now if they will just put uo two fresh at once after the seasoned are over it will be even better.
Klumpen0815: I hope Dreamfall is cheaper and without regional pricing when I'm through with the second part of the series, I just recently finished "The Longest Journey", the English version since I didn't know that it's a Norwegian game and the site from the makers sells all the translations while GoG only has one version.
Actually afaik that IS the official version even though the game has a norwegian origin. The German dub is not bad either but GOG unfortunately does not have it. Funny that you say that the publisher has all languages to sell on his site. Makes me wonder why GOG does not. Have to check this in a time where the thread is a bit slower ... which means after the sale is over for at least a week.
Klumpen0815: Is there any fantasy game in any genre that doesn't have giant spiders?
There are such games. Some users even made a list sometime ago. Let's see if I can find the thread.
RWarehall: So, thoughts on the new Insomnia format?

I liked it. As much as the other Insomnias had a very hardcore aspect (5 hours in the dead of night waiting for Jack Keane to end)., Having two games up at once took a lot of the toll away from Keaning games.

But it did help that GoG did a better job moderating the number of games.
I like it, overall it works well. Having two parallel tracks keeps it more engaging too, by cutting down on the amount of time before there is a new game.
LinustheBold: When I critted with Hogs of War, I had the same thought: it's trying to teach me a lesson about humility and moderation.
IAmSinistar: I feel like the bad kid at the end of an 80's cartoon - all I needed was to learn to think of others first and the world is suddenly a better place.
Ha! We're Lifetime Movie characters.
Exoanthrope: That's a bad angle, but they do have 6 legs, at least. They're like ants. Arena and Daggerfall were full of spiders, though.
Skyrim has spiders too. And they move in a very convincing way. For me they are a joy to watch, other people on the other hand...
aspower: And I just got a Crit on Dreamfalls, which apparently no one wants. I hadn't played the first two, so now I have to buy those as well.
toxicTom: If you're even remotely into point and click adventures, you can't go wrong.
Thanks for the recommendation. It looks good, but I'm afraid to play it for risk of spoiling the story, since I've never played the first two games in the series. Keeping it in the Gift Hopper until I decide whether to play or not. I've actually only had one other Critical hit, and it was for Freedom Planet which I had no interest in. Unfortunately, I was so excited that I got a free game, I clicked the "redeem" button before realizing that I could gift it. Sent in a help ticket.
Yay, second critical hit (Red Faction) - and it only took some two-hundred attempts since the first hit back on Tuesday. ;)
ElTerprise: The mentioned Morrowind and i also think Oblivion didn't have spiders.
toxicTom: Oblivion had the almost topless spider Daedra women. I think they could be a problem for arachnophobics since the lower half is pretty convincing.
I seem to forgotten a lot about those games. You mean this one:
Seasoned: Red Faction (-80%) [100]

Last chance before it leaves GOG again.
djdarko: Hey everyone, did Grimrock 2 come back up the past few hours?
It has not come back around yet and I am looking for it as well =)
toxicTom: If you're even remotely into point and click adventures, you can't go wrong.
aspower: Thanks for the recommendation. It looks good, but I'm afraid to play it for risk of spoiling the story, since I've never played the first two games in the series. Keeping it in the Gift Hopper until I decide whether to play or not. I've actually only had one other Critical hit, and it was for Freedom Planet which I had no interest in. Unfortunately, I was so excited that I got a free game, I clicked the "redeem" button before realizing that I could gift it. Sent in a help ticket.
They told me that the author of the game wrote here that the game includes a recap
djdarko: Hey everyone, did Grimrock 2 come back up the past few hours?
Not yet!