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ArtisticMinstrel: Has kyrandia book one been around for the final time? Any good?
No, it hasn't.
Maxvorstadt: Oh, btw:
I`m off to play a little bit Dragonfall, so I wish you all a good night!!
*hugs everybody*
Play well, and good night ! :D
skeletonbow: Ok, Sonic the Hedgehog was fun back in the day so that game might be fun to give a whirl... but not $4.89 fun... That's for diehard Sonicolics I believe. :) When it reaches $0.89 I'll grab it up for sure though! :)
SortaSane: I'm severely tempted, I haven't played a good new Sonic-type title since the Sega Genesis.
FOr that price I would say it is definitly worth it. But I guess everybody has it's own threshhold when it comes to purchases.
skeletonbow: Yup, you have to click on Buy Now to get the freebie chance. Perhaps all the people who aren't winning are doing what you're doing then, that could make sense... yes... :)
bler144: Anecdotally I've been clicking "buy now" and I'm still a 200+ time loser ;)
Me too. First 1 or 2 games I bought through the Add to Cart from the product page but otherwise it's been all frontpage clicks with no crits.
IronArcturus: Freedom Planet is a great homage to Sonic!
I'd rather wait for the actual Sonic! :P

Honestly, that Freedom Planet... lady just creeps me out. What is she wearing, Daisy Dukes?
IAmSinistar: Off to eat that aforementioned chili, you all have fun!
Don't worry I will keep the list going :)
So, do the new waves have all new games in them, or are they sprinkled with repeats? Or, are they just repeats? Sorry, I'm new to this kind of sale.
MissFable: If I liked that style of gameplay I would be very tempted by this game.
What other things would you be tempted by m'lady? *fedora tipping intensifies*
Post edited March 05, 2015 by huN73R
Is anyone getting the message "DOUBLE INSOMNIA PROMO NOTIFICATION
Swing and a miss... Sorry, this offer is expired. You can still proceed with the normal priced purchase, or go back to the main page for more great deals and chances for free games." when trying to buy Freedom Planet?

What's happening?

There are still several copies.
goplanet: Is "press the thumbs" the German equivalent of crossing one's fingers?
Maxvorstadt: Yes, it is. It means to wish luck to somebody. In germany crossing fingers has a totally different meaning:
If you promise something to someone and yo cross your fingers behind your back, then it is as if you didn`t promise that.
For example, if your mother asks you to promise that you don`t play with the bad kids and you cross your fengers while you promise it than your promise is null and void.
Funny, those differences between cultures, eh?

Oh, btw:
I`m off to play a little bit Dragonfall, so I wish you all a good night!!
*hugs everybody*
umm, I grew up with both meanings here in the States.
ArtisticMinstrel: Has kyrandia book one been around for the final time? Any good?
Tannath: No, it hasn't.
Thanks, one more chance then
evanmv13: So, do the new waves have all new games in them, or are they sprinkled with repeats? Or, are they just repeats? Sorry, I'm new to this kind of sale.
All of the same games are included in each wave, meaning that the entire set of games available for sale cycles through completely before repeating.
Marcoutsider: Is anyone getting the message "DOUBLE INSOMNIA PROMO NOTIFICATION
Swing and a miss... Sorry, this offer is expired. You can still proceed with the normal priced purchase, or go back to the main page for more great deals and chances for free games." when trying to buy Freedom Planet?

What's happening?

There are still several copies.
It's just a bug check the price. If it still gives a discount then ignore it.
Maxvorstadt: Yes, it is. It means to wish luck to somebody. In germany crossing fingers has a totally different meaning:
If you promise something to someone and yo cross your fingers behind your back, then it is as if you didn`t promise that.
For example, if your mother asks you to promise that you don`t play with the bad kids and you cross your fengers while you promise it than your promise is null and void.
Funny, those differences between cultures, eh?
SortaSane: In America, at least, it carries both meanings. Cross your fingers during a promise and you nullify the promise, but people also cross their fingers for luck when attempting something that might go badly.
Then we are not sooo different, we`re all only human.
Did somebody ever calculate how much GoG did earn with this (or an earlier) insomnia sale? I mean, there are fixed numbers of copies, each with a fixed price, some mathematic nerd should be able to calculate that!
With this homework, my friends, I declare the school over (or out?)!
Good night and good luck
evanmv13: So, do the new waves have all new games in them, or are they sprinkled with repeats? Or, are they just repeats? Sorry, I'm new to this kind of sale.
They're just repeats. No new games show up after the first cycle. We're in the second cycle for the fresh deals, in the third for the seasoned ones. Check out the first post for a list of the games that are in this promo.