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C'ya Gameslinger
SpessMareen: What time is this supposed to end? I'm Pacific time, but I'm sure it won't end in 1 1/2 hours... right?

Pls, I need Undying or TIE Fighter to pop up again :(
PabloEscobar: From what I have been hearing the sale isnt tied to any time. Its 3 rounds of sales and when all is sold then it ends.
Ahh thanks m8.
ArtisticMinstrel: Ever tried setting up dual-booting into windows? I was considering a Mac for a while and that's what I'd do.
Edit: Though of course that means you'd still have to buy Windows, though.
cecil: I've thought of dual booting or buying a cheapish PC laptop but thought a Wrapper would be easiest if they are "Drag and Drop" since I don't want to have to fiddle with stuff DOS style...
Yeah, I haven't done it (no Mac) but it'd be a one time change, then should be a pretty straightforward swap between Windows / Mac from then on. I fully admit I have people around me who can help out if I have trouble, though.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by ArtisticMinstrel
Sylenall: I'd like to know too, seems that Seasoned should be finished long before Fresh.
Maybe they add Jack Keane sale somewhere to slow things up a bit for the seasoned sale at some point ;)
low rated
amrit9037: bring it on! :P
Tarnicus: It doesn't really matter as you will swap to another account but this one you are using will be recognised :)
Oh no sir, What really matter is I am in your mind!
And you remember me.
cecil: I wish worms 2 was for Mac I remember that game being awesome. For that matter I wish Thief was too. I'd try getting something and using WINE but not sure how hard it is to use wrappers.
ArtisticMinstrel: Ever tried setting up dual-booting into windows? I was considering a Mac for a while and that's what I'd do.
Edit: Though of course that means you'd still have to buy Windows, though.
That is what I did when I used a mac a few years ago :)
djdarko: Holy crap, thinking about it, I guess I'm out of touch with modern gaming - my original statement was based on practically nothing.

Way to make myself out to be a total arrogant prick. I'm not I promise.

I sincerely apologize.

Cheers for girl gamers!
I think I was stuck in that mode a bit too, basing my thoughts on interactions from 10-15 years ago rather than thinking about more recent ones :)
Post edited March 06, 2015 by Tarnicus
Please...let The Last Federation go quickly and quietly into the good night. PLEASE!
Post edited March 06, 2015 by jakob187
Who was looking for the Last Federation?
Rayman is finally gone!

Still have to wait for a million years to get Dragonfall. Prob going to take a nap now.
Ugh. I was really hoping to push through 'til the Raven came up, but I'm giving up for the night. Good deal hunting to everyone.
Is there another chance to get Pier Solar?
mattymuc: Is there another chance to get Pier Solar?
*clicks Buy Now button*

I'm free! Free! Free like the wind!

...*crawls back into bed*
g'night sera & peng
mattymuc: Is there another chance to get Pier Solar?
Yes it still needs to go in to round three.