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Here's my current GOG front page.
yogsloth: Here's my current GOG front page.
Mine is working fine, I'm using Chrome
yogsloth: Hmm, I no longer have a front page.

I can access the forums - but the front page... simply isn't there.
They've turned off the front page because nobody was buying Rayman or Deus Ex anyway.
Who wants Rayman Origins?
Does Rayman have full controller support?

Trying to decide if will buy, but will only buy if it does.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by trentonlf
They should throw like 50 copies of The Witcher: Wild Hunt into the mix for a small discount, I wonder how fast they would sell?
trentonlf: Does Rayman have full controller support?
Yup! PM sent
This Rayman Origins is more like Rayman (takes) Forever

opticq: Who wants Rayman Origins?
I'd love to have a copy. :)
Was tempted to give it a push but I'm saving the rest of my budget for other titles.

Edit: Never mind. Ninja'd by Trenton.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by Pardinuz
trentonlf: Does Rayman have full controller support?
Yes, I trust this list
Even steam page says that there's full controller support.
Edit: Ninja'd by Optiq
Post edited March 06, 2015 by huN73R
Fellin: Well, Rayman has gone down 10 in the last 20 minutes, does that count?
gigafood1: yeeeeah, I'm off for the night, I'm getting real bored of this and if I miss grimrock 2 again ill just pay 24 for it lol.
Night, hope you manage to catch it tomorrow. Chances are probably pretty good it won't show tonight. Probably
yogsloth: Here's my current GOG front page.
trentonlf: Mine is working fine, I'm using Chrome
I switched from Chrome to IE (yeeeech) and now it's working.

trentonlf: Does Rayman have full controller support?

Trying to decide if will buy, but will only buy if it does.
Oh! OH!

trentonlf: Does Rayman have full controller support?
opticq: Yup! PM sent
DAMN! Damn damn damn damn!
Just after 5am here in Portugal, and I woke with excitement and sprinted to the computer (after making coffee, of course) to find R A Y M A N

This is just like yesterday - slooow.

And worst of all, I have missed Shadowrun. And probably Noz and probably also FTL and Children of the Nile... and .. and..
And no crits..

Woe is me. How could GOG save all the good ones for the times when I'm sleeping?

Anyone have a weird glitch were they purchased a game during the sale and after purchasing it and going back to the front page it didn't show as owned even though it was in their library and they received a confirmation e-mail verifying the purchase?

Even worse, I had the game show up in the wrong spot in my library, and I had a hard time finding it. I didn't already have the game either.
Pardinuz: This Rayman Origins is more like Rayman (takes) Forever

opticq: Who wants Rayman Origins?
Pardinuz: I'd love to have a copy. :)
Was tempted to give it a push but I'm saving the rest of my budget for other titles.
Sorry man, maybe next time? There's a lot of gift giving going on and we have a day minimum left of this promo
Post edited March 06, 2015 by opticq
Tarnicus: What a fascinating unethical study that was! I have linked that before on these forums :)
huN73R: Not sure if you've seen this psychological experiment before, but it was sick.

I had read briefly on that case many years ago but not in that detail. What a horrid thing to have happen :( I know one baby who had a botched circumcision and do not understand how such a barbaric and unnecessary practise is still common and legal. I am glad that my parents were both in the medical profession and refused to get me "cut" even though it was common in Australia in the 1970s when I was born. I was made fun of a bit when I was younger for being different and am glad my parents chose to leave me whole.