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FearfulSymmetry: I don't know what kind of karmic event is going on around me. Normally I'm the unluckiest/clumsiest person ever. For example, I managed to trip, fall down and injure my ankle on the corner of a street called something like 'cripple street' in Dutch.
stg83: Probably why you're getting just reward for all the good karma that was owed because of all the previous bad luck. More +rep to you for tspreading the joy by giving away the games. :)
That's mighty fine of the universe. Here I was starting to think the powers that be really had it out for me. :P That, or I'm just too clumsy for my own good.
Cavalary: Probably that's how far the server got with syncing, as in where you get taken back to after posting.
Now I have to test this theory.
BwieDieter: IIRC, there is no use in trying multiple times with one game to maybe get a freebie, right? You have one shot per game. can anyone confirm? If you hava a random shot at a freebie with /every time you click checkout/, i know how I´d pass my spare time, and only buy a game once nearly all copies have gone.
Yep at least it was so in the last insomnias- one shot
Senteria: I was a backer for Dreamfall chapters and I missed this. I am not sad about this. I am actually happy that it gets more exposure and a lot of people will like it. :)
Got it.. I hope it's good, and that I find time to play it and it doesn't collects "dust" like for example Tex... I have to begin shaving off at least short games from my backlog :D
I've missed a few just because of writing and editing posts too slowly, happily nothing so far I would've purchased.

Got one wishlisted game: Sir, You Are Being Hunted, and one random spur of the moment purchase of Labyrinth of Time (without knowing much about it at all)
Matruchus: Damn missed X-Wing sale :/
You'll have another chance in all likelihood. But you'll need to be alert, if it moves as fast again.
Didn't even get a GOG bear here, the site was simply not accessible for an hour here - no server response. Each sale the same lousy annoyances :-/
Post edited March 02, 2015 by DeMignon
Cavalary: Probably that's how far the server got with syncing, as in where you get taken back to after posting.

Edit: Yep, page 47.
Nope, I was thrown back to post #950, yet the General discussion page says the thread has only 936 posts (the OP not included).
Frigging Aarklash! You're blocking Grimrock 2 and possibly (hopefully) Original Sin! Get the hell out of the way!
I waffled on buying Unreal .... and missed it.
Frack! Missed Wasteland 2.
*phew* Internet down scare... back :)
Cavalary: Probably that's how far the server got with syncing, as in where you get taken back to after posting.

Edit: Yep, page 47.
HypersomniacLive: Nope, I was thrown back to post #950, yet the General discussion page says the thread has only 936 posts (the OP not included).
You sure it's 950? Page 19 would be 901-950. You should check to see if it takes you to 20 right after that counter goes over 950.
HypersomniacLive: So, it's not just me then. What happened to the rest of the posts?
Cavalary: Probably that's how far the server got with syncing, as in where you get taken back to after posting.

Edit: Yep, page 47.
If you're talking about how the site loads a page in the thread from, like, 15-30 min. earlier after posting, then it's been happening to me, too. Earlier it was only about 4 pages behind; last time, it took me to pg. 47 (10 pages behind as of when I started typing this). Hopefully it'll start catching back up soon.
Ixamyakxim: *phew* Internet down scare... back :)
Threaten the modem with a bat. Always works for me when I have internet problems. =)