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y2zero: How many seasoned games will pass before Rayman Origins' sale is finished? Place your bets.
Hitman and 2 more
Daliz: It's been a while since Hammerwatch was up. So I might still have a chance.
Depends on how long you can stick around. Still have Raven, Qube, and Last Federation to go before round 3 even starts, and the way Round 2 has been pretty consistently slow, I wouldn't hold your breath :).
Morning all. Is there any list what games popped at night?
truhlik: Morning all. Is there any list what games popped at night?

truhlik: Morning all. Is there any list what games popped at night?
The big list:
Ninja'd, but now you have a choice of EUR or AUD (or just change the URL :P )
Post edited March 06, 2015 by ArtisticMinstrel
ziolkowskim: Not to worry, there's is a possibility someone here purchased another copy, so he could give it to You or sell it to You :)
With my luck there ain't. Besides who would want to give up such a good game? :)
Tarnicus: It looks gorgeous but my better half is the platform enthusiast generally, not me, and we have enough games to last a lifetime. Very nice to offer it openly like that :)
opticq: I'm not much for platformers but I highly suggest you try it out. Its fluid and punchy and it has great multiplayer
It really is awesome (but hard)
ziolkowskim: Hello there everyone,
back from sleep I am :)

And as expected - didnt catch Sam and Max...
PabloEscobar: Same happened to me. Missed it 3 all times. It was up every time when I was in the bed sleeping...
Think I've seen it all 3 times. I was hoping that things would equal out over different time zones.
I would like to pick-up Wasteland 2 but missed it when it came up. I have enough of a backlog of unplayed games that I can always get it sometime in the future
y2zero: How many seasoned games will pass before Rayman Origins' sale is finished? Place your bets.
1 game for every 2 Rayman sold.
low rated
Tarnicus: Multiplayer doesn't interest me for most games, which is ironic given my passion in gaming has been MMORPGs. My other half will probably be home before it is over. I'll see if the trick of "Hey what do you think of this?" works lol
opticq: I'm the same, I don't like multiplayer that often but Guacamelee and Rayman Origins are just so fun with another person.

amrit9037: Why to buy [b]NEVERENDING NIGHTMARES for 8$ on DOUBLE INSOMNIA PROMO deal when you can buy it on HUMBLE WEEKLY BUNDLE MONOCHROMATIC for 10$ with 6 other games?
opticq: Because you get an awesome installer/icon plus goodies. Seriously though, it's nice to have consistency in my games.
Now that's awkward.
installer/icon + goodies really steals show.
But I think there DRM-Free gets updated more quickly than here.
‾\_( ツ)_/‾
ziolkowskim: Not to worry, there's is a possibility someone here purchased another copy, so he could give it to You or sell it to You :)
PabloEscobar: With my luck there ain't. Besides who would want to give up such a good game? :)
You will be surprised, this community is crazy :)
PabloEscobar: Same happened to me. Missed it 3 all times. It was up every time when I was in the bed sleeping...
Greygamer: Think I've seen it all 3 times. I was hoping that things would equal out over different time zones.
I would like to pick-up Wasteland 2 but missed it when it came up. I have enough of a backlog of unplayed games that I can always get it sometime in the future
Except a few outliers, the rough order round to round has been constant. What's changed has been the length of each sale. We've gotta be getting on hour 60 of Round 2 for fresh, after round 1 took maybe 36.
Tarnicus: It is fairly even in my life. I have known far more guys to game more intensely than women, and the ratio of males to females in MMORPGs (the main games I have played in the past 15 years) definitely have a higher ratio.

This gorgeous monkey games far more intensely than I do :)
penumbren: That's an interesting observation. I wonder if it depends on the situation - how well people know each other, online or in RL, what game, etc. For instance, I've played WoW for almost eight years, and in that time, the guild I've been in has been probably evenly split between the sexes or leaned toward female-heavy.

djdarko: Cool. I'm just going by people I've known personally. Everyone on this site is not only a gamer but a PC gamer, so don't act like that's some kind of coincidence. lol
penumbren: Cool. I'm going by what I know personally, too. I didn't say anything was a coincidence, but that your observation is extremely limited at best. Also, that women who game have to put up with a lot of assholes. It's kind of funny to me, too, that I haven't (generally) seen women saying things like they only know "skinny jerks who like FPS."
There is definitely the factor of those not identifying their gender, especially in the early days (2000) when I first started playing MMOs. The crap that females got from identifying themselves was horrendous. "OMG UR A GRL?!?" Given that I generally play female characters (it was even at one point in time but Azariiel became my main and Tarnicus my off-sider, and I found it easier to create female names that I preferred), I got to see things from different perspectives.

My perception could have a lot to do with no longer playing MMOs with guilds of other people, and being based on past perception. I generally start one for myself and partner and have all our alts in them. I got sick of the drama (partially created by myself) of interacting with other people closely. When I think about the last major guild I was in when playing Rift, the percentage was fairly even. Thanks for prompting me to give this more thought :)
Greygamer: Think I've seen it all 3 times. I was hoping that things would equal out over different time zones.
I would like to pick-up Wasteland 2 but missed it when it came up. I have enough of a backlog of unplayed games that I can always get it sometime in the future
Yeah, Sam & Max was up all 3 times. The problem was that it was up every time it was like THE middle of night for me. With closer look it propably wasnt only title that would have been like that. Would have been nice if the titles would have been spread on all on different time frames so every one could have had decent chance to get it,
I just wanted to praise GoG support. I've accidently bought Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption, using old account. Thanks to the support I was gifted the game to my actual account and got rid of the old one, so I wouldn't make a mistake again :)