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j0ekerr: Final stretch for the banner saga.

It's a shame really, It's a bloody good game.
i heard that as well but it's bit pricey in this promo - atleast for me.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by ElTerprise
goplanet: OMG... "Critical miss! A random game has been deleted from your account."

(I almost wouldn't be surprised at this point.)
LOL I'd laugh ;)
if gog would offer the uncut version of banner saga (aka banger saga) i would get it :)
Well, Tesla Effect should go fast I guess. Only 400 copies. Grab them before they are gone.
Finally, it's over.
Oh shoot Tesla Effect...
goplanet: OMG... "Critical miss! A random game has been deleted from your account."

(I almost wouldn't be surprised at this point.)
j0ekerr: Final stretch for the banner saga.

It's a shame really, It's a bloody good game.
ElTerprise: i heard that as well but it's bit pricey in this promo atleast for me.
It was 80% off in the Winter Sale, IIRC.
wizardofid: I know I meant seasoned :p I am waiting for nox, being waiting 10 hours now, and no nox, some thing tells me it wants me to pay full price.....
GOG's full price would be worth it. I still have the physical disk from it's original release and a lot of good memories involving chain lightning and chakrams.
j0ekerr: Final stretch for the banner saga.

It's a shame really, It's a bloody good game.
There's still Wave 3, you know. GOG help us. :P
I'm trying to catch up with the mafia game I'm playing in, so haven't really followed what you've all been doing and chatting about here; I guess you're talking about the deals and games, but I wanted to say this - holy macaroni! my owned games tags are finally back! Hell Yeah!! Now I need to see if that bloody curse that plagued my currency setting is also lifted.
apehater: if gog would offer the uncut version of banner saga (aka banger saga) i would get it :)
Uncut is always better. *whistles innocently*
Is it new that it now shows the ownership of a game on the front page? I thought it was deactivated during the promo.
ElTerprise: Haha made my day....

requested: That's a nice one^^ Did you dare?
Indeed I did as the class clown!

The_Blog: HAHA would have loved to see the teachers face xD
The teacher got embarrassed, turned red, and then spluttered "That language isn't appropriate for this class." I protested my innocence and said "But it is German, right Sir, and this IS a German class?" Max had told others what it meant and everyone burst out laughing :)

skeletonbow: I learned a bit of German informally when I worked at Red Hat so I could chat with colleagues in the German office. Ok, it was more like goof off with my broken Yoda-German dialect so to speak. Ah, the good ole days. Sadly, I never learned to speak it or listen/comprehend it well, just read and write at a basic level. Some day I would like to properly learn German though just out of personal interest. I always found the language interesting sounding and unique. :)
I love the sound of the German language; it sounds like everything being said is really important and serious, but not so much as the language I studied for 3 years - Japanese. I still prefer to watch anime with Japanese language and subtitles as I get a lot more from the emotional expression. I also like the Germanic roots of some of the English language, and love to find links between English words and other languages. English really is such a bastardised language! It must be a confusing one for those who aren't native speakers to pick up all of its nuances and mixed meanings. I regret not paying more attention to Latin in school as I thought it a dead language - how wrong I was! Maybe some day I will study Latin and Ancient Greek a bit :) Our school song was in Latin, and I can still remember that word for word, even though at the time I thought it was such a wank to sing.
j0ekerr: Final stretch for the banner saga.

It's a shame really, It's a bloody good game.
ElTerprise: i heard that as well but it's bit pricey in this promo - atleast for me.
I think I bought it at full price way back, and it was worth it. :)

Very good, and unique game in several ways. Definitely worth the discounted price.