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goplanet: Maybe setting off antivirus for some reason?
Maxvorstadt: My antivirus (Avast) tells me when it finds something suspicious! It doesn`t interfere with other downloads from GoG, too.
Strange thing that is!
I've had Avast interfere with a GOG game without any warning alerts. I turned it off and could install properly, though. (Sorry, but I can't recall which game that was any more.)
high rated
budejovice: Curious. Have played original only, then got freebie Dragonfall. (I also own this full release.) I downloaded the freebie and still have it - what was that one all about? Should I just get rid of it?
Grargar: If by freebie Dragonfall, you mean the one that is attached to the original game, then you don't need it; the full release of Dragonfall allows you to switch between the original and director's cut versions of the game.
Yeah, it was version that was given to owners of Shadowrun Returns on GOG - the DC came out later I think. I assumed it would be moot with the Director's Cut, just hadn't taken the time to research it. Thanks!
RetiredBard: Well, that's true. I just would have thought there'd be more feedback about those issues in the forum.
Splatsch: I understand. I don't think there is that much problems. May be it's only very few unlucky who are experiencing difficulties. If you are attracted, and have money, you should grab it ;) Think about the refund policy !
You know what? You convinced me. For some reason, when I originally asked about it, I hadn't even considered that it says Windows 7 on the game card. Thanks for the advice.
50 copies of Hogs of War? Oh ye of little faith.

Still, hard to like a game where the art seems to be showing one pig soldier impaling another on a roasting spit.
goplanet: Maybe setting off antivirus for some reason?
Maxvorstadt: My antivirus (Avast) tells me when it finds something suspicious! It doesn`t interfere with other downloads from GoG, too.
Strange thing that is!
Well, I'm down to gremlins and cosmic rays as the only remaining possibilities.
opeth2112: Am I the only one who thinks the people saying they have had multiple freebies are full of crap? I would say I've clicked on easily 90% of the entire sale, and have received nothing. I just can't see things being that skewed so some people would get 4 or 5 free games. What's your thoughts? Internet boasting or I'm just unlucky as hell?
huN73R: Just a little low on luck perhaps. Not going to boast about my 5 crits here.
I kind of figured - my luck is usually shit when it comes to these things lol.
Bolch76: Working your magic again? :)
Sorry, I tried. :(
Still gotta learn how to control my powers, I guess.
Prohzac: wow only 50? That's odd in comparison to 1200 Indies.
Maybe they are trying to speed things up a bit.
opeth2112: Am I the only one who thinks the people saying they have had multiple freebies are full of crap? I would say I've clicked on easily 90% of the entire sale, and have received nothing. I just can't see things being that skewed so some people would get 4 or 5 free games. What's your thoughts? Internet boasting or I'm just unlucky as hell?
skeletonbow: There could be people that are full of crap, there's no way to validate anyone's claims really. I got 2 freebies so far (Capsized and Sir You are Being Hunted) on the first day, nothing since, but I went through the first 2 Insomnia sales in 2013 and 2014 without winning any freebies either. It's random chance and completely within the mathematics of things. Look up probability theory on wikipedia.
Well, I've given four keys away and I got two more for myself, so I've been supremely lucky this time around, but in other sales I've never scored a freebie. This sale was the first time for me. I don't see any reason why someone would want to lie about it, though?
IAmSinistar: 50 copies of Hogs of War? Oh ye of little faith.

Still, hard to like a game where the art seems to be showing one pig soldier impaling another on a roasting spit.
there have been casualties
IAmSinistar: Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut gift key obtained. Will dangle it over the plebs later and have them fight each other to the death for it. ;)
Well for that one I assume it will be a big mess here - do i see some plastic sheets?
Post edited March 05, 2015 by mcleodone
critical hit hogs war.....

it's a good game?
Post edited March 05, 2015 by LiefLayer
Did anyone manage to get a shadow run gift code the first game? I missed it when I was at work and was wondering if anyone had a code or bought an extra copy I will give you my steam key huniepop for it or something :O
They should have put more copies, rather than degrade the game to Neverending Nightmares levels. Anyway:

Seasoned deal: Stronghold HD (-75%) [200]
Post edited March 05, 2015 by Grargar
Wow, Hogs of War is positively flying. Took 100 minutes the first time (for 150 copies) and 120 minutes in the second round (100 copies).