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Hello there everyone,
back from sleep I am :)

And as expected - didnt catch Sam and Max...
Gnostic: It says here that female PC gamers also outnumber males.
genkicolleen: Of course we do~! Ma-ha-hah! *strikes a haughty pose* XD

... and I'm not a chubby chick that (only) likes RPG's :p
Yes, I'm not limited to RPGs either. Almost commented on the 'he' assumption several times.
low rated
Why to buy [b]NEVERENDING NIGHTMARES for 8$ on DOUBLE INSOMNIA PROMO deal when you can buy it on HUMBLE WEEKLY BUNDLE MONOCHROMATIC for 10$ with 6 other games?
opticq: I'm not much for platformers but I highly suggest you try it out. Its fluid and punchy and it has great multiplayer
Tarnicus: Multiplayer doesn't interest me for most games, which is ironic given my passion in gaming has been MMORPGs. My other half will probably be home before it is over. I'll see if the trick of "Hey what do you think of this?" works lol
Hah. I wish my husband was more into gaming. He likes certain games quite a lot (Dark Wizard is still a favorite), but doesn't do MP and really doesn't care about it in general. Fortunately, this ends up leading to nights where I play games on the PC and he plays guitar, and we're both happy in the same space. :)
ziolkowskim: Hello there everyone,
back from sleep I am :)

And as expected - didnt catch Sam and Max...
Same happened to me. Missed it 3 all times. It was up every time when I was in the bed sleeping...
penumbren: Cool. I'm going by what I know personally, too. I didn't say anything was a coincidence, but that your observation is extremely limited at best. Also, that women who game have to put up with a lot of assholes. It's kind of funny to me, too, that I haven't (generally) seen women saying things like they only know "skinny jerks who like FPS."
Yeah I see what you mean, it would be very intersting to know that there are nearly half female gamers, I don't play games socially at all so it is hard to tell at this point. I try to get my girlfriend to play, but she prefers to just watch and usually suggests RPGs since they have a storyline.

By the way, I actually prefer chubby chicks. So I didn't mean that in a bad way.
MissFable: It is usually best (and more accurate) to view it as less of a scale (more or less autistic) and more like an Ice cream sundae bar; every person with autism has a different combination of challenges and symptom. There are some generalizations that are functionally accurate but not every one of them is applicable in every person on the Autism spectrum. And I'm going to stop before I start going any further into rant/extrapolation mode.
genkicolleen: As someone on the spectrum who also has two autistic children with vastly different functionalities, I have to say this is a very good post :)
I missed your post MissFable and have to agree wholeheartedly with what you have both said and retract my former statement. I guess I was trying to say that there are definitely some who show certain behaviours more than others, and that some of these behaviours are common amongst many people, hence I used the words "sliding scale", just as I do for my own bipolar and ADHD diagnoses, traits which are evident in the "normal" range of emotions and behaviour, whatever that actually means.

I bolded the part that really stood out to me that I have seen from my limited experience of knowing three people very well who are Aspies :)
ziolkowskim: Hello there everyone,
back from sleep I am :)

And as expected - didnt catch Sam and Max...
PabloEscobar: Same happened to me. Missed it 3 all times. It was up every time when I was in the bed sleeping...
I wasn't sure if I want it, but I decided to go full Retro :)

Fract OSC is blowing my damn mind right now! My funky bassline is awesome!
Jenkinz: I have the exact same situation, my girlfriend is a full on Skyrim and Assassins buff, but I've never played more than a few hours of each
Tarnicus: Ah Skyrim, that is one of her favourites, as is the Borderlands trilogy. Thanks to her, I have diversified my gaming tastes to more than just RPGs and turn-based strategy, and I blame her entirely for us having a massive collection of games now. All I need to do to feed by buying addiction is to sit down with her and watch gameplay videos and say "Do you like that?" and BAM! our collection continues to grow. When I met her my Steam collection was at maybe 25 games. Now it is over 1200!! My GOG collection has grown too but nowhere near as swiftly as she isn't that interested in old games, where as I have quite a nostalgic streak.

