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IAmSinistar: Back for a little bit, probably will leave again shortly. Updated the list, thanks to Grargar and the rest who are tracking the deals.

Could I propose one minor tweak to your post? Could you put the asterisk for the removed game either at the very front or end of the line? I had a devil of a time trying to hunt down which game it was in the list that merited that footnote.
CarrionCrow: Because they're both going slowly? =)

I did my part, I bought Corsairs. There's no godsdamned way I'm buying another copy of Anomaly 2, so that one's gonna have to run out the clock on its own.
Dang, you crashed all my hopes it was just another bug...
The_Blog: Try to google how to run a python script. A file with the ending .py. AFAIK you need python installed and then start it like you would start a java programm through the command line. It isn't that complicated although it may sound like it ^^
Splatsch: Yes, my question was stupid XD Thanks ! I'm looking for it ! (well, programming world... isn't something I really know, but I'll try to figure out ;))
There are no stupid questions :)
If you need help just ask. I am not an expert with python but I have a bit of programming experience. Maybe someone in this thread can help you. Or write a om to the maker of the tool. :D
Are we just watching a live snail race?

8 to 8 right now
Senteria: We would say: Het is een nek aan nek race. Would that equate to: It's a neck on neck race in English? When both are going equally as fast?
neck and neck
If the next round sucks I'm off to bed. :P
Senteria: We would say: Het is een nek aan nek race. Would that equate to: It's a neck on neck race in English? When both are going equally as fast?
Yes - thats almost exactly the Yorkshire for it - except we have a glottle instead of the "H"
And anomaly takes the lead in this absolutely exciting race! I haven't seen a match so exciting since the last time I watched cricket!

Pokes A2 with a stick.
Post edited March 03, 2015 by j0ekerr
this countdown is so exciting
New Fresh deal: Legend of Grimrock II (-50%) [200]
Post edited March 03, 2015 by Grargar
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magic Obscura (-75%) [350]
Theme Park (-75%) [300]
Corairs Gold (75%) [15]
Indiana Jones and the Fat of Atlantis (-50%) [400]

Banished (-70%) [300]
Hammerwatch (-75%) [150]
Lumino City (-50%) [100]
Anomaly 2 (-75) [150]
The Legend of Grimrock II (-50%) [200]
Post edited March 03, 2015 by Fesin
LoG2 up! Buy it you fools!!!
Anomaly 2 took it! And it's Grimrock 2!
Bah, Anomaly won by a whisker. 2 corsairs were left hanging.
First game on my Must-Buy Wishlist. How does it come I already bought like 8 games?... :S