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Maxvorstadt: Did Tesla Effect appear right after Banned Saga or was there something in between?
Fellin: Came right after
No, you`re bullshitting me, right?
MarkoH01: Only 84 (now 85) votes? People vote!
Fellin: I think I was 85. Wondered how I'd never seen that post before. I'd definitely buy some GOG merch
Does not matter because now it is at 93 so the word of mouth is working. It worked for Nox and I am sure it will work for GOG merchandise. Spread the word - spread the love - insomnia sale is a new lifeform ... oh my - I really had not enough sleep ... argh .. don't care - let's celebrate!
Just a reminder, remaining Fresh titles this cycle:

Astebreed (-75%)
Broken Age Season Pass (-67%)
Din's Curse (-75%)
Freedom Planet (-67%)
FTL: Advanced Edition (-75%)
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers - 20th Anniversary Edition (-60%)
Halfway (-70%)
Inquisitor (-85%)
Last Federation, The (-75%)
QUBE Director's Cut (-80%)
Raven, The: Legacy of a Master Thief (-85%)
Rayman Origins (-75%)
Risen (-80%)
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut (-60%)
this is nox funny. Any one up for a $20 steam key trade :D
Maxvorstadt: No, you`re bullshitting me, right?
Nope, the Saga lasted a long while. Too many lineages to read through, I suppose.
Maxvorstadt: No, you`re bullshitting me, right?
I'm not shitting on you.
I see round 2
Post edited March 05, 2015 by LiefLayer
skeletonbow: I learned a bit of German informally when I worked at Red Hat so I could chat with colleagues in the German office. Ok, it was more like goof off with my broken Yoda-German dialect so to speak. Ah, the good ole days. Sadly, I never learned to speak it or listen/comprehend it well, just read and write at a basic level. Some day I would like to properly learn German though just out of personal interest. I always found the language interesting sounding and unique. :)
Tarnicus: I love the sound of the German language; it sounds like everything being said is really important and serious, but not so much as the language I studied for 3 years - Japanese. I still prefer to watch anime with Japanese language and subtitles as I get a lot more from the emotional expression. I also like the Germanic roots of some of the English language, and love to find links between English words and other languages. English really is such a bastardised language! It must be a confusing one for those who aren't native speakers to pick up all of its nuances and mixed meanings. I regret not paying more attention to Latin in school as I thought it a dead language - how wrong I was! Maybe some day I will study Latin and Ancient Greek a bit :) Our school song was in Latin, and I can still remember that word for word, even though at the time I thought it was such a wank to sing.
As a non-native english speaker I find it funny to imagine how native speakers perceive my use of the english language. I learned BE in school, but the main amount of phrases and vocabulary comes from the internet, articles, games, movies and such. So I picked up allot of phrases and a certain vocabulary that, in combination, may seem odd to someone who learned the language right from the cradle. And yeah I also kinda regret not paying as much attention as I could on Latin. Although I always liked the historical background of the language and the time it was spoken in. THe german language is definitly, how should I say it, more pronounced than other languages. It may seem a bit harsh to people that are used to a different language. It may sound very serious times ^^There are allot of links between european languages. It is very interesting to see a word in allot of different languages. Often you notice that the words are kind of similiar in many languages.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by The_Blog
Tarnicus: So are games doing 3 cycles? I am unsure if I have missed Sudeki or not. I thought too long about it last time, then again I was looking at it from hospital so was kind of distracted. At least that's when I think I was looking at it. My memory is a bit sketchy from the past few days :)
trentonlf: You didn't miss it, check your PM box :-)
The gifting Husky never stops - amazing and rep +1.
Fellin: Came right after
Maxvorstadt: No, you`re bullshitting me, right?
Afraid not :\

Day Four
Fellin: Came right after
Maxvorstadt: No, you`re bullshitting me, right?
2015-03-05 15:03:26: Banner Saga, The EUR 7.19 (EUR 17.79) [60%] (300 copies)
2015-03-05 15:11:35: STAR WARS™: X-Wing Special Edition EUR 4.49 (EUR 8.89) [50%] (600 copies)
2015-03-05 15:32:15: Unreal Gold EUR 1.79 (EUR 8.89) [80%] (200 copies)
2015-03-05 15:56:22: Monster Bash EUR 1.39 (EUR 5.39) [75%] (200 copies)
2015-03-05 16:34:58: Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption EUR 1.39 (EUR 5.39) [75%] (400 copies)
2015-03-05 17:01:19: Corsairs Gold EUR 1.39 (EUR 5.39) [75%] (150 copies)
2015-03-05 17:05:55: Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure EUR 3.59 (EUR 17.79) [80%] (400 copies)

Follow-up on the fresh deal side.
Yeah! Tesla Effect, sell sell sell!

Make way for Dragonfall!

Moving much faster than I expected, maybe I can get Dragonfall this time. I might be able to stay awake for about an hour or so I think.
Tarnicus: So are games doing 3 cycles? I am unsure if I have missed Sudeki or not. I thought too long about it last time, then again I was looking at it from hospital so was kind of distracted. At least that's when I think I was looking at it. My memory is a bit sketchy from the past few days :)
trentonlf: You didn't miss it, check your PM box :-)
Thank you very much sneaky gifter! You're just trying to get me to sleep so I can stop talking crap in this thread aren't you?

*Tarnicus begins casting Power Word: Bullshit* Muahaha!

*Tarnicus equips his Cup of Infinite Caffeine Refills*

En garde!
IAmSinistar: Just a reminder, remaining Fresh titles this cycle:
*reads list*
*reads list again*
I.. I can go outside?
Has TIE Fighter shown up for the second round yet?