Vinter in Hollywood - Balls Does anyone know where the sample is from at the beginning of this track? I wonder where my balls are sometimes :P
Also tryna get her into the Witcher with me, so that should be fun.
I am pretty similar, if she says a game looks cool, its the next thing I buy.
She enjoys the obvious point-and-clicks, but is still keen to jump into some Gears co-op on the 360.
My collection isnt necessarily driven by her, but it definitely grows when she shows an interest in something, I make a concerted effort to get it.
opticq: I'm not much for platformers but I highly suggest you try it out. Its fluid and punchy and it has great multiplayer
Tarnicus: Multiplayer doesn't interest me for most games, which is ironic given my passion in gaming has been MMORPGs. My other half will probably be home before it is over. I'll see if the trick of "Hey what do you think of this?" works lol
I'm the same, I don't like multiplayer that often but Guacamelee and Rayman Origins are just so fun with another person.

amrit9037: Why to buy [b]NEVERENDING NIGHTMARES for 8$ on DOUBLE INSOMNIA PROMO deal when you can buy it on HUMBLE WEEKLY BUNDLE MONOCHROMATIC for 10$ with 6 other games?
Because you get an awesome installer/icon plus goodies. Seriously though, it's nice to have consistency in my games.
ziolkowskim: I wasn't sure if I want it, but I decided to go full Retro :)
It was the last thing I waited and waited but oh well... No luck this time. :(
How many seasoned games will pass before Rayman Origins' sale is finished? Place your bets.
ziolkowskim: I wasn't sure if I want it, but I decided to go full Retro :)
PabloEscobar: It was the last thing I waited and waited but oh well... No luck this time. :(
Not to worry, there's is a possibility someone here purchased another copy, so he could give it to You or sell it to You :)
djdarko: Yeah I see what you mean, it would be very intersting to know that there are nearly half female gamers, I don't play games socially at all so it is hard to tell at this point. I try to get my girlfriend to play, but she prefers to just watch and usually suggests RPGs since they have a storyline.

By the way, I actually prefer chubby chicks. So I didn't mean that in a bad way.
I play socially just enough to be aware that there are way more women playing way more games than devs or advertisers seem to think. I can tell you that I mostly see teenage to mid-20s guys talking in the public channels on WoW, but I've mostly met women who play it when dealing with guilds, raid groups, or real life meetings. I think the differing situations there probably speak for themselves.

I like to sit and watch other people play games too, when I'm in the mood, although I think I spent a lot more time watching different roommates play through Fallout 3 (which is only very arguably an RPG of any sort) or Grand Theft Auto IV than I did any other games.

And that's nice to know, but certainly not what the comment sounded like. Admittedly, I'm biased in how I read these things - but that's because I've been on the receiving end of nastiness for my liking of a "guy thing" my entire life. Thanks for the clarification.

Tarnicus: Yes you cannot be considered a female if you have more than 6% body fat, didn't you know? :P I was reading back on your taste in games earlier in this thread when catching up, and we have very similar nostalgic tastes :)
*snort* I would laugh more at that if so many people didn't think it was true. :P

My taste in games is eccentric. My first games were on the computer and started with King's Quest, then turned toward shareware platformers (oh, Apogee, I have So Many Memories of you...) and text games. Then I got an NES and the first Zelda game, and I was hooked. Zelda, Mario, DQ, FF, Kid Icarus (still one of my favorites and one that I had absolutely mastered)... consoles are still my go-to for most game styles, because the controllers make certain genres so much easier. Now that I have an Xbox controller for my computer, though, I'm picking up more games on here that I used to avoid. Midway through my console years, a friend introduced me to Wolf3D and Doom, and my love of run-and-gun action stuff was born.

That even carries over to my movie preferences, actually; I've never wanted to go see a 'chick flick' (a.k.a romcom) in the theater, although we do own a few, but I have often dragged my husband to the newest Marvel movie, Jackie Chan flick, or pictures with lots of explosions. ;)
Post edited March 06, 2015 by penumbren