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Tarnicus: I'm glad you got it, I had your back and even grabbed myself a copy too :)
Tekkaman-James: Much appreciated! Sorry for making you buy an extra one, though. >_<;

If you folks doesn't mind, I will ask for someone to look out for Blocks That Matter for me. With how slow the "Fresh" category is going, I'm sure I'm not in much danger of missing it, but an extra set of eyes while I'm asleep would still be great. Aside from impulse buys, that will be the last game I need from this sale. Phew!
You didn't make me, I chose to as I kept my word to grab it just in case. When I saw it on sale, it was going swiftly and I wasn't sure if you were on, so I grabbed it. Someone else will get it, so all good :)
Tarnicus: It coincides with every experience I have had with power and people. Unfortunately for most, it turns them into right fuckwits. A little wisdom and life experience really helps balance that out, especially experiencing suffering oneself. We are a crazy species compared to others, even the sanest of us! (of which I don't come close to being myself :P)
Fellin: Yeah, a lot of people let it get to their head, but there are probably just as many nice people out there. The shitty ones always seem to stick out the most though
That is a very valid point, and something I need to remember :)
Post edited March 06, 2015 by Tarnicus
I guess everyone has Deus Ex by now, because it has stopped.
foxworks: I think he did, but if not, I do have an extra (I'll put that on reserve)
Thank you for Din's Curse! I only just saw that I had a PM :)
foxworks: I think he did, but if not, I do have an extra (I'll put that on reserve)
Tarnicus: Thank you for Din's Curse! I only just saw that I had a PM :)
No worries, enjoy! :D
Gnostic: Oh well, people from all walks of life flock to GOG insomnia,

Not only we have a Black Market Organ Broker, we also have a slave trader
Tarnicus: Thank you for spreading the word about my business! So does anyone need a guy? Send me details on what you are after and I'll see what I can find for you...Ive just been buying supplies for my business and have a nice secluded spot set out for my work. With this increased advertising, I might need to pack my compound bow too. Can never be too sure with the authorities trying to make things difficult for me ><
The majority of gamers are males, and this a gamming site, maybe you need to have differents goods to grow your buisness.

Googles to be sure......

What is this? Majority of gamers are females?

And I thought the majority are males. Googles and [url=]more and and [url=]more

Dang, am I living under a rock?
huN73R: Not sure if you've seen this psychological experiment before, but it was sick.

Tarnicus: I had read briefly on that case many years ago but not in that detail. What a horrid thing to have happen :( I know one baby who had a botched circumcision and do not understand how such a barbaric and unnecessary practise is still common and legal. I am glad that my parents were both in the medical profession and refused to get me "cut" even though it was common in Australia in the 1970s when I was born. I was made fun of a bit when I was younger for being different and am glad my parents chose to leave me whole.
My brother and his wife both work in the medical field and had their boys 'circed'. I was like "NOOOO don't do it, it decreses sensitivity." They're like "You're weird." "Leave it to my brother to be against circumcision..."

So, I have no idea what their excuse was for doing it.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by djdarko
cecil: Is he the guy with his own game? Think it was featured in a humble bundle whole back?
Tarnicus: It sure is! That game is how I found out about his music :)

Edit: Here he is as Vinter in Hollywood. Vinter is much lighter and more upbeat than his works as Savant. This stuff really revs me up, especially combined with caffeine!
Thanks for the link. I hadn't realized he was using all those names for different styles.
Fellin: I never really understood the practice since its kind of unsanitary and it makes you more prone to infection as a baby.
huN73R: You can always rely on people to be illogical when it comes to culture and religions.
Haha, can't argue with you there.
Tarnicus: Thank you for spreading the word about my business! So does anyone need a guy? Send me details on what you are after and I'll see what I can find for you...Ive just been buying supplies for my business and have a nice secluded spot set out for my work. With this increased advertising, I might need to pack my compound bow too. Can never be too sure with the authorities trying to make things difficult for me ><
Gnostic: The majority of gamers are males, and this a gamming site, maybe you need to have differents goods to grow your buisness.

Googles to be sure......

What is this? Majority of gamers are females?

And I thought the majority are males. Googles and [url=]more and and [url=]more

Dang, am I living under a rock?
That's cause Its considering phone apps to be gaming, whose largest demographic is middle-aged women.
opticq: Who wants Rayman Origins?
It looks gorgeous but my better half is the platform enthusiast generally, not me, and we have enough games to last a lifetime. Very nice to offer it openly like that :)
I'd love to get Rayman Origins but it won't be in this sale. And I don't get why Sam and Max took so long, either *shrug*

I got Hogs of War earlier...
Tarnicus: I had read briefly on that case many years ago but not in that detail. What a horrid thing to have happen :( I know one baby who had a botched circumcision and do not understand how such a barbaric and unnecessary practise is still common and legal. I am glad that my parents were both in the medical profession and refused to get me "cut" even though it was common in Australia in the 1970s when I was born. I was made fun of a bit when I was younger for being different and am glad my parents chose to leave me whole.
Fellin: I never really understood the practice since its kind of unsanitary and it makes you more prone to infection as a baby.
One of the justifications for it is actually supposedly hygiene! Er how about washing and teaching your son to wash under the skin? lol Opening a site to infection is crazy to me too. I've read about the difference in sensitivity between circumcised and uncircumcised men but cannot comment as Ive only been one way and am not going to chop it myself! All I can say is that I am glad how things turned out for me - tearing open my scrotum in my 20s was enough for me to realise I like that area to remain intact!
Yeah Rayman looks great and has 5 star reviews, but I still have Banished and BGAE to get!
Does it have another round?
Its very tempting...
Post edited March 06, 2015 by Jenkinz
Shendue: Really? This means they agreed on it being just quantitatively, and not qualitatively different from what is commonly considered autism. I kinda remember reading somewhere in the past that there were debates over it being actually a form of autism or something else entirely.
Did you try Savant's videogame? I wonder if it's any good.
Tarnicus: Yeah I don't give the DSM and the psychs who put it together much credence though. It is too heavily influenced by pharmaceutical companies. My girlfriend is an Aspie, and as challenging as it can be at times (I cant talk, I have bipolar/ADHD diagnoses and can be very difficult to be with!) we have taken the time to get to know each other. Most times things are great. The biggest issues can be overcome with communication, and it is when she is having a melt-down and I am having an angry mood-swing that we have our challenges. Taking the time to learn who each other is has been a rewarding experience, and I have researched a lot on Autism/Aspbergers as as a result. It presents quite differently between males and females. From what I can tell, we are each on these sliding scales to some extent. I don't think a "normal" human being exists :)

I have played Savant's game, and even though I suck at it, I enjoyed it and it isn't my type of game :)
It is usually best (and more accurate) to view it as less of a scale (more or less autistic) and more like an Ice cream sundae bar; every person with autism has a different combination of challenges and symptom. There are some generalizations that are functionally accurate but not every one of them is applicable in every person on the Autism spectrum. And I'm going to stop before I start going any further into rant/extrapolation mode.
andysheets1975: I'd love to get Rayman Origins but it won't be in this sale. And I don't get why Sam and Max took so long, either *shrug*

I got Hogs of War earlier...
The Pidgebot says that there were 1200 copies of Sam and Max available, so I can forgive the duration of that offer.

Not sure what's up with Rayman, though.

I'm tempted to ask for Rayman whenever someone offers. Not because I want to play it, but on the off chance that the person who's offering the game hasn't already bought a copy. >:-)