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Sachys: *points at league of spear-weilding GOGBears
real.geizterfahr: Hmmmmmmm...
j0ekerr: People like monster bash.

I however can't really see why.
Well, the purple in the background is mesmerizing... but I have a purple fetish.

Oh, but then I look at the actual game.
Tarnicus: I had stopped playing them by the time XWing vs TIE Fighter came out, but thoroughly enjoyed the first two and all the expansions. Digitised voice? Talk about immersive!! Move-like production values? WOW! I bought a new joystick just for those games. I can't even remember what it was now but it sure was a fancy one for the time. My friends and I too spent many many nights playing them. I think I preferred the maneuverability of the TIE-fighters, as well as imagining blowing up Mark Hamill for poor acting with every Rebel X-Wing destroyed lol.
Indeed. My buddy had a snazzy Thrustmaster HOTAS and some other gear, but all I had was some hand-me-down crappy Radio Shack carbon-pot joysticks that wonked out over time from hand heat. It was fun still but those damn joysticks, Narrrrrrghgghg! :) This time around though I have the bonus plan with the Saitek X52-Pro.

The TIE Fighters had more maneuverability, but it came at the expense of having no shields IIRC except for the bomber or something ... I forget. I aced each of the ships on both sides over time and had a blast.

I have to fight myself now to not install it right away as I have stuff to do. :)
do someone have a spare key of wasteland 2 to sell?
Post edited March 05, 2015 by qwerty_84
Tarnicus: Ah now you're bringing back memories of videos you linked to me ages ago. My lips are sealed! I'd say a pun in relation to that but I'll get in usual :P

I always pronounce Deus Ex incorrectly, as I was reminded when watching a video today. Instead of saying "day-us" as I commonly hear, I pronounse it more like "Deuce Ex". It sounds way cooler to me :D
skeletonbow: Yeah, most people say "deuce ex" at least whenever I've heard someone say it. I say it correctly as the latin "day-us" then they correct me, then I correct them. ;)
It is my love of languages and etymology that has me realise I am pronouncing it incorrectly :)
Grargar: Cinemaware's representative said that they are preparing "something" for the 2nd quarter of 2015.
Second half, not quarter.
apehater: especially if you think that tie fighter should be paid off long time age, its insulting that disney is not making better deals and there were games where i happily paid full price like system shock 2 and blade of darkness (sadly not avaible anymore)
yyahoo: I have no idea what "being paid off long time ago" has to do with it. Disney paid billions of dollars for LucasArts as an investment. It is their right to sell these games, among other things in order to pay off that investment and ultimately make a huge profit.

Not every publisher offers huge discounts. Almost all Disney products, including movies/DVDs/Blu-rays, retain a high price point over time with few big discounts. It works for them because people are willing to pay it.

The only problem that I have with Disney is their habit of only offering some of their classic movies in limited amounts for limited times. That I do find ignorant.
well ok its an assumption, that whatever disney paid for the full package (rights, games, movies ...) brought more than double of the investment price as profit, already before tie fighter and x-wing were released here on gog. so with higher discounts and 5.99 base price for this 2 games, it woulnd't stop disney from making profit. but i don't know the facts and its just my assumption, based on the well known financial success of the star wars trademark.
Afternoon all.
I'm semi-ready for today's lurking:)
Come on.. Show the Banner Saga some love.. So that I can can show Dragonfall my love..
skeletonbow: Indeed. My buddy had a snazzy Thrustmaster HOTAS and some other gear, but all I had was some hand-me-down crappy Radio Shack carbon-pot joysticks that wonked out over time from hand heat. It was fun still but those damn joysticks, Narrrrrrghgghg! :) This time around though I have the bonus plan with the Saitek X52-Pro.

The TIE Fighters had more maneuverability, but it came at the expense of having no shields IIRC except for the bomber or something ... I forget. I aced each of the ships on both sides over time and had a blast.

I have to fight myself now to not install it right away as I have stuff to do. :)
Are joysticks still made for the PC? I haven't owned one since the late 90s!
Crewdroog: :( <------ HUGE frowny face. where is ddickinson when you need her?
actually, for real, where is dd? i miss my battle sister.
I sent her a note a little while ago - she's OK, and she said she sometimes visits the Free Conversation thread. I was wondering where she was as well.
KilarGer: Will Baldurs Gate Show up?
Tarnicus: Ah your first post on the forums? Welcome to this crazy community. Why don't you stay a I've waited for you to come
Bwahahahahaha, that mega hit my funny bone. LOL
The Banned Keane is long time on turn?
Tarnicus: Are joysticks still made for the PC? I haven't owned one since the late 90s!
They're getting new love along with a certain genre^^
yyahoo: I have no idea what "being paid off long time ago" has to do with it. Disney paid billions of dollars for LucasArts as an investment. It is their right to sell these games, among other things in order to pay off that investment and ultimately make a huge profit.

Not every publisher offers huge discounts. Almost all Disney products, including movies/DVDs/Blu-rays, retain a high price point over time with few big discounts. It works for them because people are willing to pay it.

The only problem that I have with Disney is their habit of only offering some of their classic movies in limited amounts for limited times. That I do find ignorant.
apehater: well ok its an assumption, that whatever disney paid for the full package (rights, games, movies ...) brought more than double of the investment price as profit, already before tie fighter and x-wing were released here on gog. so with higher discounts and 5.99 base price for this 2 games, it woulnd't stop disney from making profit. but i don't know the facts and its just my assumption, based on the well known financial success of the star wars trademark.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Disney has not made $8 billion dollars in revenue off of Star Wars since they bought it 2 years ago. I'm thinking it will take at least 2 new movies, including home video sales, before they have a chance at making that much revenue on Lucas properties alone, perhaps much more. And those movies will cost a lot to make, so that's a lot of expense just to make that revenue... Disney's Lucas purchase was definitely a long term investment at that price.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by yyahoo