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BillyMaysFan59: What's everyone's #1 recommendation from this sale? Mine is Terraria. If you like anything sandbox/platformers, you have to get it. Nuff said.
I'm not sure I'd recommend as I honestly have no idea what I have bought! I did grab another copy of Terraria as well :)
Tarnicus: I remember seeing someone ask for it too but cannot remember who it was?
Mister-Gosh: Guess I'll pick it for safety, someone will ask for it eventually haha
Search function should solve that riddle quickly but good idea. Mostly the instincts are correct about such things and if not ... hey, who wouldn't want to have a free GOG game?
karac: Hate them too. I remember I had to mod System Shock 2 so there are no spiders in it. SS2 had really nasty ones. Those sound they made...
Since SS2 I'm scared of monkeys...
MarkoH01: So Nox would be no game for me since I am not only insomniac but also arachnophobic.
Klumpen0815: Is there any fantasy game in any genre that doesn't have giant spiders?
Even sci-fi usually has some sort of spiders.
The mentioned Morrowind and i also think Oblivion didn't have spiders.
IAmSinistar: So all this time it was trying to teach me the lesson of not being selfish and instead to think of others. :)
LinustheBold: When I critted with Hogs of War, I had the same thought: it's trying to teach me a lesson about humility and moderation.
I feel like the bad kid at the end of an 80's cartoon - all I needed was to learn to think of others first and the world is suddenly a better place.
aspower: And I just got a Crit on Dreamfalls, which apparently no one wants. I hadn't played the first two, so now I have to buy those as well.
toxicTom: If you're even remotely into point and click adventures, you can't go wrong.
If you don't want it, I LOVE POINT AND CLICK =D
BillyMaysFan59: What's everyone's #1 recommendation from this sale? Mine is Terraria. If you like anything sandbox/platformers, you have to get it. Nuff said.
I have to say Driftmoon, but if door kickers really is like rainbow six it might be the one I am most pleased with.
MarkoH01: I cannot tell me how often I have played a game and thought "why do it always have to be spiders?". As I said seome games are no problem at all and others are quite hard for me.
karac: Hate them too. I remember I had to mod System Shock 2 so there are no spiders in it. SS2 had really nasty ones. Those sound they made...
You guys should consider yourselves lucky!
I have to meet my nemesis in all sizes without any leash (illegal of course), snarl, growling, barking and running around every day as soon as I get outside of my shelter. Everone in this city has dogs and they are NOT behaving well at all.

I'd choose some tiny not poisonous spiders over this anytime, especcially if they are only virtual anyway.

BillyMaysFan59: What's everyone's #1 recommendation from this sale? Mine is Terraria. If you like anything sandbox/platformers, you have to get it. Nuff said.
trentonlf: I have to say Driftmoon, but if door kickers really is like rainbow six it might be the one I am most pleased with.
Oh, nice to see love for Driftmoon here, the only game I ever pre-ordered.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by Klumpen0815
IAmSinistar: HA HA HA! So that's how the damn critical hit works! After a week of trying I finally got one on this game. And it was because I was thinking "Well, if someone wants this, better get a gift key."

So all this time it was trying to teach me the lesson of not being selfish and instead to think of others. :)
aspower: And I just got a Crit on Dreamfalls, which apparently no one wants. I hadn't played the first two, so now I have to buy those as well.
Damn, I paid 14€ for that!!!!! XD.
Hey everyone, did Grimrock 2 come back up the past few hours?
ElTerprise: The mentioned Morrowind and i also think Oblivion didn't have spiders.
Oblivion had the almost topless spider Daedra women. I think they could be a problem for arachnophobics since the lower half is pretty convincing.
ElTerprise: We experience the four riders of keaning on the fresh deal side:

1. FTL
2. Rayman Oranges
3. The last Federation
4. Dreamfall

wizardofid: You are forgetting about legend of grimrock
Yeah i missed that but these four more or less followed each other (only Capsized was Last Federation and Dreamfall)
So, thoughts on the new Insomnia format?

I liked it. As much as the other Insomnias had a very hardcore aspect (5 hours in the dead of night waiting for Jack Keane to end)., Having two games up at once took a lot of the toll away from Keaning games.

But it did help that GoG did a better job moderating the number of games.
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Post edited March 06, 2015 by IAmSinistar
ElTerprise: We experience the four riders of keaning on the fresh deal side:

1. FTL
2. Rayman Oranges
3. The last Federation
4. Dreamfall

wizardofid: You are forgetting about legend of grimrock
and broken Age