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Tekkaman-James: Okay. Driving home now. I'll be back on in about 15 minutes. If the RNG GOGs decide to try to outwit me, can someone please grab a copy of Return to Mysterious Island for me? I doubt I'll miss it, but just in case. Thanks in advance!
It's on my surveillance list.
ghaleonmagicemp: That bad?
Dajjer: For me it wasn't about the game although it was way too short. Basically Tim promised some stuff in his wildly successful Kickstarter and then had to back step. Not only did he promise more than he could deliver but there were some reports that he did not spend his backers money wisely . . .
Ah! That's kinda horrible. I was unaware of the mismanagement of funds. To be fair, plenty of kickstarters over promise and under deliver. I did miss that campaign though.
MrDrWatson: I was just checking the games I bought and X-Wing shows up twice?
There are 2 different versions of it, the 1993 DOS version and the 1998 CD version...
goplanet: Why does this feel like the 20th time Little Big Adventure has been up?
Strange, I was kind of thinking the same thing hehe. :)
Damn, no crit on broken age. If anyone has a spare copy, tell me. I have Beyond Good And Evil that I'd willingly give for it.
EDIT : Disregard the trade offer, I just realized how unbalanced it would actually be for the other. Ah well.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by Mister-Gosh
MrDrWatson: I was just checking the games I bought and X-Wing shows up twice?
One is the 93 and one the 98 version. The latter is bigger. I think because it was released on CD and not on floppy disk? Not sure though.
MrDrWatson: I was just checking the games I bought and X-Wing shows up twice?
foxworks: I believe that's 93 and 98 versions :D
Yes! That's it. I need to get some sleep :-)
ajensen: This forum is amazing... I have been following it for a while as I obsessively follow this Insomnia sale. Love the GOG, love the forum. I'm more of a lurker than a poster - as you can see by my number of posts - but just had to say forums like this are what make the GOG such a great place.

Can't believe the deals this sale too, got tons of stuff from my wishlist at prices lower than I've seen before on those games. Only ones left I'm still thinking about are Wasteland 2 and Legend of Grimrock 2, though I think I've missed them this round.

Anyway, thanks for the entertaining reading, my online friends! I hope those of you still waiting for deals get lucky!
If you want to spread the love don't forget to vote for GOG merchandizing
So you can get a T-shirt which reminds you of this event or a plushy GOG bear or Nox forever - spread the love and click the link. It is completely free.
MrDrWatson: That's what I usually do, I avoid episodic games until the last episode is available, then get them all together.
sxnc: I read somewhere that part 2 of Broken Age was supposed to be out this year.
The whole finished game was supposed to be out in 2012
high rated
ajensen: All right everyone, I just scored a critical hit on Broken Age... I game I happen to own already. I know a few of you out there are interested. I am happy to pass it on to someone who will enjoy it. I guess it's easiest to say first come, first served.

I'm glad to give something back to this wonderful community!
Jenkinz: Can I please have it!
OK Jenkins, you with the fast fingers wins it! I've sent a PM to you. Enjoy!
UX12: I guess I just missed witcher 1... and it looks like unreal as well...
Sleeping in has its consequences!
Is this the last round?
ghaleonmagicemp: Check your PMs.
Truly appreciated! PM replied!
:D :D

Neverending Nightmares is the top tier of the new Humble Weekly
stg83: Haha....that is very accurate, this must be the guy they used for the Mocap. ;)
The look on that other guy's face is priceless. Would have been hilarious if monsters reacted like he did.
The good thing is that they are going to fix that in Witcher 3 with pirouette. Unfortunately I can't run it on my current rig. :(
MarkoH01: Broken Age is on j0ekerr - have you decided?
j0ekerr: Yep I have.

I'll have to sell my kidneys, but I'll go for broke.

I will always love Double Fine for Psychonauts and Brütal Legend, no matter what.

Thanks for the heads up.
Finally somebody who loves BL like I do. It's a different game concept but it really "rocks" :)
Post edited March 05, 2015 by MarkoH01
huN73R: No need to worry about it selling out, it'll be there for a long time.

Witcher combat
Are you sure that's not Dark Souls?