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j0ekerr: I looked up Elite's date.


That is a long time ago.
I played and loved Elite...and it was in the mid-80s as well!
MarkoH01: What should I say? 1970.
xep624: In PCPowerPlay (Aussie/New Zealan magazine) I read a few times about gamers who are over 65... That should make you feel better :)
Thank you. But I don't really care. Age is just a number and I am still a child within and plan to remain this way.
Klumpen0815: 1986: Chernobyl, dude - I've got the glow!
MarkoH01: Oh yes, I remember. Everybody was in panic that Germany would be doomed too. And we're still using atomic power.
Don't worry about the those few atomic plants in Germany. Look at France and run for your life.
trentonlf: are you in need of SR: Dragonfall?
Nope. I got the game back when it was sold as DLC. Thanks anyway. ;)
Post edited March 06, 2015 by Grargar
What was the best Insomnia sale? VOTE:
Klumpen0815: 1986: Chernobyl, dude - I've got the glow!
MarkoH01: Oh yes, I remember. Everybody was in panic that Germany would be doomed too. And we're still using atomic power.
And the Southgerman mushrooms are still contaminated (true story).
Matruchus: Don't worry about the those few atomic plants in Germany. Look at France and run for your life.
Hey , i'm fine ;)
New Seasoned: Uplink
1-in-41 chance for the next Seasoned game to be Myst. :)
Klumpen0815: 1986: Chernobyl, dude - I've got the glow!
MarkoH01: Oh yes, I remember. Everybody was in panic that Germany would be doomed too. And we're still using atomic power.
I was 6 in that year - I remeber mandatory iodine in Polish kindergarten and everyone panicking a few weeks after tragedy, when it was brought to public attention by Sweden.... I'm still alive tough :)
BillyMaysFan59: What was the best Insomnia sale? VOTE:
Easy., the original one. Although they are always a nice happening and a lot of fun,
BillyMaysFan59: What was the best Insomnia sale? VOTE:
Can't beat the magic of the original but they all have been very cool.Easily my most fav sale at gog.Certainly the most social sale.
Tarnicus: I mistakenly checked my bank balance this morning. I might have to move to the bush and camp permanently at this rate just to afford my guy-buying addiction! :P
Gnostic: I don't know you are a slave trader, where do you do your buisness? In the middle east?
Haha LMFAO! I cannot edit that post now, thanks for busting me! Australia has people from all manner of countries and ethnicities, so there is a market here for everyone! :P
Getcomposted: New Seasoned: Uplink
1-in-41 chance for the next Seasoned game to be Myst. :)
So now we starting Myst hype, not Nox one? :)
is the fresh list already on round 3?
DyNaer: Hey , i'm fine ;)
*Points at third eye on avatar.*