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IwubCheeze: Errrrrrrrr!!!! do I put this? Ummmmm, when exactly is a good time to stop buying games and start playing them? I can see this happening in your future :)

Grim Reaper: COOOMMMMEE!!!!!!
Tarnicus: But I'm not ready yet
Grim Reaper: COOOOMMMEEE!!!!!
Tarnicus: But I still have another 1000 games on my back log to finish
Grim Reaper: *facepalm* Oh jeezus, not another one of these guys!!!
Tarnicus: So, 5 more years? And may I say you look rather spiffy in a black robe
Grim Reaper: *sigh*...........................
Haha yes and I hope to leave my collection to someone who will thoroughly enjoy it!
Aemenyn: Nexus any good?
Looks pretty intriguing.
real.geizterfahr: It's awesome, but very, very hard. You have a couple of ships and you can choose their weapon loadout, but... there's basically just one "good" loadout to beat the game. And there's a lot of micromanagement waiting for you too. You'll have to give every ship the exact order when to use which weapon to fire at which ship or even subsystem of the ship (there are weapons against shields, weapons against hulls and weapons against subsystems).

It's a great game if you're into tactics.
That is a bit much for me, I prefer, throw rock A kill B,C,D,E with one shot, I get a little lost when you have to use A to give D half damage, then shoot B so that B shoots back and you can use shields on C to deflect the lasers onto D destroy D.

Then take A and C away safely and kill B so you don't have collateral damage, and then the game throws in E and F that has to be killed in reverse.

Is that about right "scratches head"
xep624: I'm glad that they got $850 k... However I have noticed that it's better not to put out stretch goals on day 1 - I find that being over confident. I was really appreciating Obsidian way - you reach your main goal and then you can think of your stretch goal one by one - it show you are a humble and not greedy developer.
Pardinuz: Yup, you can tell they expected to have reached at least 1 million from the start. Once they saw that wasn't going to happen they restructured all the stretch goals and made them easier to achieve. It's hard to criticize them for that anyway. They're inexperienced with kickstarter and everyone expected it to fare better.
Yeah they have reputation and they are gaming industry legends. However I remember two or three unsuccessful campaigns for RPG game by Guido Henkel....
the_voivod: Morning!

Since they're still in the rotation, I'm tempted by the two Shadowrun games (which everybody was clamouring for but I had bigger (Nox) priorities). Then again they're in the 'Fresh' section, which means they'll take a gazillion years to surface. I honestly don't think I have the time nor patience.

I see Nox hasn't come back 'round yet. Interesting.
Micro-BIOS: Don't start with Nox... :)
Mmmm, Nox! I'm still waiting for it and It seems that I missed Battle Isle, but I have enough tactics to play
IAmSinistar: Good morning folks! I see we're finally into the third cycle on Fresh games.

The Games Remaining post has been brought up to date, which didn't take much since barely a half-dozen games went by last night. It still remains to be seen whether this is truly the last cycle or not, but this being Friday means there's a good chance it is. So grab it if you want it, or even if you just think you might!
You legend as always Sin! :)
Klumpen0815: The Last Federation (I got a crit!) went for hours and so does Dreamfall, tension has gone a bit from this sale, but I think that's a good thing.

IanM: Somebody posted last night that GOG tweeted last chance for X-Wing, so it's a fairly safe assumption this is the final period
Thanks for the confirmation. I missed a few that I was trying to secure for other folks - Entomorph, Q.U.B.E, and Return to Mysterious Island. I hope some others managed to secure gift keys.
the_voivod: I should buy up all the cheap copies...
Leave one for me will ya? :P

I'm still waiting for the third coming of Nox.
Post edited October 22, 2018 by Fairfox
I was around for the keaning part of the noxxing, but missed the finale due to an acute need for food.

Now that the hype has gone down, perhaps you can help me make a more rational decision next time it shows up. I've mostly played RTS and FPS. Never played anything like Diablo or any RPG or hack 'n slash game I can think of. All the hype convinced me to try Nox. But do you think it works as an introduction to the genre, possibly even the only one I'll play like that? Although I've broadening my horizons lately as well and have become intrigued by Larian's output and other genres I used to dismiss (4X, adventure, TB, etc.)...
skeletonbow: That only works for people that believe in the existence of luck, for which I am not included. ;) It's all science and math for me. ;)

If you take 25 people at random and put them in a room together, there is a higher than 50% chance that two people will share the same birthday - a single day out of the year. (This is known as the Birthday Paradox) To the mind this seems highly improbable, much like a previous example I gave of having a lottery ticket with consecutive numbers on it. But the math is rock solid on this despite what our individual emotions and beliefs might be. It's all random chance.
I love statistics, especially probability and was unaware of this! I love that your post is #13733, and that 33 is my lucky synchronistic number :)
zenwan: Callling MissFable.....

Nexus is up - 400 copies so I hope you get it. I'll wait awhile, and if you're not around when it gets down below 100, I'll buy it for you.
MissFable: Morning everybody. Looks like I woke up just in time!
Proof of magic! :)
Post edited March 06, 2015 by Tarnicus
HypersomniacLive: Good morning Master Tracker!
IAmSinistar: Tracker of many, Master of none. ;)

How are you this morning?
You mean, Tracker of many, Owner of all!

How come these slow moving games keep dragging on at the exact time when I'm available to watch the sale?
high rated
IAmSinistar: Tracker of many, Master of none. ;)

How are you this morning?
Don't sell yourself short, my friend! ;-)

I've slept for around 3hrs in the early morning (yeah!), so can't complain. It's raining heavily since last night, and I'm pondering what to cook for linner.

How are you?
IanM: Somebody posted last night that GOG tweeted last chance for X-Wing, so it's a fairly safe assumption this is the final period

The same goes for the fresh cycle: