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Klumpen0815: Has anybody noticed, that there's a weekend promo going on?
iscagog: Aye, I did, and the best game of all time is in the sale ; )
Pirates! Gold ?
Post edited March 06, 2015 by Klumpen0815
Tarnicus: See how much catching up I have to do? I'm 150 or so posts behind :P
Splatsch: This thread grow too fast for me XD I barely have time to respond that at least half a new page is up !
HypersomniacLive: I applaud you for still trying; I've given up and just quickly skim through past posts.
Splatsch: You're not playing in hardcore mode ? ;D
And then there's PMs too, other threads (which I have been neglecting as this one is too much fun) and instant chat, which I have finally turned off, and 4 cats hassling me out, and a girlfriend who made me a lovely cup of tea and I just returned the favour :)
Lv55taeyeong: Really, really, really want Dreamfall. Really don't want to pay that much right now. Why couldn't LoG2 come first so I could be finished with this promo and not have this dilemma?
me too....
but if I look at the regular price ...
i dunno ...
risk to let me get away ...
but if there was another promo
Hecke: Is there anything I'm missing with the free games? I just can't find any clue how these are given away.
Is it a random choice when I click on "buy now" that determines if I get this specific game for free?
You click "buy now" and then you don't get a game for free. At least, that's how it has went for me so far :P
But yes, supposedly that's how it works.
iscagog: Aye, I did, and the best game of all time is in the sale ; )
Klumpen0815: Pirates! Gold ?
Close :)

Lv55taeyeong: Really, really, really want Dreamfall. Really don't want to pay that much right now. Why couldn't LoG2 come first so I could be finished with this promo and not have this dilemma?
Part of the game is getting a lot of goodies dangled under your nose before you even get to the one you want most.

Anyone from GOG keeping track of the thread knows that Grimrock 2 is really frigging popular.
It makes sense to keep people lingering just a little bit longer. The longer someone watches, the more chance there is of them buying.
Just waiting on Legend or Grimrock II and hoping it comes up soon. Though all those copies of Dreamfall might make my marathon wait even longer.

I did fall asleep now and then last night, but luckily it looks as if I didn't miss it yet. =)

Edit: In my tiredness I put Dragonfall and not Dreamfall which is really the title currently up. Sorry!
Post edited March 06, 2015 by Rakkora
Hecke: Is there anything I'm missing with the free games? I just can't find any clue how these are given away.
Is it a random choice when I click on "buy now" that determines if I get this specific game for free?
The_Blog: Exactly. It is completly random.
Well, in this case I'm obviously out of four-leaf clovers...
Hello GOGbear, my old enemy, we meet again
Tannath: Too many copies GOG, people are running out of money you know...
ElTerprise: + the price might be a bit too high
Exactly. 600 copies of a $2 might go fairly easily even at this point, but $15?
Getcomposted: Thunderstorms are my lullaby. ;)
Oh I can relate to that and love sleeping in a storm, outdoors and all! I cannot sleep without a breeze if indoors. One of my most peaceful sleeps was when I was submerged in 30cm (1 foot) of water in my sleeping bag, and I was still dry lol. My preference is by a fire, something that I lack in this house. It is the first house I have lived in the mountains without fire, and will be the last. It is part of my routine when the weather is cold, and it is constantly cold here. Summer just ended and I barely noticed it due to so much rain and cold snaps.
Splatsch: This thread grow too fast for me XD I barely have time to respond that at least half a new page is up !

You're not playing in hardcore mode ? ;D
Tarnicus: And then there's PMs too, other threads (which I have been neglecting as this one is too much fun) and instant chat, which I have finally turned off, and 4 cats hassling me out, and a girlfriend who made me a lovely cup of tea and I just returned the favour :)
You forgot a window with some SNES emulator, a round or Archon in DosBox and a movie at the same time.
Those big wide screen monitors with high resolutions have to be good for some multitasking, right?

I can't multitask... at all.
Wow, honestly, what were they thinking putting up 600 copies of a 15€ game?
Dreamfall popped up and I was about to go to sleep, good thing I decided to stay that late. Now time to sleep and hopefully LoG2 will wait me until I wake up.
high rated
The_Blog: No you don't according to the writer/Producer who visited this thread :)
iscagog: OK - thanks.

Hmmmm 90% tempted - need a little push. Anyone recommend this?
Here take my 10% go grab it!