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Gnostic: The majority of gamers are males, and this a gamming site, maybe you need to have differents goods to grow your buisness.

Googles to be sure......

What is this? Majority of gamers are females?

And I thought the majority are males. Googles and [url=]more and and [url=]more

Dang, am I living under a rock?
gigafood1: That's cause Its considering phone apps to be gaming, whose largest demographic is middle-aged women.
It says here that female PC gamers also outnumber males.
Tarnicus: Thank you for spreading the word about my business! So does anyone need a guy? Send me details on what you are after and I'll see what I can find for you...Ive just been buying supplies for my business and have a nice secluded spot set out for my work. With this increased advertising, I might need to pack my compound bow too. Can never be too sure with the authorities trying to make things difficult for me ><
Gnostic: The majority of gamers are males, and this a gamming site, maybe you need to have differents goods to grow your buisness.

Googles to be sure......

What is this? Majority of gamers are females?

And I thought the majority are males. Googles and [url=]more and and [url=]more

Dang, am I living under a rock?
I can concur with those study results; it sounds like the number of female gamers matches the approximate ratio of males to females in our species. My girlfriend plays games far more than I do, even though my collection is larger. I tend to buy and hoard them whereas she actually plays them :)
If I'm reading Pidgeot's results correctly Rayman's been sitting there for four hours. (!?!)
gigafood1: That's cause Its considering phone apps to be gaming, whose largest demographic is middle-aged women.
Gnostic: It says here that female PC gamers also outnumber males.
Hmm . . . I wonder if men still outnumber women on gaming consoles.
Tarnicus: Thank you for spreading the word about my business! So does anyone need a guy? Send me details on what you are after and I'll see what I can find for you...Ive just been buying supplies for my business and have a nice secluded spot set out for my work. With this increased advertising, I might need to pack my compound bow too. Can never be too sure with the authorities trying to make things difficult for me ><
Gnostic: The majority of gamers are males, and this a gamming site, maybe you need to have differents goods to grow your buisness.

Googles to be sure......

What is this? Majority of gamers are females?

And I thought the majority are males. Googles and [url=]more and and [url=]more

Dang, am I living under a rock?
Possibly :)
But so apparently is most of the AAA game industry. This is not really surprising news the proportion of female gamers has been on the rise for ages; several statistics last year showed that the amount was almost at 50%.
Okay I gave in and purchased Deus Ex from GOG. I feel like I have finally made up for buying it on Steam :P
gigafood1: That's cause Its considering phone apps to be gaming, whose largest demographic is middle-aged women.
Gnostic: It says here that female PC gamers also outnumber males.
I don't believe any of that for a second.

Almost every guy I've ever met has liked video games, even jocks. On the otherhand I've known 2 girl gamers, they were both chubby chicks that liked RPGs.

But hey, don't take my word for it, ask yourself what the ratio of girl to guy gamers you know in real life.
It's been a while since Hammerwatch was up. So I might still have a chance.
Gnostic: The majority of gamers are males, and this a gamming site, maybe you need to have differents goods to grow your buisness.

Googles to be sure......

What is this? Majority of gamers are females?

And I thought the majority are males. Googles and [url=]more and and [url=]more

Dang, am I living under a rock?
Tarnicus: I can concur with those study results; it sounds like the number of female gamers matches the approximate ratio of males to females in our species. My girlfriend plays games far more than I do, even though my collection is larger. I tend to buy and hoard them whereas she actually plays them :)
I have the exact same situation, my girlfriend is a full on Skyrim and Assassins buff, but I've never played more than a few hours of each
djdarko: My brother and his wife both work in the medical field and had their boys 'circed'. I was like "NOOOO don't do it, it decreses sensitivity." They're like "You're weird." "Leave it to my brother to be against circumcision..."

So, I have no idea what their excuse was for doing it.
I find that even more perplexing when someone works in the medical field and gets it done!
Gnostic: It says here that female PC gamers also outnumber males.
Of course we do~! Ma-ha-hah! *strikes a haughty pose* XD

... and I'm not a chubby chick that (only) likes RPG's :p
djdarko: I don't believe any of that for a second.

Almost every guy I've ever met has liked video games, even jocks. On the otherhand I've known 2 girl gamers, they were both chubby chicks that liked RPGs.

But hey, don't take my word for it, ask yourself what the ratio of girl to guy gamers you know in real life.
Funny. I've been a gamer since age 11, and last I looked I was female. Chubby, even, at this point in my life - does it invalidate me if I point out that I was skinny when younger and yet still gamed, on both PC and console? And not just RPGs.

I suspect that the 50% is not actually incorrect. I know an awful lot of female gamers, of all ages, but I think most of them are reluctant to admit it to guys because of the rampant stereotyping/sexism they expect for it. I can't imagine why. -.-
EntoMorph! Everyone buy it, the soundtrack's awesome.
Alright, well its past my bedtime so I'll catch you guys later. Good luck getting your games! Hope the counters speed across your screens ;)
gigafood1: That's cause Its considering phone apps to be gaming, whose largest demographic is middle-aged women.
How else am I meant to play games when on the toilet? I can't exactly take my beast of a computer (well it isn't anymore) down there with a 27" monitor :P