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toxicTom: My father-in-law makes an awesome roasted rabbit. Maybe he will share his secrets.
IAmSinistar: Would be nice! That's what I'm most interested in, family recipes that vary from what you typically find in cookbooks. I plan on sharing some of my mother's and grandmother's creations too.
I fully agree with you :)
toxicTom: I'm off for now. Good night everybody :-)
Have a good night ! :)
Post edited March 05, 2015 by Splatsch
Maxvorstadt: I don`t use the Downloader, untill now I never had a problem with downloading a game. Strange thing is that ist`s only my freebie (Pier Solaris), all others work fine. The download works untill the last few seconds. Firefox says that there are only "a few seconds" left, the download stops and my harddrive is working like somebody has given it amphetamine!
Did you check your drive space?
CharlesGrey: So... how rare are these "critical hits"? Just wondering since I had no luck so far. Do you simply click on the buy button and then you get a special pop-up or a message on the next page?
Somewhat random. I've gotten three games so far, even though I haven't really been fishing for criticals. On the next page your purchase shows up as free and there's a notification about a critical hit.

What I don't know is that can you repeatedly hit the buy button until you get a freebie, or is it just one try per user.
wallpaper: Anyone else feel like this sale format is in some ways one of the least enjoyable? Totally plays on the addictive element of surprise, but when you're only looking out for a few titles that compulsiveness to keep checking is hardly rewarded. And yet, I've kept GOG up on my browser almost continuously...
The_Blog: Well in a way yes it is. But it creates a community event that nothing else can in this kind of intensity. It is amazing and that is what makes the sale great. The deals are nice but not really what the Insomnia Sale is about for me. Atleast not mainly. But I have to agree that it is incredibly exhausting.
Very true – it's a great deal of fun to see folks from so many timezones gathered in the forums at once, some waking up just as others are going to bed!
oldaperture: Try the downloader. Not sure if it's going to help but it won't hurt. It's very unobtrusive.
Maxvorstadt: Well, support did tell me that, too. But I hoped to find a method without using it. I mean, it should work without the downloader.
Can I choose which language version and which extras I download, when I download a game?
You mean with the downloader? Everything works just the same, except the download opens in the downloader instead of in your browser downloads. Download.
Zojokkeli: Somewhat random. I've gotten three games so far, even though I haven't really been fishing for criticals. On the next page your purchase shows up as free and there's a notification about a critical hit.

What I don't know is that can you repeatedly hit the buy button until you get a freebie, or is it just one try per user.
One try per game, will not work after that.
wizardofid: still no nox, come on gog.......I am enjoying alan wake, so thanks for that at least. :D
I think you'll find Nox if you check your PM. Enjoy it.
bew1977: Raising 3.1 million dollars over the requested amount to make Bowel Age, delivering half a game 2 years late.

Basically putting out inferior products ever since he went solo, making EA's president (Who is the worst douchebag imaginable) right about him.

Following Kiefer Sutherland at a game awards show after Kiefer went off teleprompter to give a heartfelt thanks all the fans of MGS5 for accepting him and saying "Voice actors are paid to do that"

Made derogatory slurs at the GDC last night in the form of a sock puppet telling off color jokes against women and people of color.
Crol3993: Hum...if that's true then you are probably right.
...anyway Broken Age is gone now so....I won't have to decide to support him or not.
Hmmmm...I am buying a game and not the man and as long as giving the man some money through buying the game does not lead to the fact that he can kill several people I don't really care what type of character he is or how bad he is in spending a budget. I am also not sure if something which is posted here about what he said is not just a kind of Tims bad humor? Anyway if I want to have and play a game I will buy it - just MY opinion. I am also no fan of scientology but I still watch Tom Cruise movies (and several others). This should not lead to a political discussion. I am just th eopinion that the game and the person ae two things. Of course everybody would have to decide this for him-/herself.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by MarkoH01
RetiredBard: Could anyone give me any input on Haegemonia? I always give it a good look when it's on sale, but then I find mentions of issues with installing and playing it on Win 7 64-bit, and I ultimately pass on it.
There is always the 30 day refund policy : it's certified Win 7 on the gamecard, so you can try it, and if it doesn't work, you can ask for a refund.
Maxvorstadt: I don`t use the Downloader, untill now I never had a problem with downloading a game. Strange thing is that ist`s only my freebie (Pier Solaris), all others work fine. The download works untill the last few seconds. Firefox says that there are only "a few seconds" left, the download stops and my harddrive is working like somebody has given it amphetamine!
goplanet: Did you check your drive space?
Yep. enough space! I even downloaded an other game after I tried downloading PS.
You know what? The next game definitely won't be Shadowrun: Dragonfall. In fact, I'm pretty certain that GOG took it out of the rotation.
It won't appear anymore.
dgwake: I am back with Wizardry 8 as a crit. anyone missed this one?
ziolkowskim: If noone missed it, I can use this. As long as noone needs it.
OK to get it you must post a video of you dancing. ;)

or just check your PMs

kidding about the dancing please don't.
goplanet: Did you check your drive space?
Maxvorstadt: Yep. enough space! I even downloaded an other game after I tried downloading PS.
Check disk for bad sectors maybe?
Fesin: You know what? The next game definitely won't be Shadowrun: Dragonfall. In fact, I'm pretty certain that GOG took it out of the rotation.
It won't appear anymore.
You were saying? ; )
Fesin: You know what? The next game definitely won't be Shadowrun: Dragonfall. In fact, I'm pretty certain that GOG took it out of the rotation.
It won't appear anymore.
ROFL...well, it is.