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I just woke up. Looks like the Fresh pool is finally on it's third round? And I think it's moving even slower now. :p
Micro-BIOS: Conjurer is my favorite. I love to walk around with tons of giant spiders following me.
MarkoH01: So Nox would be no game for me since I am not only insomniac but also arachnophobic.
Pixel-spiders scare You as well?
high rated
ziolkowskim: Ok, I will ask once more. Any good soul purchased a spare copy of Sam and Max? I slept during the time it was on sale and only decided I want it, when I saw that no chance is left for me :)
You still have a chance, check your PM. ;)
Micro-BIOS: Conjurer is my favorite. I love to walk around with tons of giant spiders following me.
MarkoH01: So Nox would be no game for me since I am not only insomniac but also arachnophobic.
Don't worry. You'll have plenty of "pets" you can choose. Orcs, for example.
Exoanthrope: I just woke up. Looks like the Fresh pool is finally on it's third round? And I think it's moving even slower now. :p
Well. 600 copies of Dreamfall....
Post edited March 06, 2015 by ElTerprise
Crol3993: I do not have the game you request so it's just for an information:
How do you give a game to someone else? I've try to hit the "gift this order" button, but they ask for an email...but if don't know to who i'm going to send the game?
Lemon_Curry: Send it to yourself. :)
You'll then receive a code that you can give to whoever you like.
Thanks =)
wizardofid: That is a bit much for me, I prefer, throw rock A kill B,C,D,E with one shot, I get a little lost when you have to use A to give D half damage, then shoot B so that B shoots back and you can use shields on C to deflect the lasers onto D destroy D.

Then take A and C away safely and kill B so you don't have collateral damage, and then the game throws in E and F that has to be killed in reverse.

Is that about right "scratches head"
gamesfreak64: same here, most of my games are quite easy to get into and get some nice result, i have very few or no games that requires 30 minutes to read all info, then 30 minutes to cycle through all options, before i can deploy something

i usually go for boom bang, i like jagged alliance, fallout baldurs etc etc any game that gets you to do some damage and get some action without having to spend 1 hour or more before things get going, i am not that patient.

That why i start buying those casual games a year or 3 ago, there weren't many good games i want to buy like c&c in the old days, so i started to buy casual games, in which you can get into within a few minutes.

Started limited, but it has gone out of control :D having more then 200 cd(1 game on each cd)
20 dvd or so (2 tot 5 games) and some dvd that has 1 big game.
Lateron i read about gamersgate in a topic here, and started to buy there over 80 casual titles so its out of control, have only checked if they worked , so far its collecting only and maybe later get to play them .
Well I heavy into tower defense games, That is the extend I can manage, tactical and strategical, never been good, at any type of RTS games, I always get whipped. So glad I got some semi old school tower defense games in this sale, I gobble every one I can find.Defense grid is next on the list, just got death trap, pretty nice game, another seriously awesome game is sanctum 2. Tower defense in FPS view, nice hybrid mix.
I tried Nox in my lunch break. Is it just me, or are the controls a little fiddly? Especially picking up stuff...
ziolkowskim: Ok, I will ask once more. Any good soul purchased a spare copy of Sam and Max? I slept during the time it was on sale and only decided I want it, when I saw that no chance is left for me :)
Exoanthrope: You still have a chance, check your PM. ;)
Man, Thanks soooo much!! I wrote You a PM as well
Exoanthrope: I just woke up. Looks like the Fresh pool is finally on it's third round? And I think it's moving even slower now. :p
Yeah doesn't look like this sale is gonna end real quickly
Micro-BIOS: Conjurer is my favorite. I love to walk around with tons of giant spiders following me.
MarkoH01: So Nox would be no game for me since I am not only insomniac but also arachnophobic.
Is there any fantasy game in any genre that doesn't have giant spiders?
Even sci-fi usually has some sort of spiders.
Exoanthrope: I just woke up. Looks like the Fresh pool is finally on it's third round? And I think it's moving even slower now. :p
ElTerprise: Well. 600 copies of Dreamfall....
I need one...but damn it's too expensive.
I've so many game to play that when I will finish them this one will be at 1.99$ =D (Let me dream)
the_voivod: Nox is the sale of the promo! Oh, yes.
Klumpen0815: Objection!

Inquisitor is the sale of the promo, but few people realized this yet.
Nox is for beginners, Inquisitor is for the advanced and enlightened ones. B-)
Agreed! I even grabbed a spare for that too from memory. I honestly have no idea what I bought, I just kept on entering payment details like I was doing data entry lol
Klumpen0815: Is there any fantasy game in any genre that doesn't have giant spiders?
Even sci-fi usually has some sort of spiders.
I think Morrowind has no spiders. Only those ant-like things and mechanical scorpions in Tribunal.
Exoanthrope: I just woke up. Looks like the Fresh pool is finally on it's third round? And I think it's moving even slower now. :p
ElTerprise: Well. 600 copies of Dreamfall....
I helped by buying one XD.