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Post edited March 05, 2015 by Grargar
MarkoH01: Only 84 (now 85) votes? People vote!
Zu Befehl! :)
I see a lot of people waiting for Dragonfall. I am one of such people. :-)
Only 15 games to go in the 2nd round for fresh games and still not showing up!

I wonder if the order of games that go on sale is based on their popularity. For example, popular ones are at the bottom of the list to make people craving for them. :-)
Tarnicus: So are games doing 3 cycles? I am unsure if I have missed Sudeki or not. I thought too long about it last time, then again I was looking at it from hospital so was kind of distracted. At least that's when I think I was looking at it. My memory is a bit sketchy from the past few days :)
ElTerprise: Sudeki should show up once more.
Thanks for the clarification :) I went from "I'm not spending money on the sale as I have too many unplayed games" to getting caught up with buying and gifting and having fun :)

Sleep might be coming soon though as it it 3:22am here.
MarkoH01: Only 84 (now 85) votes? People vote!
I think I was 85. Wondered how I'd never seen that post before. I'd definitely buy some GOG merch
MarkoH01: Only 84 (now 85) votes? People vote!
Voted up. Want a GOGbear plush.
Did Tesla Effect appear right after Banned Saga or was there something in between?
Btw: Folks buy Tesla Effect. It's a really good game.

Maxvorstadt: Did Tesla Effect appear right after Banned Saga or was there something in between?
It's the direct follow-up.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by ElTerprise
Maxvorstadt: Did Tesla Effect appear right after Banned Saga or was there something in between?
Came right after
Tarnicus: I also like the Germanic roots of some of the English language, and love to find links between English words and other languages. English really is such a bastardised language! It must be a confusing one for those who aren't native speakers to pick up all of its nuances and mixed meanings. I regret not paying more attention to Latin in school as I thought it a dead language - how wrong I was! Maybe some day I will study Latin and Ancient Greek a bit :) Our school song was in Latin, and I can still remember that word for word, even though at the time I thought it was such a wank to sing.
Those links between languages are interesting. It's kinda nice to find out where some expressions originate. There are many common german words or phrases originating from english, but also french, hebrew or yiddish words.
As for Latin, I don't think it's particularly useful unless you plan to learn other romanic languages. I wish I paid more attention too, but I don't think you need to study latin to benefit from it.
MarkoH01: Only 84 (now 85) votes? People vote!
Certainly an entertaining idea! Voted
Tarnicus: So are games doing 3 cycles? I am unsure if I have missed Sudeki or not. I thought too long about it last time, then again I was looking at it from hospital so was kind of distracted. At least that's when I think I was looking at it. My memory is a bit sketchy from the past few days :)
pengchi87: I do remember seeing Sudeki pass by some hours ago, I believe that was for the third round?
zeffyr: It was.
Ah well that is more incentive to possibly ride this wave to sleep then. I've only been awake for 12 hours, but last night and visiting doctors and the hospital and meds have taken it out of me. I'll try one more cup of tea, and if that fails, sleep it is :)
pengchi87: a lot of people waiting for Dragonfall.
Definitely, and one of the best things about these sales is discovering new titles to add to the wishlist. I've added Dragonfall to my wishlist since the start of Double Insomnia and will be going for it when it appears.
high rated
IAmSinistar: This post tracks the remaining titles in the current cycle. I try to keep it up-to-date.
Tarnicus: So are games doing 3 cycles? I am unsure if I have missed Sudeki or not. I thought too long about it last time, then again I was looking at it from hospital so was kind of distracted. At least that's when I think I was looking at it. My memory is a bit sketchy from the past few days :)
You didn't miss it, check your PM box :-)
LinustheBold: I sent her a note a little while ago - she's OK, and she said she sometimes visits the Free Conversation thread. I was wondering where she was as well.
ryan_sm99: Sorry to ask, but how long ago is a little while ago? Have you heard from her this week? I have been following the mafia game and it appears she has not been on for a while.
No, it wasn't this week - it was a couple of weeks back.