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Tarnicus: *snip*
I should clarify that I like what I consider to be "well done romcoms" too rather than er...vacuous shite :P I like stories that actually show a bit of realism, no matter the genre. I think my experiences with my grandfather and other war veterans, combined with violence being the most common means to conflict resolution and the glorification of it (i.e. the "hero" is a serial killer who gets the "prize" i.e. the girl and wealth) is such an over-used and simplified concept, that I find it quite boring and idiotic to watch these days. I still do enjoy a well done action film, especially if it has a decent plot!

I haven't seen the movie you recommended and will take a look, cheers for the recommendation :)
Definitely agree with thoughts re: body types and aesthetics; I have moments where I can appreciate nearly any body type, but my personal biases play a large part in what I decide I want to spend hours upon hours upon hours staring at on a computer screen. (Also, over a year? Wow. I can't remember what my /played is for my main, but it's still in the double-digits of days. Of course, I also basically skipped an entire expansion due to RL and my attention span for grinding sucks because there's SO MUCH TO DO.)

I completely understand that reasoning for movie preferences! I look at movies mostly as background noise, in all honesty. Anymore, I almost have to be doing something while watching tv/movies at home, or I go bonkers and wander off halfway through and never return to them. (If nothing else, fishing in WoW is strangely calming at times like that.)

Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence is a movie I love to bits but can only watch every few years at most, and always with a box of tissues. And I use them all. Just trying to describe that movie to others has made me weepy in the past, but it's gorgeous.

And I think now I'm off to spend time with the husband... cuddles while he watches Thor: The Dark World sound very nice indeed right now. Basically, it's about my bed time. :) See you all in the morning! (Unless the cats wake me up in three hours. Again. At which point you may see me then, instead.)
Khajiin: For the sake of god ... I went to bed when Astebreed was the aftual Deal and ust afterwards the put in Shadowun Dragonfall ...
Someone gotta hate me....
I also missed Dragonfall, it came up just after I went to bed. And I'd waited all day from 5am to buy any of the games on my list, but the first one that came up waited until I was gone. I think your someone hates me also...

Editing out some gibberish, I really must proofread before I post.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by zenwan
Lol was waiting for nox the whole day, and I see it still hasn't come, luckily I got it now. :p
Btw, anyone wanting to change their tag from 'New User' can do it from the 'My Settings' link when in the community, below the main menu.

Not saying you have to change, just giving you an option since it took me a bit to find it when I first started.
wizardofid: Lol was waiting for nox the whole day, and I see it still hasn't come, luckily I got it now. :p
I waited for that also, stayed up late, and when I tried to buy it, Firefox wouldn't load the site, no matter how many times I refreshed the page. I had to restart and when I looked, it was gone.
Hanging on for the next round, with hope..
And now that Age of Wonders II is in single digits, up goes my prayer to the GOG gods.
Don't be Myst.
Don't be Myst.
Don't be Myst.
I think I'm getting Double Insomnia fever. Tried twice now to buy Age of Wonders II, only to find that I own it already.

wizardofid: Lol was waiting for nox the whole day, and I see it still hasn't come, luckily I got it now. :p
zenwan: I waited for that also, stayed up late, and when I tried to buy it, Firefox wouldn't load the site, no matter how many times I refreshed the page. I had to restart and when I looked, it was gone.
Hanging on for the next round, with hope..
suppose to come still in this round have a funny feeling it's next...
amrit9037: Oh no sir, What really matter is I am in your mind!
And you remember me.
Tarnicus: I've offered to give you attention under your other accounts if you need it but you've never taken me up on the offer. You're not on my mind, with the exception of me being fascinated by humans. You're in my sight, which is different, and until GOG introduce a block feature, you're welcome to say g'day anytime you wish. Intelligence combined with no outlet for expressing it socially besides being a shit-stirer doesn't usually end well. Manipulating others attracts harsh lessons and is a pretty isolated existence. There is only so long that "stuff" or temporary relationships can fulfill the void within. You might understand that concept in a decade or so if you manage to seriously connect on a sincerely intimate level with another human being.

Life will teach you what you need to know, and there is far more to be gained by learning the lessons life offers.
Also I just remembered you got some free movies from me in the Ninja thread.

Well said, Tarnicus.
Can someone post the updated list?
MechaKong: Can someone post the updated list?
Yes! It's not Myst! \O/
Only 20 minutes before I can start trying to call my bank!
zenwan: I waited for that also, stayed up late, and when I tried to buy it, Firefox wouldn't load the site, no matter how many times I refreshed the page. I had to restart and when I looked, it was gone.
Hanging on for the next round, with hope..
wizardofid: It's
suppose to come still in this round have a funny feeling it's next...
No, it's Hitman. sigh

And I have to go out for a while, I hope that they put up some very slow ones until I get back.

Hi from a fellow Seffrican!
ArtisticMinstrel: Btw, anyone wanting to change their tag from 'New User' can do it from the 'My Settings' link when in the community, below the main menu.
Thanks, thougt it would vanish automatic after x Posts in the forum.
Getcomposted: Yes! It's not Myst! \O/
Only 20 minutes before I can start trying to call my bank!
450 copies of Hitman... something tells me you'll be able to take your time ;)