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IAmSinistar: Which 'un is that?
Sachys: Not saying. Nope!

There are those that would spear my box of in with such things!
Well, you can PM me just if you want me to watch out for it when you're away. I only spear the boxes what want me to. :)
Banner saga is not moving as fast as I thought. It's a very good game though. I thoroughly enjoyed it last year. Totally awesome art style as well.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by pengchi87
Matruchus: To be fair two cinemaware games on gog cost as much as the whole cinemaware anthology (12 games) on steam in which those two games are included and this was the point that struck everybody here at most.
goplanet: That's exactly what he said in the post I replied to (and QUOTED). Why are you repeating it? It doesn't change my opinion. Of course I would prefer to get the whole collection at that price, but my hatred of Steam is such that I don't even allow boiling water in my house anymore!
Well its your way of thinking. I dislike steam too. But majority of people won't except that we have to pay exactly 10x more on gog for the same amount of games then on steam.
Post edited March 05, 2015 by Matruchus
yyahoo: Funny, I'm the same way. I really want the LucasArts games, but I'm always holding out for a bigger discount. Disney is notorious for not having big discounts though, so this might be the best we ever see. But I was at least going to wait for a second discount of only 50% before I decided to give up on anything bigger.
apehater: especially if you think that tie fighter should be paid off long time age, its insulting that disney is not making better deals and there were games where i happily paid full price like system shock 2 and blade of darkness (sadly not avaible anymore)
I have no idea what "being paid off long time ago" has to do with it. Disney paid billions of dollars for LucasArts as an investment. It is their right to sell these games, among other things in order to pay off that investment and ultimately make a huge profit.

Not every publisher offers huge discounts. Almost all Disney products, including movies/DVDs/Blu-rays, retain a high price point over time with few big discounts. It works for them because people are willing to pay it.

The only problem that I have with Disney is their habit of only offering some of their classic movies in limited amounts for limited times. That I do find ignorant.
Tannath: At this rate, I'm not so sure...
Fair enough. :P
ZaineH: I would have thought that The Banner Saga would move a bit faster than this. I guess I'm not the only one wishing it was a steeper discount.
True that. I don't want to reach my limit prematurely :D
goplanet: Well, I would have bought them at half off, and I don't give a **** what they cost on That Platform.
Matruchus: To be fair two cinemaware games on gog cost as much as the whole cinemaware anthology (12 games) on steam in which those two games are included and this was the point that struck everybody here at most.
I don't mind paying a little extra for the DRM-Free version,
especially if they include all the extras.

They should at least make all their game titles available here.
Sometimes it is better to pick and choose which games you
want to play, instead of getting a whole bundle.
Tarnicus: TIE-Fighter was definitely more enjoyable than X-Wing, at least back when I played them both in the 90s :)
skeletonbow: When X-Wing came out back in the 90s my buddy picked it up and brought it over to my place one day and we were so absorbed into the game it wasn't funny. It defined immersion for us. As we got deeper into the missions we chatted about how fun it would be if you could play the other side and fly TIE fighters etc. Well, I guess that is probably what everyone that played the game thought including Lucasarts themselves because obviously a year or so later they came out with TIE Fighter and we got that one too and enjoyed the hell out of it, as well as some expansions for XWing. While playing TIE Fighter we eventually thought how fun it would be to have multiplayer and be able to play over the modem or Internet with or against each other on opposite sides. Again... who DIDN'T think that! And once again of course... not long after... XWing vs. TIE Fighter came out and we ate that one up too and had a blast. And of course another year or whatever later Alliance was the final cherry on top. It's really too bad that that's where it ended as those games were so epic.

Of course we also were into Wing Commander and had several of those also, but for us the Star Wars games had the edge even though both series were a lot of fun.

So awesome to see these games brought back from the dead now on GOG DRM-free.
I had stopped playing them by the time XWing vs TIE Fighter came out, but thoroughly enjoyed the first two and all the expansions. Digitised voice? Talk about immersive!! Move-like production values? WOW! I bought a new joystick just for those games. I can't even remember what it was now but it sure was a fancy one for the time. My friends and I too spent many many nights playing them. I think I preferred the maneuverability of the TIE-fighters, as well as imagining blowing up Mark Hamill for poor acting with every Rebel X-Wing destroyed lol.
Seasoned deal: Monster Bash (-75%) [200]
BenKii: It looks like I missed X-Wing for the 3rd time. If anyone managed to grab one, I'd be willing trade some games for it.
trentonlf: No need to trade, check your PM :-)
Oh thank you so much. That was extremely kind of you.

I'm going to download it right away.

Sachys: Not saying. Nope!

There are those that would spear my box of in with such things!
IAmSinistar: Well, you can PM me just if you want me to watch out for it when you're away. I only spear the boxes what want me to. :)
thats what they ALL say!

*points at league of spear-weilding GOGBears

Does anyone think Sam and Max will come back up? I keep trying to watch for it and missed it when it was around.

I'm also surprised some of the other Lucasarts games didn't pop up consider the few that did.
yyahoo: Cinemaware stopped promoting and offering new games on GOG after their publisher/Steam manager took all their games and threw them into one compilation on Steam for around $10. People around here made their feelings known to CW that they were none too happy that the CW games were $6 each on GOG and $10 for all of them on Steam. CW claimed that they couldn't do anything about it, but promised to make good in the "near" future but not immediately. So, it's understandable why CW is ignoring GOG for now. They no longer have a "reasonably" priced product here anymore. Until they finally present their solution to the Steam Compilation for GOG, I doubt we'll hear much from them.
goplanet: Well, I would have bought them at half off, and I don't give a **** what they cost on That Platform.
It's too bad you weren't around to give feedback when CW had a rep here on the boards and was communicating with us. Perhaps the addition of your perspective might have changed things. At the time, it was pretty much unanimous that GOG users were outraged and didn't want to buy CW's now overpriced games and wanted something done to make right on their previous purchases. I imagine that CW game sales on GOG after the compilation release might have driven their behavior as well. They probably slowed down quite a bit.
the_voivod: Monster Bash!

Any good?
Good for nostalgias sake,
picked it up on the first day