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OMG, go away Tesla Effect! GO AWAY!
trentonlf: Me and Santa disagree though, he thinks Christmas comes once a year I believe Christmas can be anytime you want :-)
ElTerprise: Looks like Santa's a rebel ;)
At least he knows how to rap. ;-)
26 Corsairs Gold of left, best guesstimate what is noxt
wizardofid: 26 Corsairs Gold of left, best guesstimate what is noxt
Pharaoh and Cleo so I can be done for a while.

pls gog
Speaking of gift, I have a short story for you all:
In one of my first english lessons in school the teacher wanted me to read and translate the following sentence (I don`t remember the name of the girl in the schoolbook anymore, so I just call her Jane):
"Jane, I have a gift for you." I didn´t know the english word "gift", but our teacher had said that some english words are the same in english and german. So I translated the english word "gift" into the german word "Gift".
"Jane, ich habe ein Gift für dich" ("Jane, I have a poison for you")
I didn`t really understand why Peter wanted to give Jane a poison, but you don`t look for a sense and logic in a schoolbook.
The teacher smiled and explained us that a gift is a present, something you give to other people.
The whole class, including me, laughed then about my mistake.
Thanks to the X-Men movies, I`ve also learned that gifted can mean that somebody has special skills.
Buy Corsairs Gold or he'll shoot!
opeter2: OMG, go away Tesla Effect! GO AWAY!
The third round of these events are not for the meek.
So, GOG released another game today besides Train Fever - Sokobond.

It's so cute that they think anyone is paying attention to anything besides Insomnia. ;P

EDIT: Seriously though, thanks for the new games GOG!
Post edited March 05, 2015 by IAmSinistar
stg83: Apparently Tesla is not having the desired effect that GOG had hoped for in this second showing.
The_Blog: The problem seems to be tha, although this site is a site for good old games not many people are really int FMV games and It is also pricey in comparison to other titles. Although I have to say that the price definitly worth it. But same could be said about Banner Saga and that one didn't sell very well either.
I never really understood. Yes, it is true that many so called FMV games were lacking of gameplay itself but thit was never the case with the Tex Keane ... ähm ... Tex Murphy games. They made everything right and they were successful. Tesla has not that much gameplay as the originals (UAKM, PD ect.) had but there is still plenty of gameplay and exploration. Hybrid of FPS (without the S) and inventory based point+click with AMAZING HD FMVs. Great game which I bought on release.
IAmSinistar: So, GOG released another game today besides Train Fever - Sokobond.

It's so cute that they think anyone is paying attention to anything besides Insomnia. ;P
I instabought Train Fever!
Does anyone of you know Rainwave? I just discovered it and it is quite neat. It is basicly a Video Game Radio with 5 different stations:
All: just a mix out of all other stations
Game: Video Game Soundtracks
Chiptune: Only Chiptune
OC Remix: All OC Remix tracks
Covers: Official and fan made tracks

When a song is playing the site gives 3 options for the next song. When you have an account there you can vote for one of the 3 tacks. If you do not have an account just listen to the one that is getting picked.
It feels a bit like a jukebox. You never really know what you get and you can let it stay in the background. You can also use .mp3.m3u or .ogg.m3u to hear it inside your media player (I use Foobar2k but you can basicly use anything).
Post edited March 05, 2015 by The_Blog
Maxvorstadt: I instabought Train Fever!
I did too. And gifted a copy as well.
j0ekerr: I question wether I should go for broke and snatch Broken Age.

My love for Double Fine has been replaced with cold hearted cynicism by now. And it's looking more and more like part 2 will remain as nothing more than a pipe dream.

So yes, I have my doubts.
I think Double Fine is finally going to release Part 2 in a couple of months when they release it on PS4 as well as far as I remember hearing about it an interview. You can still wait until the full version if doubtful about the quality of the game. Also the Double Fine Adventure documentary is being released for everyone now instead of just the backers which should give you an idea if it might be something according to your taste.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by stg83
wizardofid: 26 Corsairs Gold of left, best guesstimate what is noxt
bew1977: Pharaoh and Cleo so I can be done for a while.

pls gog
It will nox be Pharaoh and Cleo it shall be nox, or nox, so far gog has been teasing's only fair I get served nox, since I have been waiting the whole noxing day :p