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gigafood1: Soooo... what happens when seasoned runs out?
I think this is the first double insomnia, so hard to tell.

Some Possibilities:
- repeat popular seasoned
- 2 streams of fresh
- Swap to fresh only
- Something else completely different.

No way to tell until it happens
gigafood1: Soooo... what happens when seasoned runs out?
The Great Cthulhu awakens
cecil: Is he the guy with his own game? Think it was featured in a humble bundle whole back?
gigafood1: Yeah, thats him. Real good music.
any album/song to start with?
gigafood1: Soooo... what happens when seasoned runs out?
No idea. It will probably just stop offering games in the seasoned section and page will stay up until Fresh finishes it's 3rd round.
That is still a ways off though there are plenty of games left in the third round
Yay! My very first freebie! :O
gigafood1: Yeah, thats him. Real good music.
cecil: any album/song to start with?
It's all pretty varied, but this is my personal favorite,
The_Blog: Conclusion:

7 x Freebies (gifted away one of them)
1 x Game gifted by MarkoH01
24 x Games bought and gifted away
21 x Games bought and not activated yet
Installed mousecraft today. I'm super stoked to play it. Thanks again and good luck at university. :)
gigafood1: Soooo... what happens when seasoned runs out?
MissFable: No idea. It will probably just stop offering games in the seasoned section and page will stay up until Fresh finishes it's 3rd round.
That is still a ways off though there are plenty of games left in the third round
Oh I thought their were less. Ah I must have been thinking of fresh round 2.
Caban: Yay! My very first freebie! :O
Awesome hope you enjoy it :)
Caban: Yay! My very first freebie! :O
Congratulations! That's awesome!
CarrionCrow: Black market organ broker here. Total feast or famine industry right there.
lol ^^
The_Blog: Conclusion:

7 x Freebies (gifted away one of them)
1 x Game gifted by MarkoH01
24 x Games bought and gifted away
21 x Games bought and not activated yet
ormaybemidgets: Installed mousecraft today. I'm super stoked to play it. Thanks again and good luck at university. :)
I almost got MouseCraft myself hope it is awesome :)
Well, I guess this shall be the first GOG sale that I do not get to buy all I want.

I managed to miss two games (Metrocide and Kentucky Route Zero) in both cycles of the fresh track (once I was in mid-flight from coast to coast; once I was -- silly me -- asleep). Given the rate Rayman Origins is taking to deplete, I don't expect a third cycle to begin before I go to bed in a couple of hours. Nevermind, I expect they'll be back for the summer sale, if not earlier.

All in all, not a bad sale, even if I did not land even one critical hit (which is well in line with my past history -- I have never made one in any GOG sale ever!).
Good morning, everyone. I just finished reading through everything you wrote while I was sleeping.

Looks like I missed Freedom Planet but Last Federation is still to come, right?

I'm thinking about buying it but I have heard so little of it that I'm unsure. Has anyone played this already?
mrkgnao: All in all, not a bad sale, even if I did not land even one critical hit (which is well in line with my past history -- I have never made one in any GOG sale ever!).
did you do the ritual correctly and make the appropriate sacrifices? the smallest variance can anger the gog gods.