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IAmSinistar: <snip>
Depends on your mood, but my vote goes for Freedom Planet. That's what I'm currently playing through myself.
ElTerprise: What's Freedom Planet. Looks a bit like a Sonic game.
While the art style is clearly homaging Sonic, the gameplay also reminds of Mega Man X and other 16 bits classics like Vectorman, Ristar or Rocket Knight Adventures.
It's a solid platformer, the only possible weakness of it is that the level design was conceived with different playstyles in mind depending on the character you choose. This adds variety but also hurts the quality of the design itself, that could have been better if the game focused on a single specific kind of gameplay.
ElTerprise: I see. Thank you. I might try to get it in the third round.
The_Blog: I have to agree the dialogue is a bit cheesy. But when was the dialogue ever important in a game like this. ^^ I wouldn't be so harsh on it though.
Not really. As i said i might try get it. Depends on my timing though :).
MarkoH01: Those are?
Mostly these 3:
Beyond Good & Evil
TIE Fighter
Shadowrun Returns
did the original Sam & Max have Voices in them? or was that a latter tell tale addition?
genkicolleen: Hiiiii~! *wavies at Crew* You can't really forget about your GOG gift codes that easily, especially if you have Barefoot Essentials installed. If you go to your library, there's a tab for gifts, and the codes are stored there.
MarkoH01: Yes, and if you click on one of them you can see which game it is. Those esentials really ARE essentials (and they bring the nice logo with it). Every GOGer should install it. It was recommended to me a few months ago and I cannot imagine how I could live without it.
Where can get those Barefoot Essentials?
high rated
Tolmar: What do all those B's stand for?
xep624: Where can get those Barefoot Essentials?
IAmSinistar: I would love to get the EotB titles here, along with a few other choice dungeon crawlers from the SSI catalogue. They hold up well even today. I played them on the Amiga, obsessively mapping my way on graph paper...
Getcomposted: Ohhhh, the graph paper...
Good memories. :P
Ohhhh, Amiga and Eye of the Beholder! Good memories :)
high rated
xep624: Where can get those Barefoot Essentials?
HypersomniacLive: Looks like our friends on the front page are going to be here for a good while more. I think this is my cue to slowly head pillow-direction.

See you tomorrow - I mean later today.
Rest well!
Since I'm done with my purchases I'm going to bed at a decent hour tonight. I just wanted to let you know that I'll be thinking of you from my comfortable bed.

Good luck everyone.

*duck and cover.
xep624: Where can get those Barefoot Essentials?
Thank you for that!
3:15 AM again and I have to get up at 6:00 AM so I guess that's it for me for today. Luckily tomorrow is a short day for me and I'll only work until 12:00 AM or so. I would really apreciate it if someone could watch out for "Return to the Mysterious Island" for me until I am back - it is the last time in the sale I am waiting for.

Good night everybody!
MarkoH01: Yes, and if you click on one of them you can see which game it is. Those esentials really ARE essentials (and they bring the nice logo with it). Every GOGer should install it. It was recommended to me a few months ago and I cannot imagine how I could live without it.
xep624: Where can get those Barefoot Essentials?
cecil: did the original Sam & Max have Voices in them? or was that a latter tell tale addition?
The CD version of the Hit The Road was voiced.