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evanmv13: Does anyone know if Deus ex has popped up yet? Only game I want, and my already crappy internet seems to be suffering from keeping this page up all day :(
Not yet.
Fesin: Urgh, Astebreed. That's not Dragonfall!
How many games are there left in the rotation?
Post edited March 05, 2015 by Grargar
I think I'm late to the conversation but I'm making potato leek soup maybe tomorrow. I meant to today but it's too late now. Got the stuff for it, I'm just too sick today to deal with the prep work. It's all going in the slow cooker and hopefully I don't end up transferring germs. Been on antibiotic treatment for strep throat now for 9 days and tomorrow's the last dose and I'm sicker now than I was before they sort of accidentally realized I had strep >:( Not sure if it's now mono or the flu or what but I am very whiny today.
Whats up guys, did Legend of Grimrock 2 show up lately?
Fesin: Urgh, Astebreed. That's not Dragonfall!
How many games are there left in the rotation?
I think 6 or 7?
LiefLayer: If you are also interested in the Italian recipes at home I have two chefs well XD ... so I can help you
Why not? At least yours have metric units and °C ;-)

I really could use an easy and delicious recipe for pizza dough.
Splatsch: I've just made it !
People, if you want to share your receipes, don't hesitate ! We will be there to exchange receipes, eventually advices, and talk about tested receipes from others !
Posting now. :)
3 hours RNG. You have 3 hours to bring Tomb Raider on. Or I risk doing my job tomorrow in zombie mode.
Grargar: 10
Oh Lord, have mercy!
djdarko: Whats up guys, did Legend of Grimrock 2 show up lately?
As far as I can
I managed to get two crits relatively close in time to each other yesterday.

Since then, nothing!

It is somewhat vexing!
requested: I'm done for this sale. I just got a message that my payment was denied.
Upon research it's pretty safe to say that my credit card got disabled after three transactions into a foreign country, seems to be an automatic security 'feature'.

And I even haven't bought the games I originally intended :D

At least I scored Beyond Good & Evil, Mark of the Ninja and Terraria.
There will come another sale and I'll be better prepared^^

Have fun, good luck and see you soon!
Why dont you use Paypal?
Riquerico: Ouch, I've missed Sudeki three times already =(
I'm always sleeping when it shows up lol
Bolch76: No prob. Just check your PM. :)
Woah! Thank you so much!! I'm already downloading it! =D
calicogamer: I think I'm late to the conversation but I'm making potato leek soup maybe tomorrow. I meant to today but it's too late now. Got the stuff for it, I'm just too sick today to deal with the prep work. It's all going in the slow cooker and hopefully I don't end up transferring germs. Been on antibiotic treatment for strep throat now for 9 days and tomorrow's the last dose and I'm sicker now than I was before they sort of accidentally realized I had strep >:( Not sure if it's now mono or the flu or what but I am very whiny today.
Check out my recipe. The beer should help deal with microbes.
Splatsch: I've just made it !
People, if you want to share your receipes, don't hesitate ! We will be there to exchange receipes, eventually advices, and talk about tested receipes from others !
in! but give me until some sleep at weekend
LiefLayer: If you are also interested in the Italian recipes at home I have two chefs well XD ... so I can help you
mcleodone: jumps up and down
here, me too please!
One of my favorites is tuscany pork filet
also would like sinistars hot recipes for cold days and toxic ones - hope not toxic - recipes
When the sale is over, I would gladly look into the cooking thread and share my recipe of Gulasch.