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foxworks: Maybe it's some part of near-the-end Insomnia lunacy, but trentonlf began day one - so yeah. He's just a gifting nut ;-)
stg83: I know, it seems like he is always trying to outdo Santa himself every time these promos come around. ;)
Me and Santa disagree though, he thinks Christmas comes once a year I believe Christmas can be anytime you want :-)
IAmSinistar: Good news they are addressing your problems at last! Things here are as per usual, with chat all over the place and waiting for slow games to process through so that we can get at the wanted ones. Hoping the speed will increase with the waking of the Western Hemisphere.
I don't think they addressing specifically my problems - support sounded pretty clueless as to the reasons, and the currency setting curse is still here. *sigh*

If I'm not mistaken, Hitman 2 hasn't come up yet for a third time (contrary to Labyrinth of Time), right? Could someone ping me if it shows up? Just in case?
stg83: I know, it seems like he is always trying to outdo Santa himself every time these promos come around. ;)
trentonlf: Me and Santa disagree though, he thinks Christmas comes once a year I believe Christmas can be anytime you want :-)
Looks like Santa's a rebel ;)
HypersomniacLive: If I'm not mistaken, Hitman 2 hasn't come up yet for a third time (contrary to Labyrinth of Time), right? Could someone ping me if it shows up? Just in case?
Your're not mistaken. I should up in the third round at some point.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by ElTerprise
stg83: Apparently Tesla is not having the desired effect that GOG had hoped for in this second showing.
The problem seems to be tha, although this site is a site for good old games not many people are really int FMV games and It is also pricey in comparison to other titles. Although I have to say that the price definitly worth it. But same could be said about Banner Saga and that one didn't sell very well either.
trentonlf: Me and Santa disagree though, he thinks Christmas comes once a year I believe Christmas can be anytime you want :-)
Indeed, we have all witnessed the results of that many times here on the forum trentonlf. If you don't control yourself then Santa will send his crack team of Elves to take down the competition. ;)
Tarnicus: Given my interest in plants, herbalism and [url=]binomial nomenclature is very handy to know and uses Latin grammatical forms :)
Granted, that's probably a bit more advanced than what we learned at school^^
But the question is be if it would actually be useful to study latin or greek (as in literature and so forth), instead of those particular fields.
On the other hand, you can't really know too much.... or can you? :D
I question wether I should go for broke and snatch Broken Age.

My love for Double Fine has been replaced with cold hearted cynicism by now. And it's looking more and more like part 2 will remain as nothing more than a pipe dream.

So yes, I have my doubts.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by j0ekerr
trentonlf: I can not fairly battle the caffeine enduced or sick, you are both!
Last cup, I swear! I just had my sedating antihistamine, so have 30-60 minutes tops left in me this evening :)
j0ekerr: I question wether I should go for broke and snatch Broken Age.

My love for Double Fine has been replaced with cold hearted cynicism by now. And it's looking more and more like part 2 will remain as nothing more than a pipe dream.

So yes, I have my doubts.
Really? I thought Part II was about to be released soon if i'm not mistaken.
Big thanks to IAmSinistar for catching the key I missed while sleeping!
Fellin: Insomnia sale:

Cons: Lack of sleep

Pros: All the friendly GOGers on the forums

Oh and cheap games..
Wait... there's games?

I came for the tracker thread. :P
the_voivod: Well boo, I wanted to change my name to 'Nox' and it's already taken.
goplanet: How does one change their name anyway?
You have to contact support. They'll generally do a name change but may want to know a reason why, and they probably wont let someone repeatedly change their name so I wouldn't change it whimsically. :)

I changed my nick quite a long time ago because I wanted to unify my gaming nick across all gaming services where I universally use skeletonbow but I had created my account here with a different nick originally. I just told them I wanted to unify my nick with other services and that was good for them. :)
I remember how I wanted to play Tesla Effect
Then I bought it on a humble bundle for a dollar
And was disappointed :(

*sees how many copies are left*

But, uh, you guys should totally buy it!
Klumpen0815: Big thanks to IAmSinistar for catching the key I missed while sleeping!
My pleasure. You seemed like you could use some good news. :)
LordCinnamon: *reads list*
*reads list again*
I.. I can go outside?
IAmSinistar: If there's nothing on that list you are waiting for, you should be able to. All day. Maybe tomorrow too. :)
*panics from sudden sense of freedom*

Only thing left I'd like to pick up is Stronghold HD, but somehow the risk of missing `something' feels a lot less bad when that `something' is one specific thing. And things are moving pretty slowly by now anyway and it's not like I'm trying to get Nox or something!

Anyway, thanks for you tracking efforts (and thanks to everyone else who kept lists updated), it makes this entire thing much more manageable.