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Klumpen0815: Halfway is so tempting... but my wallet has suffered enough already.
Tarnicus: I mistakenly checked my bank balance this morning. I might have to move to the bush and camp permanently at this rate just to afford my guy-buying addiction! :P
I don't know you are a slave trader, where do you do your buisness? In the middle east?
high rated
trentonlf: any particular one?
His choice. ;-)
Huh, I just got Halfway for free. Never even heard of this game before!
Halfway! Now i just want Q.U.B.E.: DIRECTOR'S CUT and i'm done.
After getting it i will stay anyway for the freebies and the good company, but i guess i'll have some sleep as well, after sleeping about 10 hours total in 3 days. The first 2 i was fine, but today i started to feel a little drowsy.
j0ekerr: I looked up Elite's date.


That is a long time ago.
Some of us have a birth date in the 1980's. Way to make me feel old.
Going to get some sleep guys :)
Got everything I wanted and could afford.
I'll come back tomorrow for some BuyNow smashing to get a crit at something.
Thanks for last 300 pages of this thread :)

See ya tomorrow, and goodnight!
ElTerprise: You got a PM.
Klumpen0815: This is so awesome. :)

I wonder if there is so much buying and gifting around just for the heck of it on "vaporized water" too, somehow I doubt it.
Wow! That one took me a few seconds to figure out. Nice!
And no, I wouldn't guess so either. They are simply ... different there. Maybe DRM is bad for your character ;)
pengchi87: Wonder what'll happen when the Seasoned side finishes its third run. Will two games from the fresh bath be on sale? Or will the fresh run alone?
Hopefully, GOG will crunch some quick numbers and repeat the bestsellers/quickest sellers of the Seasoned set *cough* Nox! Vangers! *cough* so that more people can get a chance of grabbing it.
That way, more money for GOG, more games for us. Win-win.
Mister-Gosh: How is the Last Federation? Did anyone try it?
I bought it on release but haven't played since back in the first week of updates. I don't think I could give you an accurate impression of it at this point, sorry.
j0ekerr: I looked up Elite's date.


That is a long time ago.
zfox2064: Some of us have a birth date in the 1980's. Way to make me feel old.
I have! Although barely. A few months before the fall of the wall.

Edit: constantly forgetting words. Probably Alzheimer's disease ;).
Post edited March 06, 2015 by ElTerprise
tkullander: Did I jus went for a quick leaving party of a colleague and missed Dragonfall?! Gaaaah....
Klumpen0815: That's what you get for having a social life! ;)
Aaaw, I don't even like that colleague! :( Oh well, there should still be a third round, right?

On top of that, I missed Haegmonia too?! Gaaaaah....
Post edited March 06, 2015 by tkullander
j0ekerr: I looked up Elite's date.


That is a long time ago.
zfox2064: Some of us have a birth date in the 1980's. Way to make me feel old.
You can still get it for free from the elite Dangerous Store. It is displayed there with a price of 0€/$/etc.
Yay! I got a freebie! Never heard of Halfway, but it looks like it could be cool. And there's a Linux version! :)

Question though: I was too excited and just hit the purchase button, but do I have the option to get a gift code for a free game instead?
Cool, just got my first crit with Septerra Core. I guess they are real after all! :D
IAmSinistar: Keep watching the shadows! :)
Fixed :P