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Insomnia sale:

Cons: Lack of sleep

Pros: All the friendly GOGers on the forums

Oh and cheap games..
You guys definitely need an intervention, along with lots of +rep for the wonderful generosity as always ofcourse. :)
techknight1337: Has TIE Fighter shown up for the second round yet?
Not yet.
techknight1337: Has TIE Fighter shown up for the second round yet?
TIE Fighter's waiting to show up in third round.
trentonlf: You didn't miss it, check your PM box :-)
Tarnicus: Thank you very much sneaky gifter! You're just trying to get me to sleep so I can stop talking crap in this thread aren't you?

*Tarnicus begins casting Power Word: Bullshit* Muahaha!

*Tarnicus equips his Cup of Infinite Caffeine Refills*

En garde!
I can not fairly battle the caffeine enduced or sick, you are both!
IAmSinistar: Just a reminder, remaining Fresh titles this cycle:
3 games left to buy before I can do something else, like playing something or take a nap.
Well, I'm off again. I hope Shadowrun Dragonfall shows up soon for the rest of you.

Have fun!
Tarnicus: I also like the Germanic roots of some of the English language, and love to find links between English words and other languages. English really is such a bastardised language! It must be a confusing one for those who aren't native speakers to pick up all of its nuances and mixed meanings. I regret not paying more attention to Latin in school as I thought it a dead language - how wrong I was! Maybe some day I will study Latin and Ancient Greek a bit :) Our school song was in Latin, and I can still remember that word for word, even though at the time I thought it was such a wank to sing.
requested: Those links between languages are interesting. It's kinda nice to find out where some expressions originate. There are many common german words or phrases originating from english, but also french, hebrew or yiddish words.
As for Latin, I don't think it's particularly useful unless you plan to learn other romanic languages. I wish I paid more attention too, but I don't think you need to study latin to benefit from it.
Given my interest in plants, herbalism and [url=]binomial nomenclature is very handy to know and uses Latin grammatical forms :)
Post edited October 22, 2018 by Fairfox
stg83: You guys definitely need an intervention, along with lots of +rep for the wonderful generosity as always ofcourse. :)
Maybe it's some part of near-the-end Insomnia lunacy, but trentonlf began day one - so yeah. He's just a gifting nut ;-)
Noooooo! anyone have a plethora of Star Wars X-Wing?!?!?! Or is it coming back?

2015-03-05 15:11:35: STAR WARS™: X-Wing Special Edition EUR 4.49 (EUR 8.89) [50%] (600 copies)
Apparently Tesla is not having the desired effect that GOG had hoped for in this second showing.
LordCinnamon: *reads list*
*reads list again*
I.. I can go outside?
If there's nothing on that list you are waiting for, you should be able to. All day. Maybe tomorrow too. :)
foxworks: Maybe it's some part of near-the-end Insomnia lunacy, but trentonlf began day one - so yeah. He's just a gifting nut ;-)
I know, it seems like he is always trying to outdo Santa himself every time these promos come around. ;)
foxworks: Maybe it's some part of near-the-end Insomnia lunacy, but trentonlf began day one - so yeah. He's just a gifting nut ;-)
stg83: I know, it seems like he is always trying to outdo Santa himself every time these promos come around. ;)
I thought he WAS santa?