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Games I actually wanted to buy but didn't enter the sale:
King's Quest 7+8
Baldur's Gate

Games I actually bought because they were on sale
The Last Express
Mind - Path to Thalamus
Quest to Infamy
Pixeljunk Shooters

Oh, well.
Hopefully I WILL actually play those games :p
retsuseiba: I dunno if this is the best place to ask, but what does that "Swing and a miss" notification mean? I got this twice now.

It's as if I had tried to purchase a game just as it went "out of stock". But in both cases the games in question had plenty of copies left still. What gives?
Just a glitch.
IAmSinistar: Off to eat that aforementioned chili, you all have fun!
Bon appétit ! Have a good meal !
SortaSane: Last Express is up in the Seasoned side.

It was another childhood favorite of mine and recommend it to adventure fans. If the screenshots look off, it's because the characters are constantly in motion and the animation was sort-of motion captured/rotoscoped. Even today it looks unique and tells a great murder mystery as an adventure game.
Woohoo! All aboard! I've been waiting for this one; it was on my WL.
skeletonbow: Yup, you have to click on Buy Now to get the freebie chance. Perhaps all the people who aren't winning are doing what you're doing then, that could make sense... yes... :)
Anecdotally I've been clicking "buy now" and I'm still a 200+ time loser ;)
skeletonbow: Ok, Sonic the Hedgehog was fun back in the day so that game might be fun to give a whirl... but not $4.89 fun... That's for diehard Sonicolics I believe. :) When it reaches $0.89 I'll grab it up for sure though! :)
SortaSane: I'm severely tempted, I haven't played a good new Sonic-type title since the Sega Genesis.
Freedom Planet is a great homage to Sonic!
To all the people PMing me, yes, I did get Dragonfall, thanks for your kindness!
Has kyrandia book one been around for the final time? Any good?
The Last Express image always conjures 'No Leaf Clover' in my head.
Maxvorstadt: In germany crossing fingers has a totally different meaning:
If you promise something to someone and yo cross your fingers behind your back, then it is as if you didn`t promise that.
For example, if your mother asks you to promise that you don`t play with the bad kids and you cross your fengers while you promise it than your promise is null and void.
Funny, those differences between cultures, eh?
Actually, that second meaning applies in the US too.
skeletonbow: Ok, Sonic the Hedgehog was fun back in the day so that game might be fun to give a whirl... but not $4.89 fun... That's for diehard Sonicolics I believe. :) When it reaches $0.89 I'll grab it up for sure though! :)
SortaSane: I'm severely tempted, I haven't played a good new Sonic-type title since the Sega Genesis.
If I liked that style of gameplay I would be very tempted by this game.
goplanet: Is "press the thumbs" the German equivalent of crossing one's fingers?
Maxvorstadt: Yes, it is. It means to wish luck to somebody. In germany crossing fingers has a totally different meaning:
If you promise something to someone and yo cross your fingers behind your back, then it is as if you didn`t promise that.
For example, if your mother asks you to promise that you don`t play with the bad kids and you cross your fengers while you promise it than your promise is null and void.
Funny, those differences between cultures, eh?
In America, at least, it carries both meanings. Cross your fingers during a promise and you nullify the promise, but people also cross their fingers for luck when attempting something that might go badly.
MarkoH01: Hmmmm...I am buying a game and not the man and as long as giving the man some money through buying the game does not lead to the fact that he can kill several people I don't really care what type of character he is or how bad he is in spending a budget. I am also not sure if something which is posted here about what he said is not just a kind of Tims bad humor? Anyway if I want to have and play a game I will buy it - just MY opinion. I am also no fan of scientology but I still watch Tom Cruise movies (and several others). This should not lead to a political discussion. I am just th eopinion that the game and the person ae two things. Of course everybody would have to decide this for him-/herself.
Klumpen0815: Not wanting to discuss this here, just genuinely interested:
Would you give money to a child molester, if he made a really awesome game?
Or is the degree of asympathy affecting those decision and your statement isn't as general as it looks?
I could understand all three views (doesn't affect / depends / highly affects willingness to give money for delivered stuff).
I could make this really complicated because my viewpoint is extreme special but I'll try to make this easy. Important for me is if giving my money to a person would LEAD to the harm of other people. In your extreme case of a child molester this would mean that he'd use the money to molest a child which would mean my money would help him in doing so. If this would be the case I would not buy the game.

My whole viewpoint regarding this extreme case is a little bit more complicate but I think this is not the place for such a discussion. Let's have fun here and not darken the mood by discussing such things, o.k.?
opticq: Aw yes, finally got Cognition. Now I can sleep.

If Doorkickers comes up somehow before I get back, save me a copy? I'll pay you back + gifts.

Good night everyone
blotunga: Will keep an eye on it.
Thanks for looking out for it!

opticq: Aw yes, finally got Cognition. Now I can sleep.

If Doorkickers comes up somehow before I get back, save me a copy? I'll pay you back + gifts.

Good night everyone
Splatsch: Good night ! But honnestly, I don't think third round will begin until you'll be awake again (but I may be mistaken)
Well looks like you were right, I vastly overestimated the speed of the Fresh category, but thank you for looking out!

opticq: Aw yes, finally got Cognition. Now I can sleep.

If Doorkickers comes up somehow before I get back, save me a copy? I'll pay you back + gifts.

Good night everyone
Tarnicus: Congrats and rest well! It is still early here, just barely after midnight and I awoke at 3pm after getting to sleep at 9am after last night's fun on this thread :)
Thanks, my sleep cycle is a bit wonky so I will have to fix it when this all ends.
Damn, I missed Dragonfall :/ Hope to get it in round 3.