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ElTerprise: What's Freedom Planet. Looks a bit like a Sonic game.
A sonic "clone" with fighting mechanics and some of the worst dialogue in history of gaming. Still recommend it, though. The gameplay is great.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by Pardinuz
penumbren: Lifelong Starscream fan, myself... although I can still name all of the Dinobots from memory. lol
Tarnicus: Savant - Starscream Forever just came up on my playlist!
That's just how awesome Starscream is! :)

And thank you for the link! I haven't heard Savant before, but I like the song.
Pardinuz: Good morning/whatever everyone!
I thought this would be over by now. :O
Looks like I still have a chance to get some of the titles I've been waiting for! Yay. :)
Those are?
penumbren: I saw the various SSI goldbox games in the store, but I never did play any of them. I regret that now, but they would have been wasted on me at the time - crpgs are their own special breed, and that was right around the time I was getting sucked into console RPGs thanks to FF and DQ (NES) and FF2 (SNES). I would dearly love to see them show up here someday, if the horrible rights mess could get sorted out. I know I can easily snag them for free (in a questionably legal way), but I would much rather pay for versions that have already been tweaked and updated to work on modern systems.
Yes, the SSI D&D titles would be a major release coup here. Besides the EotB games, there are some amazing ones like , [url=]Al-Qadim, Dark Sun: Shattered Lands, and even DragonStrike that are worth visiting again.
IAmSinistar: I would love to get the EotB titles here, along with a few other choice dungeon crawlers from the SSI catalogue. They hold up well even today. I played them on the Amiga, obsessively mapping my way on graph paper...
penumbren: I saw the various SSI goldbox games in the store, but I never did play any of them. I regret that now, but they would have been wasted on me at the time - crpgs are their own special breed, and that was right around the time I was getting sucked into console RPGs thanks to FF and DQ (NES) and FF2 (SNES). I would dearly love to see them show up here someday, if the horrible rights mess could get sorted out. I know I can easily snag them for free (in a questionably legal way), but I would much rather pay for versions that have already been tweaked and updated to work on modern systems.
You mean, you were playing Final Fantasy 4 back then?
-breaks into whole song and dance about Square's problems with counting back in the day- ;)
BillyMaysFan59: OK... nice stuff in my haul... what should I play first?
Indiana Jones
ElTerprise: Same for me with Deus Ex. Lots of these Re-releases could easily been a patch.
DyNaer: The worst for Deus EX; HR DC it's console port -_- (from my reading)

The non DC is less bugged , anyway , the only points to have the DC is the integration of the Missing Link , and for the bosses battles , so it's a no in my book.....
Yeah. I thinkk the DC was planned for the WiiU and adapted for the other platforms. The problem is that the original version of Deus Ex is not for sale anymore. New Players don't have any choice but the DC.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by ElTerprise
Crewdroog: hmm, yes. however, I'm still only gonna click on what I want. I have a feeling I may forget about codes, like I tend to do. I still have some on bundle stars and humble I think, oops.

and hello genki!
Hiiiii~! *wavies at Crew* You can't really forget about your GOG gift codes that easily, especially if you have Barefoot Essentials installed. If you go to your library, there's a tab for gifts, and the codes are stored there.
Pardinuz: <snip>
A sonic "clone" with fighting mechanics and some of the worst dialogue in history of gaming. Still recommend it, though. The gameplay is great.
ElTerprise: I see. Thank you. I might try to get it in the third round.
I have to agree the dialogue is a bit cheesy. But when was the dialogue ever important in a game like this. ^^ I wouldn't be so harsh on it though.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by The_Blog
Looks like our friends on the front page are going to be here for a good while more. I think this is my cue to slowly head pillow-direction.

See you tomorrow - I mean later today.
madth3: Wouldn't it be harder to play it that way?
HypersomniacLive: And off to the BBBBoB pool of links you go post #12669!
What do all those B's stand for?
Crewdroog: hmm, yes. however, I'm still only gonna click on what I want. I have a feeling I may forget about codes, like I tend to do. I still have some on bundle stars and humble I think, oops.

and hello genki!
genkicolleen: Hiiiii~! *wavies at Crew* You can't really forget about your GOG gift codes that easily, especially if you have Barefoot Essentials installed. If you go to your library, there's a tab for gifts, and the codes are stored there.
Yes, and if you click on one of them you can see which game it is. Those esentials really ARE essentials (and they bring the nice logo with it). Every GOGer should install it. It was recommended to me a few months ago and I cannot imagine how I could live without it.
ElTerprise: Yeah. I thinkk the DC was planned for the WiiU and adapted for the other platforms. The problem is that the original version of Deus Ex is not for sale anymore. New Players don't have any choice but the DC.
exactly , it was really a stupid decision :-(
Post edited March 06, 2015 by DyNaer
IAmSinistar: I would love to get the EotB titles here, along with a few other choice dungeon crawlers from the SSI catalogue. They hold up well even today. I played them on the Amiga, obsessively mapping my way on graph paper...
Ohhhh, the graph paper...
Good memories. :P
IAmSinistar: Yes, the SSI D&D titles would be a major release coup here. Besides the EotB games, there are some amazing ones like , [url=]Al-Qadim, Dark Sun: Shattered Lands, and even DragonStrike that are worth visiting again.
Menzoberranzan in particular I've always wanted to try, but I have a soft spot for the drow culture. I was never a fan of Dark Sun, but I have heard that the game's pretty awesome. Maybe someday.... can't hurt to keep hoping, right? :)

CarrionCrow: You mean, you were playing Final Fantasy 4 back then?
-breaks into whole song and dance about Square's problems with counting back in the day- ;)
Actually, no - if you want to be that exact, I was playing the Americanized Final Fantasy IV Easytype for the SNES. ;P

When I first played FFIV Hardtype (via emulator), I was blown away by how much more complex and fun the game was. It's actually still my favorite FF game, although I think VI is the best one. That reminds me - I could totally be playing it on my iPhone while waiting for the insomnia to change over and my rare elite to respawn in WoW.

And somehow, I missed a couple of replies.

IAmSinistar: Starscream is an epitome of the fawning-yet-conniving evil. One of the most interesting characters of the series.

I also like the Quintessons from the animated film. Some folks have mistaken my avatar for one, but that doesn't bother me. :)

"Innocent. Feed him to the Sharkticons."
The nicest thing about Starscream is that they never changed him. They successfully added some depth in later series (TF: Prime comes to mind) without actually changing his overall character. He's so wonderfully fawning and whining and completely untrustworthy, yet so brilliant and good at making himself necessary that he's always absolutely indispensable.

And yeah, the Quints are awesome. To this day, whenever one shows up in tv/movie/toy form, I hear Weird Al's "Dare to Be Stupid" in my head and then I really grin.

Tarnicus: I loved the Dinobots, they were my favourite as a child! I remember telling my Uncle that I loved Transformers, and he said "I didn't realise you were into electronics." Silly "old man" :P

With that, I am off for a walk as the sun is shining and breaking through this icy wind, and I need to get moving a bit after so much time glued to the computer :)
The Dinobots were never a favorite, but I liked them. I'm terribly fond of Slag, but my prejudice toward triceratops is showing, there.
Post edited March 06, 2015 by penumbren