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SortaSane: The Banner Saga got lapped three times already, hopefully it's followed by a more energetic competitor.
wizardofid: nox no doubt :p
Wrong side. Nox is a seasoned deal :)
Seasoned is going to end days before Fresh at this rate.
wizardofid: and the race is on again :p
SortaSane: The Banner Saga got lapped three times already, hopefully it's followed by a more energetic competitor.
Only 12 left!!
CharlesGrey: How many games left until the third round?
IAmSinistar: This post tracks the remaining titles in the current cycle. I try to keep it up-to-date.
At this rate, the third cycle for the Fresh games won't end until Saturday... :o
CharlesGrey: Danke, der Herr.

Oh god, still in the second round? This will go on forever. Hah hah.

How many games left until the third round?
ElTerprise: 15 left....and Banner Saga is running for two hours now.
15 still? FFFFFFF.

See you guys tomorrow, I guess. :P
goplanet: Seasoned is going to end days before Fresh at this rate.
I know I meant seasoned :p I am waiting for nox, being waiting 10 hours now, and no nox, some thing tells me it wants me to pay full price.....
Ruixi: I'm just so frustrated now. >_<

My roommate got her 4th freebie with occasionally clicking Buy Now and I still haven't one even though I clicked every game that was up.

And my other roommate (who clicked maybe like 3 games) got her 1st one!

I'm gonna hide in some dark corner and grow mushrooms. T__T
ZaineH: There may be company.
Let's make a mushroom farm together and sell mushrooms! Then we can buy the games we could have get as freebie!
Still my hopes are up that I will crit on Dreamfall Chapters or Dragonfall. Wish me luck, my fellow insomnians!
GhostwriterDoF: At this rate, the third cycle for the Fresh games won't end until Saturday... :o
Aye, it's looking not so good for the Fresh camp.
LinustheBold: I sent her a note a little while ago - she's OK, and she said she sometimes visits the Free Conversation thread. I was wondering where she was as well.
Sorry to ask, but how long ago is a little while ago? Have you heard from her this week? I have been following the mafia game and it appears she has not been on for a while.
ElTerprise: 15 left....and Banner Saga is running for two hours now.
CharlesGrey: 15 still? FFFFFFF.

See you guys tomorrow, I guess. :P
14 in a few seconds i guess :)
Final stretch for the banner saga.

It's a shame really, It's a bloody good game.
OMG... "Critical miss! A random game has been deleted from your account."

(I almost wouldn't be surprised at this point.)
I slept so poorly with constant wake-ups that I don't think I missed seeing but one on each side. I was sure Banner Saga was up when I got up for pills earlier. It's finally at 2.
If Little Big Adventure 2 comes up before nox, I will take that and call it quits
MarkoH01: I also have 2 gift codes here but I will ask about them later. Now I have to watch the sale with eagle eyes to not miss "Vangers" or "return To Mysterious Island" - I'm also not sure if I might pick up "Monkey Island", too.

Hey, The_Blog does Paypal work again for you?
Sometimes yes, sometimes not. Last purchase worked though.