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Prohzac: There are so many games gog could add: Lemmings, Aladdin, The Lion King, Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines.... Is here a place when one can post such suggestions?
Has Syndicate: Plus been discounted yet ?

PS: I know the base game is free (on the House) on Origins.
j0ekerr: What's not to love?!
eiii: The controls! :P
Driving that car ... uh oh

As much as I love the rest of the game. :)
I had no problems with driving the car.

Brütal Legend rocks in every way BUT the lack of LAN support. :(
The multiplayer mode really isn't bad.
MrDrWatson: That's what I usually do, I avoid episodic games until the last episode is available, then get them all together.
MarkoH01: Normally I like episodic games. I have not that much time (at the moment none at all because I am sitting in fromt of this monitor for three days every minute of my free time) and one episode does not take too long. Often those episodes are structured in the way that they are kind of self contained so you would not have to remember so much until the next episode wioll be released. I never had problems with the Telltale Games (even though their support is unbelievable bad). Kentucky Route Zero has very looooong timeframes between the releases and I don't care - I enjoy every single one of them. It's like good wine. The only thing with Broken Age is that some people are not sure that the second part even will be released at all and given that the first episode ends on a huge cliffhanger I can understand that this does not lead to people buying the game. I however am pretty sure that it will be completed.
Sorry how is it possible to sit in front of a monitor for three days every minute?
Prohzac: There are so many games gog could add: Lemmings, Aladdin, The Lion King, Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines.... Is here a place when one can post such suggestions?
Posted, yes. Heeded, maybe. :)

And please, search thoroughly for an existing wish before creating a new one. It's a real pain to see a half-dozen wishes for the same game with slightly different titles.
I'm done for this sale. I just got a message that my payment was denied.
Upon research it's pretty safe to say that my credit card got disabled after three transactions into a foreign country, seems to be an automatic security 'feature'.

And I even haven't bought the games I originally intended :D

At least I scored Beyond Good & Evil, Mark of the Ninja and Terraria.
There will come another sale and I'll be better prepared^^

Have fun, good luck and see you soon!
toxicTom: Seconded. My "rite of passage" into here was stumbling into a discussion that would probably have ended in bloodshed in most places on the net (and in real life). As you may guess it was about religion (and atheism). People from all over the world took part and although there were a few heated comments or snarky remarks, the tone keep unbelievably civil and no shitstorm or flame war erupted.

Totally awesome!

And then I took a look around in the forums and met people like TinyE, IAmSinistar (who gifted me Bad Mojo when I was OOM), ddickinson, trentonlf (still playing Divinity 2, thanks man!) and countless others. I've never felt more at home with an internet community.

And people here are from different countries, cultures, religions, world views, social classes, tastes and political views. There is so much to learn, to discover - so many occasions to reflect upon my own points of view. For an internet gaming community this is an impressive thing to accomplish..
Maxvorstadt: I guess it`s because here are mostly older people. Gamers who were socialized in the eighties or even the seventies. Many younger people seem to have a rather disturbed view on social abilities. In most gaming forums you can see those people with absolutely no sense for good behavior and kindness. The attitude of this people is best described as "I´m right and if you don`t believe it I`m gonna shit on your head!".
If such people come here, they see that they have no chance with such an attitude. The younger people that stay here are those, who understood that kindness is a better way than shouting cursewords on each other. It seems for me, as if this forum attracts more of the intelligent people, than the average dumbasses. Most people here are more into helping each other, because they understand that then others are more willing to help themselves.
It's a good theory.
Hello again all :) Hope things are going well for all of you !
I now it's useless to ask, but maybe I have more luck the 4th time. ^^

As I am going to bed soon, anyone willing to save me a copy of Tie Fighter and/or the Shadowrun games?
No problem. I'll first go through what's already in there. Thank yous :)
Grargar: 11 more.
bler144: First time anyone has asked this question, but is Shadowrun: Dragonfall one of those 11?

/ducks to avoid thrown items
Also waiting for Shadowrun. And Shadowgate in last round.
Although not sure, if should buy Shadowrun: Dragonfall or Shadowrun Returns
Splatsch: Hello again all :) Hope things are going well for all of you !
Howdy, birdy! Some wintry mix here but I have a crockpot of chili cooking, so it's a good day.
goplanet: Monkey Island buyers may be interested in this (thanks to an earlier poster):
Much obliged!
madth3: Neverending Nightmares is the top tier of the new Humble Weekly
IAmSinistar: Great bundle. Except for, you know, that. :)
I decided to pop and take a look, but frankly I was meh about the whole thing.

Then I clicked on the books bundle out of curiosity.

Oh my Cthulhu! IDW's transformers, the ones writer by transformers veteran Simon Furman? My inner 9 year old is squealing like the N64 kid!
Khajiin: I now it's useless to ask, but maybe I have more luck the 4th time. ^^

As I am going to bed soon, anyone willing to save me a copy of Tie Fighter and/or the Shadowrun games?
Sorry I can't help you, I won't stay long tonight XD