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ArtisticMinstrel: We have the discs in the family, but it's not strictly mine, plus it is a hassle to get it running again on updated machines. I'd snap it up in a heartbeat... (or at least very first sale at the latest)
I've got a game engine recreation for the OpenPandora that allows a higher resolution in the 3D areas:

I wonder if it's available for desktop PCs somewhere and just asked the maintainer.
CarrionCrow: Good morning. =)

Still sale watching despite having nothing to buy. Getting ready to put a game on.

How are you doing today?
Splatsch: Morning ! :)
Fine, and you ? Slept less than expected (I'm a little ill and coughing awoke me, and prevented me to sleep again. Not big cough but enough to do it XD), but that happens !

Addicted, even without anything to buy ? I agree, this sales are really fun :)
Hopefully you'll be feeling better soon. Coughing hard enough to be woken by it sounds rather unpleasant.

I stayed up and got what I wanted during round one, so there's not really anything left.
But I can't seem to stop watching the sale until it's done.
Getcomposted: Yes! It's not Myst! \O/
Only 20 minutes before I can start trying to call my bank!
LynetteC: Check your PMs. :-)

And now, I'm off to work.

Catch you all later. x
Have a good day, talk with you later. =)
Post edited March 06, 2015 by CarrionCrow
At this rate, the promo will last am entire month, with all these keanings.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by pengchi87
ArtisticMinstrel: We have the discs in the family, but it's not strictly mine, plus it is a hassle to get it running again on updated machines. I'd snap it up in a heartbeat... (or at least very first sale at the latest)
Klumpen0815: I've got a game engine recreation for the OpenPandora that allows a higher resolution in the 3D areas:

I wonder if it's available for desktop PCs somewhere and just asked the maintainer.
Thanks, I'll check it out. I've tried to install it a few times before but things keep getting in the way, or it crashes. Increased resolution would be awesome too.
Splatsch: If you can pass through the graphics, I advice you the game. It's a "light" diablo : it's more an action-rpg than a hack-n-slash, but with similar gameplay bases. Similar, but not exactly the same.
opticq: Yea, my tolerance for old school graphics only goes so far, but I will take a closer look at gameplay videos.
Good idea :) The core of the game is the gameplay, and the story with his humor (and for the graphics for me which I do like ;)).
Klumpen0815: I've got a game engine recreation for the OpenPandora that allows a higher resolution in the 3D areas:

I wonder if it's available for desktop PCs somewhere and just asked the maintainer.
ArtisticMinstrel: Thanks, I'll check it out. I've tried to install it a few times before but things keep getting in the way, or it crashes. Increased resolution would be awesome too.
There's the desktop Linux port:

No idea if a Windows port of this exists, probably not.

I've got it to run fine with DosBox too though, you just have to configure the CD drive properly.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by Klumpen0815
pengchi87: At this rate, the promo will last am entire month, with all these keanings.
Figuring some of the numbers will be tweaked for round three, with some of the slowest movers getting their quantities chopped down.
I was half afraid the promo would end while I was sleeping, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Dang, are we really still in the second cycle of fresh games?
oldaperture: I was half afraid the promo would end while I was sleeping, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Dang, are we really still in the second cycle of fresh games?
Yes. Still two more after this, then the entire third round to go.
Tarnicus: I've offered to give you attention under your other accounts if you need it but you've never taken me up on the offer. You're not on my mind, with the exception of me being fascinated by humans. You're in my sight, which is different, and until GOG introduce a block feature, you're welcome to say g'day anytime you wish. Intelligence combined with no outlet for expressing it socially besides being a shit-stirer doesn't usually end well. Manipulating others attracts harsh lessons and is a pretty isolated existence. There is only so long that "stuff" or temporary relationships can fulfill the void within. You might understand that concept in a decade or so if you manage to seriously connect on a sincerely intimate level with another human being.

Life will teach you what you need to know, and there is far more to be gained by learning the lessons life offers.
opticq: Also I just remembered you got some free movies from me in the Ninja thread.

Well said, Tarnicus.
I got distracted by 2 phone calls, including one to order pizza. I cannot cook during Insomnia sales :D

I wrote what I did because I have been that person to some extent before. If I were to meet my younger self, I would feel very sorry for that guy as he definitely wasn't as happy as this version of me. I understand what creates people who seek to manipulate and take advantage of others, and those people don't have a very loving start to life. They often are highly intelligent (in one form of it, lacking wisdom) and wish to get validation for it. That validation often comes from getting what they want at the expense of others. That isn't balanced or a sincere relationship, and it is very transitory.

I am very fortunate that life taught me the lessons it has, and still continues to do so. I still exhibit some of those behaviours but am a lot more aware of it now. I have since met many others who are similar, and I have found that a sincere and real connection with another goes a long way to helping teach those lessons, many of which are often harsh at first and end in those relationships ending. I am very lucky to have met many patient people who have taken the time to get past my inner bullshit (or extroverted 'easy to love/hate' initial meetings without seeing the rest of me), and people who have forgiven me for past transgressions when I have become aware of my own behaviour and have endeavoured to change it. It is a slow but worthwhile process.

I guess that is why when I see such behaviour, I can relate to it and sincerely would like others to have the opportunities to change that I have been granted, although I am very doubtful of such change occurring through online interaction, however it could be the start of such change. The other option is a lonely, miserable and misanthropic existence. Love in whatever form it comes in, is a very healing energy. Hatred, as much as I can still espouse it in certain moments, is very draining to oneself and others.

And now I must fulfill my taste-bud's love of pizza to the detriment of my gastrointestinal tract :P
Hey anybody noticed that Arcen Games is going to release a new 4x game called <span class="bold">Stars Beyond Reach</span> in May 2015. Its going to be a mix between Civilization style gameplay and simcity.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by Matruchus
CarrionCrow: Hopefully you'll be feeling better soon. Coughing hard enough to be woken by it sounds rather unpleasant.

I stayed up and got what I wanted during round one, so there's not really anything left.
But I can't seem to stop watching the sale until it's done.
Yes, pretty unpleasant XD But it's getting better ! Thanks for the attention :) (I'm not sure that I'm using the good expression, but you'll get it ;))

Yes, but looking at the sale "relaxed" (=without a constant "I hope I won't miss my must-buy-I-m-so-looking-for") must be quite pleasant too ;)
oldaperture: I was half afraid the promo would end while I was sleeping, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Dang, are we really still in the second cycle of fresh games?
CarrionCrow: Yes. Still two more after this, then the entire third round to go.
What about the seasoned?Hitman Contracts has to be about the last one or?
Post edited March 06, 2015 by ALH
CarrionCrow: Yes. Still two more after this, then the entire third round to go.
ALH: What about the seasoned?Hitman Contracts has to be about the last one or?
Seasoned is in the final round ;)
ALH: What about the seasoned?Hitman Contracts has to be about the last one or?
wizardofid: Seasoned is in the final round ;)
Yeah....but how many games are left in the final round?Seasoned should almost be finished.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by ALH