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CarrionCrow: Figuring it will be in June or July.

Ones I'm particularly looking forward to playing would be Pier Solar, Last Federation, Xenonauts, Legend of Grimrock 2, Wasteland 2 and Shadowgate.
Okay thanks ! It let time to rest !
Nice selection ! (except Shadowgate and Pier Solar that I don't know anything about, except their gamecards)
As I said yesterday, I'm loving Xenonauts, I hope you'll enjoy it too :)
Honestly, would rather have GOG just put up Jack Keane in the seasoned category and Jack Keane 2 in the fresh, both with 2000 copies each, would probably sell faster.
Good Morning, everyone! How much earlier should I have returned to get Rayman: Origins?
CarrionCrow: Figuring it will be in June or July.

Ones I'm particularly looking forward to playing would be Pier Solar, Last Federation, Xenonauts, Legend of Grimrock 2, Wasteland 2 and Shadowgate.
Splatsch: Okay thanks ! It let time to rest !
Nice selection ! (except Shadowgate and Pier Solar that I don't know anything about, except their gamecards)
As I said yesterday, I'm loving Xenonauts, I hope you'll enjoy it too :)
Shadowgate it's a masterpiece.
Banjo_oz: I've been a GOG customer from back when they sold little but the old Fallout titles, but this is my first experince with this odd kind of "sale" and I can't say I like the concept. It really doesn't seem fair to those of us with busy lives and jobs who can't sit by a computer day and night; the "one day only" and bundle approach of past sales seems much more sensible and reasonable, I feel.

Maybe I'm just bitter because all I really wanted was the LucasArts games, yet I missed Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis EVERY time it came around (even though it seems like there were massive numbers of copies sold?)!

Also, I still don't understand how people were getting free games; I ended up buying a dozen titles, both fresh and classic, and didn't get a single freebie, not even when clicking on the ones I already owned. While I don't mind that part so much, since I was happy just getting them at a cheaper price, it's left me baffled why the whole "free" mechanism seemed to be working for so many other people and not a select few. Is it browser related, perhaps?
Getcomposted: Purely random AFAIK. I've bought over a dozen games as well, and no crits either.
I guess it's pure luck, but I just asked since I noticed a few people who also bought a lot and got no "criticals" which is what made me wonder if it just wasn't triggering for certain browsers or broswer extensions might be breaking it.
djdarko: I forgot, how do I refresh my account again?
Thanks :)
Getcomposted: And I'm back! After more than half an hour wrangling with the bank, even though they were super helpful. It just took time, and I kept them on the line to try out some transactions on other game sites just in case. ;)

Incidentally, after I got off the phone with them the first time, I tried to get the $1 Weekly Bundle, but my card was declined! However, the bank told me the request for payment hadn't even come through to them from Humble. So is anyone else having problems with Humble today?

Hopefully, it's all fixed!
Fingers crossed for Myst and Legend of Grimrock 2!
Have you checked your PMs yet? Even though your card is fixed please feel free to use the code anyway. :-)
PalioDeMonte: Good Morning, everyone! How much earlier should I have returned to get Rayman: Origins?
1h ago. It was up for like 3+ hours
Splatsch: Welcome back, and I wish you luck for your awaited games :)
Getcomposted: Now to change my prayer back.

Please be Myst.
Please be Myst.
Please be Myst.

Luckily, I don't think you Myst it. =P

Hitman 3 is taking a terribly long time...
Splatsch: I always try to avoid "not really wanted" purchases. Not only due to my budget, but too because I don't like the idea to buy something I don't want/like. Sometimes, with very low prices, you can try some game... But I prefer to spend a little more in something that I will enjoy a lot.
opticq: Exactly! I have no problem spending a lot on LucasArts or WB games and am so glad those games came here.
And for indies, it's better for the deveveloppers team behind :)

Splatsch: Welcome back, and I wish you luck for your awaited games :)
Getcomposted: Now to change my prayer back.

Please be Myst.
Please be Myst.
Please be Myst.

ahah ^^
Hope you'll get it ;)
Post edited March 06, 2015 by Splatsch
Pardinuz: 1h ago. It was up for like 3+ hours
Wow, that's long.
Banjo_oz: Also, I still don't understand how people were getting free games; I ended up buying a dozen titles, both fresh and classic, and didn't get a single freebie, not even when clicking on the ones I already owned. While I don't mind that part so much, since I was happy just getting them at a cheaper price, it's left me baffled why the whole "free" mechanism seemed to be working for so many other people and not a select few. Is it browser related, perhaps?
As far as I can tell it's totally random. Some people get 10, others get 0. That's probabilities.
I've bought a few myself and the 2 good freebies I got glitched out and I wasn't able to redeem them. Now that does suck...
LiefLayer: Shadowgate it's a masterpiece.
I'll try to learn more about it :)
opticq: Honestly, would rather have GOG just put up Jack Keane in the seasoned category and Jack Keane 2 in the fresh, both with 2000 copies each, would probably sell faster.
Be careful what you wish for :D.
Although you're probably right.
Is it always like this, getting THAT slow the more you progress through rounds? Or was the decision to put 450 hitman a way of trolling us?

Oh, and 400 Rayman? and 400 Last Federation? Those numbers seem weird.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by Mister-Gosh