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IAmSinistar: Great bundle. Except for, you know, that. :)
huN73R: Top tiers with bad picks has become a norm over there.I was surprised people took the $15 tier of square enix bundle considering they got Tomb raider and Sleeping Dogs base games at that price.

skeletonbow: This!

When I read "episodic" WRT games, my eyes see the word but my brain hears "low budget, may get cancelled before the entire story unfolds due to budget constraints and risk aversion". I lean heavily towards avoiding such games either altogether, or doing what you say and waiting until they're bundled together after the whole game is complete. Don't want to chase down "episodes" that may or may not actually ever get finished.
huN73R: Telltale is reliable when it comes to episodic games.
The problem is I don't get the whole game at once, I get part of it then have to wait forever for the next part, and generally paying full price for each part of the privilege. Just not my cup of tea. I prefer to buy a 100% complete game all at once, and preferably at a great discount price in a promo. Not likely to pick up each episode of a game at 80% off promos as each one comes out. :) No problem with companies releasing games that way if it works for them and people like it though. It just isn't my own thing. If the game is something I am interested in, I'll pick it up once it is in one unified collection on a promo instead, then it feels like any other game to me. :)

A few I've acquired:
- Back to the Future
- Blackwell collection

I might have others but can't think of them. :) I've got one game that came in a bundle that is episode 1 about 2 years ago too. Episode 2 never happened, no idea if they're working on it or not. Wont mention the game as I don't want to give it free advertising for what I consider FAIL. :)

Incidentally... I generally never watch television series until they complete or get cancelled either, then I can get the entire show and watch them all back to back and get the whole story without having to wait a week between each episode and 9 months between seasons and forget what I saw 9 months ago and have to watch it all again. Argh. :) I do it sometimes but I hate the gruel of suspense that comes with it and of forgetting stuff. Same thing applies to video games for me if they are episodic. The gruel of the wait, and forgetting stuff and paying extra for the privilege... na, pass... :)
Grargar: That's why you should always check the Humble Weekly Sale thread, where I lay down the precise information as to whether a game is DRM-Free and/or what platforms it supports.
I know, I should. But I cannot leave this thread while the sale commences. ;)
Crol3993: Broken Age and Monkey Island at the same god and I only can take one =(
Pick Monkey Island! If only for the insults.
bler144: First time anyone has asked this question, but is Shadowrun: Dragonfall one of those 11?

bler144: /ducks to avoid thrown items
"Tosses a bowling ball".
did.....did i just get a crit on monkey island? hot diggity, it's not a myth after all
Monkey Island buyers may be interested in this (thanks to an earlier poster):
genkicolleen: The same way I felt when I first discovered the forums, and the whole reason I stick around~! Welcome to one of the friendliest places on the 'net~!
toxicTom: Seconded. My "rite of passage" into here was stumbling into a discussion that would probably have ended in bloodshed in most places on the net (and in real life). As you may guess it was about religion (and atheism). People from all over the world took part and although there were a few heated comments or snarky remarks, the tone keep unbelievably civil and no shitstorm or flame war erupted.

Totally awesome!

And then I took a look around in the forums and met people like TinyE, IAmSinistar (who gifted me Bad Mojo when I was OOM), ddickinson, trentonlf (still playing Divinity 2, thanks man!) and countless others. I've never felt more at home with an internet community.

And people here are from different countries, cultures, religions, world views, social classes, tastes and political views. There is so much to learn, to discover - so many occasions to reflect upon my own points of view. For an internet gaming community this is an impressive thing to accomplish..
I guess it`s because here are mostly older people. Gamers who were socialized in the eighties or even the seventies. Many younger people seem to have a rather disturbed view on social abilities. In most gaming forums you can see those people with absolutely no sense for good behavior and kindness. The attitude of this people is best described as "I´m right and if you don`t believe it I`m gonna shit on your head!".
If such people come here, they see that they have no chance with such an attitude. The younger people that stay here are those, who understood that kindness is a better way than shouting cursewords on each other. It seems for me, as if this forum attracts more of the intelligent people, than the average dumbasses. Most people here are more into helping each other, because they understand that then others are more willing to help themselves.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by Maxvorstadt
skeletonbow: Indeed, that game is easy to do a game review for.

Game review: Two words: Jack Black. Enough said.
Not really I was actually afraid he'd be annoyingly obnoxious, but no, the dude pulls it off surprsingly well. He really acts it out, shouting his head off at some points, and going low and emotional when required. I think he both loved the story behind the game and was commited to delivering as good a performance as he could.
Ominousrobot: did.....did i just get a crit on monkey island? hot diggity, it's not a myth after all
I was wishing for one for Broken Age, but this sale is not the best one for me. No critical hits yet.
Crol3993: Broken Age and Monkey Island at the same god and I only can take one =(
ormaybemidgets: Pick Monkey Island! If only for the insults.
I followed your advice...I already own tales of Monkey Island so....
But Broken Age =( Thoses sales are so hard for my little mind. (I also missed Dreamfall Chapters....Yes I Love P&C)
I need and exact time when dragonfall will appear. It is still going to appear right?!?

*walks away whistling innocently*
There are so many games gog could add: Lemmings, Aladdin, The Lion King, Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines.... Is here a place when one can post such suggestions?
I'm starting to think that Din's Curse has something to do with keeping me checking in for it during the insomnia sale.
goplanet: Monkey Island buyers may be interested in this (thanks to an earlier poster):
Thank You, kind Sir - and the "earlier-poster" Sir!!
Prohzac: There are so many games gog could add: Lemmings, Aladdin, The Lion King, Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines.... Is here a place when one can post such suggestions?